A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Quantum Wave Speed ​​Reading

In William’s previous life, there were rumors of unscrupulous urination in the rivers and lakes:

The black market in the American prison system has determined the latest circulation rules. In addition to instant noodles, Lao Ganma and Ma Yinglong have become the new underground currency of American prisons.

William didn’t know if it was true or not.

Although he often said “people are in the United States” on a certain platform, the most frequently followed words were “just got off the plane” and “just got off the red flag”, but he never said “just entered prison”.

So William doesn’t know the real situation of American prisons.

But that didn’t stop him from fantasizing about those foreign prisoners who accidentally found “the old godmother with half a bottle of red can” and tried to open it. Beta, fascinated by it.

So he was going to try it at Hogwarts.

William, like his godfather, said to Cedric in a low voice:

“You never know what Lao Ganma and Ma Yinglong mean. As long as you master the source of goods, you will have Galleon, status, and a younger brother who is in high demand.”

Cedric was still stuck in the concept of butter fries, he said with a confused expression: “Is it so powerful… By the way, what is Ma Yinglong?”

William said mysteriously: “It’s an Asian magic medicine, and the effect is very powerful.”

For some reason, in the UK of this era, there is no such thing to buy, and everything depends on smuggling.

Smuggling… that’s a lucrative business.

William is going to eat Lao Ganma for everyone first, and then he will sell Ma Yinglong.

Think about it, the smoke and soil of the entire southern country are sold by…sorry, and Ma Yinglong of the entire Hogwarts is sold by him and Cedric. This is the first step to grab capital.

William has fallen into the fantasy of a business empire.

The future is bright, but the reality is very skinny. As a freshman in the first grade, William still has to buy textbooks.

Lishen Bookstore is located next to Mrs. Mokin’s Robe Shop. As the most complete bookstore in Diagon Alley, most students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will come here to buy textbooks before the school starts.

The bookshelves here are full of books, even reaching to the ceiling. Among them are leather-bound books as large as paving stones, small silver-covered books as pocket-sized as postage stamps, and books with countless strange symbols printed on them, and what is inside A wordless book that was not written.

Facing the book list, William quickly bought all the first grade books.

Of course, he wouldn’t just buy such a few books. William’s knowledge of the magic world is almost zero, and this is a good opportunity to learn.

Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of human beings, and books are the most reliable carrier of these wisdoms.

As a staunch proletarian who has received scientific education for more than ten years, William suddenly entered the world of magic, and his thirst for knowledge must be far beyond others.

What’s more, William was also a college student in his previous life. He had no problem with IQ. He was more patient than the so-called ‘same age” children today, and he knew what he wanted better.

In fact, if it wasn’t for the lack of money, William really wanted to move the entire bookstore back.

Cedric looked at William in surprise, and said, “Actually, there is no need to buy so many books. Some are in the school library, which is the place with the most books in the entire magical world.”

“Really?” William nodded. “But that’s after school starts. There’s still a long time to go this summer.”

Joke… William in the previous life was the runner-up in the amateur group of the “Quantum Wave Speed Reading Contest”!

With the high perception ability of HSP, he can present dynamic images in his brain and read a book with about 100,000 words in three minutes.

It’s a pity… William crossed too early. He didn’t know that after he crossed, the mechanism had developed the ability to sense books with his eyes closed.

This ability to listen to everything is only known to Roger the Pirate King. If William learns it, Voldemort will have to be killed by him!

What a pity!

Seeing that William was still scanning books, Cedric said seriously: “I think you will probably enter Ravenclaw College, where there are people who are as smart as you and like to read books.”

William said noncommittally: “But as far as I know, the first place in your class this year is you, and you are from Hufflepuff College.”

A blush appeared on Cedric’s face, and he said humbly, “I just worked a little harder than others.”

Cedric continued proudly: “So, the other three colleges have a long-standing rumor that we are the least intelligent college, which is wrong.

Hufflepuff is indeed the most bragging college, but we have trained no less outstanding wizards than any other college.

Well, do you want to come to our Hufflepuffs? ”

William smiled and said, “Didn’t you just say that I would go to Ravenclaw?”

“Rational judgment and emotional inclination are two different things.” Cedric blinked.

“But we don’t have the final say on these things, and the hat division will decide.”

“I always hear you say that there is a hat division, how exactly do we sort it?”

“It’s a secret, William! You can’t understand all the processes before school starts.

Hogwarts always needs some mystery. “Cedric patted William on the shoulder.

“Okay.” William shrugged.

Just as he was talking, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com William picked up several more books.

When checking out, he paid more than 100 Galleons for it, and William immediately became an intermediate member of Lichen Bookstore.

The manager warmly recommended: “Mr. Stark, we have a book delivery service here, and we can send owls to send the books back for free within three days.”

“Oh, thank you.” After leaving the address, William took out two books, which he could read within these three days.

“Are you going to take it back like this?” Cedric asked.

William was holding two thick tomes and asked in doubt, “What else?”

“Hey, we’re wizards, look at me.” Cedric took out his wand.

“Wingardim Leviosa.”

Two thick leather books floated in midair like this, Cedric tied a rope, and the books were easily pulled away.

“Look, just wave and shake.” Cedric showed it again and asked, “How is it?”

“It’s amazing!” William’s eyes lit up like never before, and then he also took out his wand, wanting to try the spell.

But at this moment, there was a commotion outside the door.

“It’s a fight!”

“Someone is fighting!”

The voice of the drake’s voice resounded through the entire street in an instant. Many wizards who were buying books threw down the books, raised their wizard robes, and rushed out.

In an instant, the entire Lihen Bookstore was empty, and even the salesperson and manager disappeared!

William: “…”

(Lihen Bookstore reminds all wizards, as long as you vote for the recommendation, you will send a quantum wave speed reading book to help you go farther than other wizards (●—●))

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