A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 88

Chapter 87: Ready To Leave The Loop

William’s internal organs began to churn, as if he had just swallowed several live snakes.

Suddenly, a burning sensation quickly spread from the stomach to the fingers and toes. Then there was a terrifying feeling of melting, as if the skin of his body was bubbling like hot wax.

But the pain came and went quickly, and all of a sudden, everything stopped.

“Are you all right?” Cedric asked excitedly.

He looked at the compound decoction that William had drank, and suddenly had a bold idea.

Of course, this kind of thinking requires the cooperation of others, but it is definitely something you like and I like.

Warrington’s low, hoarse voice came from William’s mouth.

“It’s okay, it seems that I have to find a magic medicine that can relieve the pain.”

It is a common thing for him to drink compound decoction in the future, and he can’t be so uncomfortable every time.

The two walked towards the court, and the game was about to start.

Sitting in the auditorium and standing on the field are two completely different feelings.

Especially William’s first competition, although in the eyes of others, Warrington is an old player who has participated in countless times.

“Warrington, why do you look nervous?” Truman asked in a low voice.

“I broke my stomach in the morning.” William began to throw the blame for himself in advance.

“Really? Then you must do your best, we’ll rely on you to score.” Truman patted Warrington on the shoulder.

At this moment, Mrs. Pince blew her whistle.

William rode a broom and flew quickly, circling twice in the sky, a heart seemed to burst.

William greeted Cho and Hagrid, although neither of them knew him now.

William felt so good that he couldn’t help whistling. He really wanted to stand on the broom and open his arms and say, “I am the king of the world!”

He flew faster and faster, with his teammates behind him and his opponents in the distance. William felt that he was omnipotent.

“It’s time to show real technology, tremble, Gryffindor lions!”

Cedric shouted something loudly, but the wind was so strong that William couldn’t hear it clearly, and soon all the audience members cried out in surprise.


George swung his club fiercely, and the Bludger hit William’s head like a cannonball. Before the smile on his face disappeared, it fell from the sky.

The moment William fell, there was only one sentence in his head: “Am I going to be the first man to die on the court in the millennium at Hogwarts?”

Fucking Quidditch.


Stop playing ball!

Time flies, and William quickly spends 520 days in the loop.

In the past year and a half, in addition to going to major professors for tutoring, he also participated in Quidditch matches.

Well, the essence of human beings is true fragrance.

Although William was hit in the head by a Bludger the first time he played, but after a week of cycling, he started to itch again.

William was really pitiful at the beginning. He had no tactics, no skills, and no team awareness. He was completely a product of three non-existent products… A person holding a Quaffle, as if he had pressed the pass button, knew that a blind chicken would shoot randomly.

Simply iron and unique!

The worst time, Hufflepuff lost 100 in 40 minutes, Truman almost hit him like a ball.

Fortunately, William carried his wand with him. After he landed, he used the Disillusionment Charm for a walk, otherwise he would definitely drown in the saliva of the Hufflepuff wizard.

With the growth of time, William’s skills finally began to improve, and he gradually became more and more skilled. He also learned various tactical coordination and stopped practicing ball skills in the game.

The most important thing is that William’s hand is soft, and the hit rate is purely based on muscle memory.

The time loop does not eliminate muscle memory, which gives him great convenience.

What Willian lacks most is time, and he also lacks pitching opportunities. Sometimes, in order to avoid other people’s grabbing the ball, William has to fly fast, which greatly trained his flying skills.

Of course, he usually hides from his teammates.

Quidditch matches are indeed dangerous. In just a few months, William suffered all kinds of injuries on the court.

Being knocked off a broom by someone, falling from the air and causing a high paraplegia, being hit by a Bludger on the prostate…

He was also hit in the head by Charlie’s iron elbow.

Charlie’s attack was really dark, but how could William be afraid?

So, the worst melee in Hogwarts history broke out, and several houses fought.

William was surrounded by Gryffindor, fighting and retreating, showing his toughness.

Fortunately, William can restart the cycle, anyway, no one can remember the next day, he can be unscrupulous.

Under this intense environment, William’s Quidditch ability was really exercised, and his strength was rapidly increasing.

Although Dumbledore stopped each match after only 40 minutes, this repeated repetition was enough for William to remember the positions of his teammates and Gryffindor, allowing him to score easily.

With Willian’s progress, within 40 minutes, he can put in ten goals, easily score one hundred percent, and send three or four exquisite passes.

The rhythm of Quidditch is slower than basketball, but much faster than football. One attack can be completed in four minutes.

It’s not like there is a 24-second violation in basketball. If you don’t touch the backboard for more than 24 seconds, you must give up the ball. It’s not like a football game, where a game is likely to be zero-to-zero.

After two months of training, Willian began mixing with Gryffindor’s team. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The twin brothers were not as easy to fool as Cedric, and it took William a long time to convince them of his words.

But here comes the problem. William has never cooperated with Gryffindor, and he felt extremely bad that day. He hit 30 irons in a row, and was pulled by Hufflepuff by 100%.

An angry Professor McGonagall fell directly from the stand.

After playing Quidditch for half a year, William finally got tired of it.

Every day I face the same two teams. After a long time, it’s like playing NBA2K. It’s still the kind of two teams.

William began to devote his attention to the study of ancient rune.

Ancient Rune is also called Rune. The learning of this subject is no easier than other courses, or even more difficult. William studied it for a month, but he could only memorize the basic letters.

William found out where his problem was, and he was tired of studying.

He spent too much energy on his studies. It would be better if the time was shorter, but he had studied for almost a year and a half without any rest in between.

The most important thing is that he can only play at school, and his only recreational activities are Quidditch matches.

Even if this kind of life is comfortable, it will get tired after a long time.

William seemed to be trapped in a cage. He faced the same people and said the same things every day, and they couldn’t remember them the next day. It was a really uncomfortable feeling.

William has always listened carefully to Dumbledore’s words, cherished this opportunity, studied all kinds of knowledge seriously, and enhanced his skills, but after another two months, he finally made up his mind to leave the cycle.

At this point, William had been in the time loop for almost two years.

(For the third update, ask for a recommendation ticket.)

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