A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 50

Chapter 49: Operation Lewis

Hearing the Room of Requirement, Cedric raised his eyebrows.

William noticed his expression and asked, “What, Cedric, do you know?”

Cedric nodded: “You know, our lounge is not far from the Hogwarts kitchen.

When I went to the small kitchen to grab a late-night snack, the house-elves would always chat with me, and once, they mentioned a special room.

They call it the ‘Coming and Going House’ or the ‘House of Requirement’! ”

“Why?” Qiu asked curiously.

“Because this room can only be entered when a person really needs it.” Charlie said solemnly, “It comes and goes, but when it appears, it is always arranged to meet the needs of the seeker.”

“Once, I went to the Forbidden Forest to visit Hagrid at night, and when I came back, I ran into Filch. I wanted to find a room to hide, and that room appeared automatically.

I tried many times before I found out that there was a pattern in that room. ”

“How many people know?” Hagrid asked excitedly.

“Very few, I dare say, it must be the most secret place in Hogwarts, even George and Fred don’t know!” Charlie laughed.

“Sounds great,” Hagrid exclaimed, his heart beating faster. “We can keep Louvi there! Right?”

Hagrid once again raised the idea of raising Lu Wei for a long time.

William shook his head and said, “It’s impossible Hagrid, since Charlie can discover that room, so can other students.

At most, we can only keep Lu Wei until next summer vacation, and let Charlie take it away. No matter how long it takes, Lu Wei has grown up completely. If a little wizard accidentally enters, wouldn’t it be very dangerous? ”

“That’s right, William,” Hagrid compromised, “you’re right, let’s do it like this!”

Now that the decision has been made, a few people are ready to start at night.

It is not the first time that William has gone out for a night tour. He and his twin brothers have gone out a few times before.

Don’t look at so many bans at Hogwarts, there is only one at the core. Violation of the rules is allowed, but it cannot be detected.

If you are found out, you can only admit that you are unlucky, deduct points, and put you in confinement.

Thanks to the Marauder’s map, William followed the Weasley brothers and has not been spotted once.

At half past eleven at night, when the roommates were all asleep, William put on his robe, picked up his wand, and crept through the rooms above the castle, down the spiral staircase.

Bobo Tea followed behind it like a ghost.

Bobo Tea is definitely going. I didn’t call the Weasley brothers tonight. The Marauder’s map is in their hands.

Bobo tea has a good sense of hearing and smell, and it can quickly detect Filch.

The most important thing is that with Bobo Tea around, Mrs. Norris would turn a blind eye to William, and would not lead Filch!

Entering Ravenclaw’s common room, there are still some lingering fires flickering in the fireplace, and the armchairs seem to have turned into dark shadows.

Bobo Tea stared into the dark corner with a meow.

William looked carefully, only to find that there was already a person sitting there, dozing off.

Qiu suddenly woke up when she heard the movement. She yawned and complained, “I’ll be here at half past ten, William, why did you come?”

William frowned and said, “Qiu, why are you here? I remember Cedric wouldn’t let you go, right?”

Qiu shook her head and woke up a bit. She said angrily, “Why don’t you let me go?”

Qiu slid down from the chair, wearing a long robe and holding a wand in his hand, “I can definitely help, and when I was in elementary school, I was a long-distance running champion for several years in a row, and I was notoriously fast.

When I was discovered, I must have run faster than you guys and won’t be caught by Filch! ”

William: “…”

“Okay.” William thought for a while, then nodded and said, “Exactly, you can help carry Lou Wei’s box, Lou Wei is too heavy.”


The three meet at the entrance of the stairs.

Along the way, Cedric was complaining that William brought Qiu, as if she was a weak child.

William glanced at Cedric and measured the size of the two sides. When something happened, he just had to run faster than Cedric.

Charlie was already standing in the lobby on the first floor waiting for the three of them.

“We have to hurry. Filch has just made a trip from here, and I led him to the medal showroom.”

“Are we going like this?” Qiu asked.

“Of course not, miss!” Charlie took out his worn wand and tapped it a few times, not even forgetting the popo tea.

Like an icy liquid, it flowed down from the place where the wand was struck, and flowed all over the body.

William looked down at his body, to be precise, his previous body. Now it looked as if it didn’t belong to him at all, not invisible, but the color and texture had become exactly the same as the floor of his hall.

He seemed to be a humanoid chameleon.

Cedric said excitedly, “Illusory body spell, cool!”

Charlie walked at the front and whispered, “A very practical magic. The spell is ‘Phantom Stalk’. It took me a long time to master it.”

Qiu glanced at himself curiously, and said in surprise: “Learning this magic, wouldn’t you be able to travel freely at night?”

William shook his head and said, “Of course not. For those wizards with powerful mana, they can see through this spell at a glance.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Yes, I tried it at home once, and Mad-Eye saw through it at a glance.

Of course, he has a strange magic eye, but I dare say that if it was Dumbledore, he could see through it too.

Professors, I don’t know, but enough is enough for Felch. ”

Filch is just a squib. Ever since Professor Tywin accidentally leaked his mouth, it has long been rumored all over the campus.

When they crossed the clearing to Hagrid’s cabin, they found Fang the Great Hound sitting outside the door with a bandage on his tail.

To understand and understand the illusion of body mantra, UU read www. uukanshu.com knocked on the door.

Hagrid opened the window to talk to them.

“I can’t let you in,” he panted. “Lu Wei probably had a hunch, it’s hard to deal with now—I can’t do anything about it.”

Charlie opened the window and went in. The two of them struggled a lot, but they couldn’t put Lou Wei to sleep.

Hagrid’s singing is no longer useful. Ever since Qiu sang it a few times, Lu Wei began to dislike Hagrid’s singing out of tune, and he refused to sleep!

When Qiu stood at the window and sang, Lu Wei fell asleep.

Putting Lou Wei in the wooden box, Hagrid’s eyes filled with tears, but this could also be because Lou Wei just bit his leg.

“Haha! It’s okay, it only bit my boot – it’s playing – after all, it’s still a little puppy.”

“I’ve prepared a lot of old bacon for him, and a few fat round-faced chickens, enough for him to eat tomorrow morning.” Hagrid said in a dull voice, “I also put his favorite doll in it, lest he I feel lonely at night.”

William comforted: “It’s okay, you can see it at noon tomorrow.”

Hagrid snapped and said, “Little darling, it’s only one night away from mother, poor child, it has never left me.

Don’t kick the quilt when you sleep at night! ”

Hagrid put a blanket in the box for Lou Wei to cover, although William thought it would be torn to shreds at night.

William nodded his wand and used a floating spell to make the box float. The four of them grabbed a corner and walked towards the castle.

Merlin, I hope there will be no problems tonight.

(The third update, please recommend tickets, thank you readers, I wish everyone a happy New Year’s Day in advance.)

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