A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 84

Chapter 83: Snape’S Letter

Rumor has it that Snape’s most precious place is his medicine storage room.

No one can enter there. The professor returned to the hut and used the most rigorous magic to prevent students from breaking in.

Someone once attacked the hut at night and stole some potions. At that time, William was with Cedric and the others to transfer Lou Wei.

After Professor Snape returned from Azkaban, he added a few more spells to the hut, but was attacked again today.

William knew about this. On the day he first fell into the cycle, he saw Dumbledore’s memory in the Pensieve. Professor Snape said that he was fighting a ‘self”.

Presumably, the professor found out that someone wanted to enter his cabin, and then the battle broke out.

The wooden door was closed, and there was a layer of burning traces on it. After William approached, no magic was triggered.

The attacker should have broken through the defense, but Professor Snape was taken away by the Ministry of Magic before he could rearrange the magic in the hut.

William glanced around, there was no one in the corridor, he pushed open the door and walked in.

It was a dimly lit room, with hundreds of glass bottles on shelves, and sticky specimens of animals and plants floating in colorful potions. A cabinet in the corner was filled with medicinal herbs.

“Burning flames.”

William casually flicked his wand a few times and lit the kerosene lamp on the table.

This room is filled with conventional herbs and corpses of magical creatures. It is indeed a treasure trove of potions, but it is not as precious as William imagined.

He was slightly disappointed.

William’s attention was quickly drawn to the desk, where there was a bunch of keys.

“The key to the office?” William thought for a moment and picked up the key.

There was also a note under the key, scrawled on it: “Professor Dumbledore help me keep it.”

If it’s a very precious key, Professor Snape really wouldn’t be able to take it to Azkaban.

William looked around and found an old box in the corner.

There was a large lock on the box. William checked it and found that it was the keyhole of the key.

Although it is not a good habit to secretly open other people’s boxes, William is now in a time loop, and no one will find out.

Soon, his curiosity suppressed his inner integrity.

In fact, it doesn’t matter even if there is a curse on the box. Anyway, William was seriously injured and will be able to recover tomorrow.

William walked to the box with seven locks, inserted the first key into the keyhole, opened the box, and found a pile of clothes inside.

He closed the box, inserted the second key into the second lock, and opened it again. Instead of clothes, the box contained various potions textbooks, some parchment and quill pens.

William quickly inserted the third, fourth, fifth and sixth keys into the lock and opened the box, each time something different appeared.

Finally, he inserted the seventh key into the lock, opened the lid of the box, and William’s pupils shrank.

The bottom of the box turned out to be a room, like a basement, with a ladder hanging about three meters deep.

William climbed down the ladder.

This is a huge room, the layout is almost the same as the outside, there is a long corridor on the far right, it is too dark to see.

There was this kerosene lamp on the table. After William lit it, the room suddenly lit up.

To his left is a pear wood table with a chair in front of it. On the table, there is a group photo with a bunch of lilies.

William picked up the photo, it couldn’t be moved, he knew it was the Muggle way of taking pictures.

In other words, it was a Muggle who took this photo, but for some reason, Professor Snape didn’t use a developer potion on this photo, and still kept the original style.

The photo is from a long time ago and has a sense of historical vicissitudes: it is a man and a woman, both of whom are only about ten years old, and the background is a playground with almost no people. A large chimney stood in the sky in the distance.

The girl was on the swing, and a thin boy pushed the swing behind her.

The boy’s black hair was very long, and the clothes on his body were very incongruous. He seemed to be dressed in this way: a pair of jeans that were too short, a tattered coat that was too big and long and looked like an adult, and a pregnant woman who looked strange. dress-like shirt.

There should be another person in the corner of the photo, but it was directly torn off.

The boy smiled happily.

Or, this is the first and only time he laughed so happily.

William recognized it as Professor Snape and the girl named Lily. In Dumbledore’s Pensieve, the scene on the train, there are the two of them~www.readwn.com~ William guessed that this was shot by Lily’s parents, because Snape dressed as a child and did not look rich Families who buy cameras.

On the table, there is also an envelope, the date of signing is April 20th, which is today.

On the envelope, there were no stamps or other signs, but it was written: Missing Lily’s 3,915 days, to the girl I love the most.

There was still a piece of paper under the envelope. Because of the blockage, William could only see the last few lines.

“Lily, Dumbledore told me, ‘We’re all the same, we’re all suffering, we’re all messed up in our lives, and life is so confusing.’

But I… I’m already tired of it. I have nothing but awareness of the malice of the world.

This is not the life I want, I can’t hold on anymore…”

Before Professor Snape left, he should have written a letter here. Before he had finished writing, he heard the sound of an attack at the door and left in a hurry.

William opened the drawer of the table, he was stunned, the whole drawer was actually full of envelopes!

Each inscription on it said it was for Lily.

However, none of them were sent.

Because Lily died eleven years ago.

Snape probably really… loved Harry’s mother, and these letters were the best proof.

This kind of hot feeling, at that moment, William was unable to open these letters and read all the contents.

He sighed slightly, turned and walked out of the room, towards the corridor on the right, Zou Qu.



(Second update, ask for a recommendation ticket, there will be a third update in the afternoon)

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