A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 983

Vol 7 Chapter 51: 2 Women 1 Play

Snape felt very disturbed.

During the day, he had to do his best to please the Dark Lord; at night, he had to accompany Dumbledore and talk late into the night.

There is very little time that truly belongs to you.

This is the real 996 during the day, 269 at night… 24/7.

Snape, a lonely, somewhat autistic middle-aged single old man, fights both sides every day, and it’s just a matter of stacking up the social flower attributes… Now you have to deal with Potter’s various tricks? !

“So, was he taken?!” Snape asked. “Still dead?”

“I don’t think so.” William turned his head and gestured, “Ron, come and talk to Professor Snape.”

Ron was a little embarrassed, and he looked carefully at Snape, whom he and Harry scolded a lot behind their backs.

With a heavy punch from behind, Ron, who was obedient to his face, stammered:

“Harry got out of the car when he was about to stop, he said . . . went to the toilet and never came back!”

Snape narrowed his eyes, stared at Ron, and said coldly:

“Weasley, don’t try to lie to me! Otherwise I can’t guarantee that you’ll see that idiot again!”

Ron hesitated for a moment, his eyes dodged, he hesitantly said:

“Professor, Harry…I didn’t go to the toilet, and I don’t know where I went.

He picked up the invisibility cloak and ran away, saying who he was going to monitor, but I didn’t hear it clearly. ”

William sighed silently.

So, Harry took the Invisibility Cloak again and went to investigate what?

Did he really think he was the famous detective of the Reiwa era, Kogoro Mori, or the Watson of the Elizabethan era?

Wouldn’t it be better to just break Harry’s three legs and throw him in a wheelchair to see if he could kill him anywhere?

Professor Snape sneered and said strangely:

“Oh, I’m guessing Potter was hiding on purpose to make everyone anxious, and then he made a big news to catch the eye?

It seems that this Death Eater attack on the express train did not show his ability, which made him feel very uncomfortable. ”

Snape continued to tease:

“I don’t think I need to look for it. Maybe Potter will make an appearance when the party is halfway through?

A sudden burst into the auditorium… sure to be dramatic. ”

Snape is so talented in the field of potions, maybe there is a system – the yin and yang strange system.

As long as the success of Yin and Yang is strange to others, the skill proficiency can be improved.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why he has such a strong language skills.

Ron shivered. He wanted to refute, but he had nothing to say.

Harry is nowhere to be seen now, and he also feels that it is indeed a bit too much to do in the current context.

William thought for a while and said softly, “I’ll go find him, he must be still on the train.”

“It’s a big piece of shit, you better go back. Professor McGonagall is eager to chat with you about the actual combat situation of stone carving.”

Of course Snape didn’t really want to do it for him, he gave a sinister smile.

“I’m going to find Potter, and I’m sure I’ll find him.”

Snape looked at Ron again and laughed:

“Weasley, fifty points off Gryffindor for your clumsy lies; and for Potter’s stupidity.

No college has just started the semester – before getting into the auditorium and being deducted. ”

Ron was a little unconvinced, but he didn’t dare to speak loudly.

Snape waved his hand, as if driving away a green-headed fly, and said in disgust:

“You’ve set a record again. Okay, now get out of here!”

Ron ran away quickly.

After William organized all the students into the carriage, he walked towards Yestral.

After getting into the carriage, Qiu, who was already sitting inside, asked in a low voice, “What happened?”

He quickly reiterated the matter.

Hermione was watching “Transfiguration of the Day”, she looked up and said, “Harry is spying on others with the Invisibility Cloak, he must still be on the train.”

“Yeah, probably followed Malfoy.” William lay down comfortably on Annie’s lap.

She is playing with the three cats of Bobo Tea.

“Malfoy spends most of his time in the prefect’s carriage, where is Harry hiding?” Qiu asked in surprise.

“Probably the Slytherin carriage,” William said, closing his eyes.

“If he’s in the prefect’s car, even in the Invisibility Cloak, I’d definitely feel it.”

The invisibility cloak is not a panacea, even the invisibility cloak of the Deathly Hallows may be discovered.

Dumbledore knew this.

“Who went to find him?” Annie put Bobo tea on her brother’s chest, pressing him so hard that he almost gasped.

“Professor Snape went to find it.” William hurriedly moved Bobo Pig away.

“Can the professor find it?”

William shrugged: “Maybe, see if he wants to find it.”

Surely Snape could find it, but he certainly wouldn’t find it “easy”.

Well… just to teach Harry a lesson.

If he couldn’t find it, Harry could go all the way back to London.

It’s not a big deal anyway.

The Thestral galloped down the road.

During his trip to Ilvermorny in the United States, William had collected enough four kinds of Pegasus, but he could search for its magical creatures.

If it was in the past, the carriage would go all the way to the gate of the castle, but today it is different.

It stopped at the gate of the school, high on either side, adorned with winged boar stone pillars.

A new security process has been added to ensure students do not bring black magic items into the school.

Not only the students’ luggage and body, but even the carriage they are temporarily riding in, will be checked.

All the walls have also cast anti-invasion spells, and the security measures have been strengthened a hundred times.

The only problem is that there are not enough people, just Filch and his two cats, Mrs. Norris and Miss Alice.

After seeing Bobo Tea, Mrs. Norris also skipped work and ran away with it.

It seems that Xiaobie wins an old marriage, and is going to find a corner without cats to make cats.

I don’t know how Mrs. Norris used contraception.

Since I gave birth to a litter of kittens four years ago, there has been no movement in the past few years.

Not Bobo tea, right? !

Filch took the spy device and ran it over and over on everyone.

This makes it possible to detect if a student is carrying a dark magic item.

Ron seemed to want to wait for Harry, and then interfered with the passage of the students behind.

Filch jabbed his **** a few times, like an **** swab for a nucleic acid test.

After Ron was in pain, he left quickly.

After a long inspection, the students fully entered the auditorium.

Four college tables, one staff table, placed there in a classic arrangement.

The sky was adorned, as usual, with many floating candles, illuminating the dishes below.

William wasn’t sitting at the Ravenclaw table, and while he did prefer to sit below, Professor McGonagall was already beckoning.

William didn’t see Dumbledore and Hagrid, they probably had other things going on.

What surprised William most was that he saw Professor Trelawney.

Her appearance was still as strange as before, wearing shiny beads~www.readwn.com~ wrapped in a long shawl, and her eyes were magnified many times by glasses.

As an old house girl, she seldom leaves her ‘show house”…except to get express delivery, or go to the kitchen to steal supper.

In the past six years, he has never appeared at the school opening dinner.

I didn’t expect to be very quiet and thoughtful tonight, and it actually came.

Could it be that the Great Prophet Mode has been turned on recently… Heavenly Eyes have something to gain?

However, when William approached, he heard that she was arguing with Professor McGonagall.

two women,

For a… man! !

(Ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, everyone)

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