A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 94

Chapter 93: Battle Broke Out

William wanted to take Qiu, Cedric, and the twin brothers to meet the world. It was definitely a great achievement for a few people to catch Tywin.

But Tywin is an adult wizard, and he has three time converters in his hand, and when he makes a shot, he will kill Avada.

William has gone through the time loop and trained with Professor Flitwick for two years. He is absolutely sure to catch Tywin. Cedric and the others are hard to say.

William didn’t want them to be in danger either. For insurance, he had to go alone.

Walking out of the public rest, William glanced at the door knocker, the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker was on it.

He couldn’t help but stop and stroked the door knocker, wondering if he would have a chance to enter the time loop in the future.

Robert stared at William closely, as if William was sullying his “wife” by touching the ring.

Robert doesn’t even have a girlfriend, but he has many wives, either door knockers or paper people.

If Robert knew that William took his “wife” and played with him for two years, I don’t know what his expression would be.

William didn’t care about Robert either. In two years, his temperament has been honed a lot.

He turned around and left, no longer looking at the door knocker, and before he walked out of the corridor, he suddenly felt a cold object in his hand.

William looked down and was stunned. The ring, which he had carried with him for two years and had never been removed, was lying quietly in the palm of his hand.

He couldn’t help grinning, but instead of putting the ring on, he put it in his pocket.

He can’t just get out of the time loop, let’s go back! Then he and the ring, one of them must go crazy first.

William is going to go back and find a chain, string the ring, hang it around his neck, and find another opportunity to abduct the ring and make it his own, just like what Ravenclaw did in Egypt back then!

After all, we are from Ravenclaw Academy. Can traditional arts be lost?

When William was about to walk out of the corridor, there was an unbelievable roar in the distance!

The knocker disappeared under Robert’s nose, and he was lying on the ground frantically searching.

But the real murderer has already accelerated and went straight to the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

It’s only ten past seven, and it’s impossible for Tywin to use the time changer.

William took out a Defense Against the Dark Arts book, with his wand hidden in the long sleeve of his left hand, with a harmless smile on his face, he knocked on the door lightly.

After a moment, the sound of twisting the door handle came, Professor Tywin carefully stuck his head out, saw William at the door, and put on a smile again.

“William, what’s the matter with me so early in the morning?”

“Professor, I don’t know a spell. I want to ask you for advice.”

“Today is the Quidditch final…” Tywin hesitated.

“It’s very fast. There are only a few problems. If you solve it in ten minutes, you can still catch up with the game.”

“Um… what spell?”

“Flying curse.”

“But I remember it was the fourth grade…”

“That’s right, professor, but you know,” William blinked, “I’m very talented in spells, and my progress is very fast, and sometimes I can’t find the homework that I’ve written, and I really need flying spells…”

“That must have been taken by your classmates. They also need full marks.” Tywin laughed, “Come on, child.”

“Thank you.” William walked in with a smile on his face.

After William walked in, he put the book on the table and pretended to listen carefully.

Tywin also relaxed and explained seriously.

Five minutes later, Tywin sighed: “William, your talent is really high, I just said it once, and you can succeed.

The knowledge in books will definitely not satisfy you. Have you ever thought about learning some special magic? ”

“Special magic?” William’s face showed a puzzled expression.

“It’s those powerful magics.” Tywin said bewitched. “You know, the spells in the textbook are sometimes lacking when dealing with those dark wizards or dark magical creatures.”

Tywin’s intention is obvious, he is recruiting a gifted child, trying to let him learn black magic, and then affect the body and mind, just like what Voldemort did back then.

“Any recommendations, professor? I’m just a first-year Muggle-born student, and in some ways, I don’t know much.”

William struggled to make an expression of joy and interest.

“Of course, I have some notes of my own, you can take them back and have a look.” Tywin turned around and searched on his bookshelf.

In William’s wide robe, he squeezed his wand in his left hand.

William has shown many times that he is right-handed, but that doesn’t mean he can’t cast magic with his left hand, which he learned from Professor Flitwick.

“Stunned!” William suddenly raised his wand and shot Tywin off guard.

But earlier, the looking glass placed on the bookshelf suddenly turned. In the corner of the bookshelf, there is also a golden detective, which hums and trembles…


He shot onto the bookshelf in a daze, and the powerful spell caused the bookshelf to break in the middle.

Thanks to the reminder of the sight glass and the explorer, Tywin lowered his head and narrowly avoided a blow.

But the heavy bookshelf hit him on the back, he screamed and rolled to one side, while enduring the pain, he pulled out his ebony wand from his robe.

“Fire burst!”

William moved half a step to the right, quickly dodging the curse, the fire smashed the wooden door and shot in the corridor, and soon there was an explosion, and the corridor burned.

The explosion attracted countless glances. Many students had already come to the Quidditch arena, and they were all staring at Hogwarts Castle.

“Wow, is this a Hollywood blockbuster?” a Muggle-born wizard exclaimed.

Professor McGonagall jumped up, took the microphone from Lee Jordan, and said sternly, “Everyone stay where they are and don’t move, I’ll deal with it!”

She jumped off the high platform again, rushed to Wood, who was closest to her, kicked the dazed boy off the broom, and rode the broom to the exploding castle. Her vigorous demeanor was even more Fred than George.

She roared inwardly: “Come on, why is this broken broom so slow, the academy should replace a batch of the latest Nimbus 2000!”

At this time, the battle in the Defense Against the Dark Arts office continued.

William swung his wand, and the scattered books on the ground turned into spears, which were drawn towards Tywin.

The physique of wizards is no different from that of ordinary people.

Tywin, who was hit by the bookshelf, was injured on his back and could not move, so he could only quickly shout, “Armor!”

With a wave of William’s arm, the wizard’s robe fluttered and fluttered, pulling all the flames in the corridor.

The flames condensed ~www.readwn.com~ into the appearance of Fox, and rushed forward.

The fire phoenix leans like a bridge.

“The frost is coming.” Tywin held his wand and pointed down, aiming at the ground, and with him as the center, a stream of frost spread out.

The fire phoenix turned into an ice sculpture, white frost covered the office, the temperature dropped suddenly, and even the water in the cup turned into a lump of ice.

Frost continued to hit William’s feet.

“Fuchsia.” William cast out the spell.

He spun around, dodging the frost without letting go, and stood upside down on the ceiling with his feet steady.

“Rage is a prairie fire!” The phoenix, who turned into an ice sculpture, opened his mouth and spit out a flame.

The office was cold at first, and then became hot in an instant. The water was so hot and hot, and after repeated times, the fog filled the air.

Tywin was horrified. William’s strength is definitely not as simple as that of a little wizard. This kind of skilled combat skills are not available to many adult wizards!

Tywin only felt more and more pain in his back. He endured the pain and roared, “Fragmented!”

The flames exploded and then condensed, turning into countless smaller fire eagles, speeding up and charging straight towards him.

Tywin gritted his teeth and wanted to move, but he couldn’t break through the cage formed by the spikes.

“Except your weapons!” Tywin yelled–but he wasn’t alone.

William raised his wand.

With an explosion, the bookshelf was torn apart again, and Tywin rose off the ground, the spikes inserted into his back, and then hit the wall again, oozing blood from under his hair.

He just passed out.



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone. Chapter 2 is in the afternoon, on the train. I’m going home from vacation.)

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