A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

chapter 820 - Luo Shemale VS Na Goddess Passed the Test

Seeing his confidence, Mrs. Ling said nothing.

Lori smiled and looked at Mrs. Ling and said, “Grandma Ling, I remember you said that whether your Ling family chooses grandchildren or son-in-law, the most important thing is character.”

Mrs. Ling looked at him from head to toe with anger. The appearance is okay, and she looks good, but this character…

After seeing that Mrs. Ling looked at him after a while, Lori’s face was still not good. He raised an eyebrow and asked, “Grandma Ling thinks I am not handsome enough? Or should I go for a facelift? Granny Ling hopes that I will become who I am. ”

The old lady looked up at Lori, who was always smiling and greeted people, and again she had nothing to say.

She stopped speaking, and Lowry stopped speaking, waiting for the other two to express their opinions.

Ling Guokang said after a moment of silence, “No matter what, I don’t agree to marry Dina with you.”

Lowry turned his polite gaze to Ling Guokang, “There must always be a reason for the uncle’s disagreement, but whether or not the uncle agrees or disagrees, Dina must marry me.”

“You…” Ling Guokang’s face was full of anger, and he stood up and looked at Lorry, “You want to marry Dina, unless I die.”

Lowry raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Uncle Ling, you always have a reason to sentence me to death.”

When Ling Guokang saw Lowry repeatedly asked him the reason, he only said: “Not to mention your character, I think you are a loafer and ambitious person, you are not stable enough, Dina will marry you and will definitely Wronged.”

Ling Guokang’s words fell, and the aunt who eavesdropped outside came in.

“Brother, how can you talk about people like this? Where are they so ambitious? You are not Zhuge Liang, how do you know Dina will be wronged when she marries?”

Lori heard Ling Guokang say he was not stable enough, he squinted, was he not stable enough? He is more formal today than he was before.

Ling Guokang looked at the aunt who came in disgruntled, “What are you doing here?”

“I’m coming in to see how you are talking.” After the aunt finished, her eyes fell on the silent Mrs. Ling and Mrs. Ling, and asked with a smile: “Dad, Mom, do you agree if you don’t speak? This is not That’s right, as long as Dina likes it, as long as Dina is happy, you do so much.”

Although Mrs. Ling and Mrs. Ling didn’t quite agree with Ling Dina’s marrying Lowry, the objections were not so strong.

The old lady valued the question of whether her granddaughter Ling Dina would suffer in the past when she married. She specifically said that the issue of the salary was based on Lori’s failure to take it out, but Lori was not at all timid and showed confidence. It seemed that as long as she agreed Dina married him, and she could take out as much as she wanted, which left her little to say.

Mr. Ling is interested in the character problem. He has been observing Lori. Except for Lori in the room of his granddaughter Dina, he did not say that he did not find anything wrong with his character, so He has nothing to say.

Ling Guokang saw Lori smiled all the time, and felt that he was not stable enough and had no ambition, so he opposed it strongly.

The younger aunt stood on Lowry’s side. She was very satisfied with Lowry and wanted to help him.

So she said: “Dad, mom, elder brother, you don’t know Lowry now, and you don’t know how his character is, what kind of character he is. Let you promise him and Dina’s marriage at once. But I have a way to let him live in the Ling family. You observe him for three months. If his performance is satisfactory to you, you will promise him and Dina’s marriage. Satisfied, don’t you agree to his marriage to Dina.”

None of the three aunts proposed this proposal.

Mr. Ling pondered for a while and looked at Lowry and said, “You will enter Ling’s work from tomorrow.”

It is said that although Lowry was surprised in his heart, he did not show it on Junyi’s face. He could think of it with his toes. The old man wanted to verify his ability to work.

He resolutely replied: “Okay, no problem.”

When Mr. Ling agreed, he looked at Ling Guokang, “Guokang, he will hand it over to you, and he will do all important work tasks.”

Ling Guokang is also very satisfied with this arrangement of the old man, “Dad rest assured, I will verify his ability to work well.”

They verify Lowry’s work ability in this way to see if Lowry is a capable person.

If Lowry has the ability and the ability to work, then even if he has nothing and no money, he can create huge wealth with his hands.

When choosing a son-in-law, they don’t care if they have a family background. The main purpose of the three of them is to hope that Ling Dina can marry an excellent man who has the ability, good character, good economic conditions, and will not make Ling Dina suffer.

Mr. Ling first got up and walked to Lorry, some optimistic about him said: “The three months of good performance, don’t let everyone down, and don’t let Dina disappointed.”

Lowry nodded, “Grandpa Ling is assured that I will not let you down.”

“What disappointment? Grandpa, what did you do with Lolo?” Ling Dina also came in from outside the room, looking at Lori with her eyes, and asked Mr. Ling.

Aunt Ling Daina, who looked in, explained: “Your grandparents and dad want to verify your work ability of Lolo, let him start to work in Ling’s work from tomorrow, the time limit is three months, he will live in us in these three months Ling Family.”

Ling Dina ignored the previous words directly, “Lolo will live in our house for three months?” She opened her eyes happily, “Really? Great.”

Mrs. Ling, Mrs. Ling, and Ling Guokang looked at Ling Dina’s excited look, and suddenly felt that their decision to let Lowry live in the Ling family was wrong.

Ling Dina jumped directly in front of Lowry, and stretched her hand unscrupulously to hook Lowry’s neck, with a broad smile on her eyes, “Lolo, there are too many rooms in our house, so stay with me In the room.”

The aunt pulled her lower lip corner because of her logic.

“No.” Mrs. Ling, Mrs. Ling, and Ling Guokang all stopped at the same time.

Mrs. Ling stared angrily at Ling Dina, who looked like she hadn’t been married yet and lived together.

Ling Dina turned her head and threw her tongue at the old lady, “I just talk about it, are you so excited? If you don’t live together, you don’t live together, as long as I can see Lolo every day.”

The last sentence she looked at Lori said.

Lowry was so moved because of her words. After the old lady Ling, Grandpa Ling, Ling Guokang, and the younger aunt went out, he embraced her, gazing firmly at her and said, “I will definitely perform well, no Disappoint your family and you.”

Ling Dina raised her smile, “Lolo, anyway, I am married to you, you can do whatever you want.”

Lori smiled in the eyes and hugged her, “Baby, I am so lucky to be loved by you.”

The next day, Lowry officially went to work at Ling’s, Ling Guokang did not treat him well, and gave him a bunch of work tasks, so that he must complete the same day.

He only called Long Sihao after working for two hours.

Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman are still in the UK, staying in a hotel.

After the call was connected, Lowry said with a grin as usual: “President, I’m sorry, I want to change jobs for three months, the specific situation is like this…”

The task of the first day was completed before Lowry finished get off work. Ling Guokang couldn’t pick him out if he wanted to pick him.

In the evening he had dinner with the Ling family. His room was arranged on the fourth floor of the castle.

And there are male servants in the castle outside the door of his room and Ling Dina’s room, the purpose is to prevent Lowry from going to Ling Dina’s room, or Ling Dina coming to Lowry’s room.

For the next three months, Lowry was going to the company during the day. Ling Dina wanted to see him and could only go to the company to find him. Lowry was so busy that she couldn’t even say a few words to him.

In addition, her father, Ling Guokang, always dangled in front of them.

In the evening when Lowry returned to Ling’s house, she had no chance to get along with him alone.

Her grandfather Ling took either Lowry to play chess with him or Lowry to play Tai Chi with him.

Mr. Ling accidentally knew that Lowry would be able to work hard, so he slammed Lowry and wanted to fight him.

The old man’s Tai Chi is certainly not Lowry’s opponent, so Lowry will let him every time.

Since Lowry often plays chess and Tai Chi with his grandfather, the old man is more and more satisfied with Lowry, his future grandson-in-law.

Mrs. Ling originally looked at Lorry as being the most unpleasant. When the old man didn’t look for Lorry to play chess and fist, she called Lorry to reprimand him, saying he was bad or bad.

But every time, she would be blocked by Lowry at last.

Seeing that the old lady was angry, Lowry took the initiative to apologize, and offered to rub the shoulders and legs of the old lady, occasionally exaggerating the old lady, and sometimes making the old lady laugh.

The old lady laughed a lot, and her impression of Lowry became better and better.

Needless to say, Ling Guokang, Lowry’s work ability is in his eyes. He can complete the work tasks on time, quality and quantity every day. Of course he is appreciative and satisfied.

As for Kayla, her biggest request to Lowry is to treat her daughter Ling Dina, and Lowry has always been very attentive to Ling Daina. Kayla’s eyes gradually changed her view of Lowry.

Three months later, Ling’s family’s attitude towards Lowry changed a lot. Among the four people who had the most say, Ling Guokang and Kaila were very satisfied with Lowry and no longer opposed Lingdina’s marriage to him.

As for Mrs. Ling, she said that Lowry still had to perform well. She was not satisfied, but she did not think so.

The four of them did not object, and the rest of the Ling family had nothing more to say.

Lori took advantage of Ling’s family to change their attitude towards him, and then proposed to them. After the Ling family’s discussion and decision, he and Ling Dina got engaged after half a month, and got married a month later.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Lori and Dina’s waiver is over today, and tomorrow will reveal Xiao Xiao’s birth of a baby, Long Junche’s imprisonment, and Momo’s pregnancy.

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