A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 539:

Chapter 539:

Seeing Kunou smile so excitedly and bounce around…. regardless of what I was dealing with right now, I was happy and peaceful.

I glanced at Scáthach, she noticed my gaze and then I raised an eyebrow towards her 'gift'. One of the rare times that she visibly flushed and hid it behind her body away from me.

Well, I wouldn't tell her no.

I was just confused where she got another Gae Bolg. I suppose the materials here would be perceivably obtainable, considering that Gods and such still roamed the world.

Still, it took me by surprise. And a Spear isn't really any more dangerous than the Magic she's going to be learning.

I walked up to Medea, the first time seeing her since she got her new job. "You got the thing?"

She scoffed. "Who do you think I am?" I flipped her hand, revealing the present. "I made sure to note it was from both of us, even if I did most of the work."

"Please, you stole it and wanted to do the 'work' as you say, yourself." I rolled my eyes. "And it's not like I wasn't doing anything else." I technically had two presents for Kunou counting this one. "And Kuzuki, it's a pleasure. Thank you for attending with your busy schedule."

"There was time available to attend." He said simply.

But at this point, I learned that was his way of saying he was happy to be here.

"What about my busy schedule?" Medea asked.

"That's a funny joke." I smiled.

Medea huffed crossing her arms. "You're insufferable."

"For real though, how's it over there? No one treating you badly? Work okay?"

Medea's face brightened significantly. "It's honestly…..it's amazing. Well, the magic leaves much to be desired, and it's not like I'm teaching anything complicated. And don't get me started on all the nonsensical rules the government has about what is 'allowed' and what-not. But….they're nice and I don't think there was a day that went by while I was preparing ahead of time that I regret taking the offer. Of course, I've yet to have to deal with a bunch of brats."

It sounds like she found a place to settle down.

I was happy for her.

"I have the cake!" Raikou came in from the kitchen, carrying the item in question. A rather large cake and clearly handmade if the little bits of frosting on Raikou's hands and arms was anything to go by.

"It's wonderful!" Yasaka cooed. "Kunou, make sure to thank your auntie Raikou for making it, she was in the kitchen all day."

"I love it, thank you Auntie Raikou!" Kunou threw her hands up happily.

"I'm happy to help~" Raikou smiled brightly.

We all gathered around her as she blew out her candles.

Of course, she immediately wanted to start opening presents, but I don't think anyone had the will to deny her at this point.

"Mom, Dad!" She grabbed at both me and Yasaka. "You both first!"

Both Yasaka and I shared a look.

"Why don't we wait last for what your dad and I are going to give you." She smiled.

Well, our 'gift' was something a bit less tangible in comparison to most things here.

"Why don't I go first?" A new voice entered the room, a rather familiar one. Wearing a kimono and elongated head, Nurarihyon popped inside underneath…well some of the people here noticed.

Particularly Gramps and Meridia and Izzy didn't look too surprised. I was truthfully not paying much attention.

"I wasn't aware you were invited." Yasaka rolled her eyes.

"Our little Princess is having a birthday! Tell me one birthday of hers I missed?" The Old Youkai hummed.

He probably wasn't invited because she knew he would show up anyways.

"Grandpa." Kunou smiled happily.

"Alright little princess, I heard you're going off to school in another country, so I got you something good." He held out his hand producing a Gourd of all things. A traditional….Sake Gourd, that is. Granted, it was beautifully etched with Sakura flowers and other imagery, but it was still something used for alcohol.

"If there is saki in there, we're going to have a talk." Yasaka intoned.

The Old youkai just chuckled. "Come on, I'm not that bad." He tossed it to the little fox. "Got that special made. There's nothing in it yet, but it'll refill itself with anything you leave inside until it's full. And of course, nothing inside will go bad." He winked towards Yasaka.

By anything, I'm sure he means mundane stuff. Regardless, it was a well thought out and good gift.

Yasaka covered her face. "Kunou, remember you're too young to drink alcohol."

"Sake is icky anyways." Kunou held out her tongue. "I can fill it with Juice, right?"

"Of course." Nurarihyon smiled warmly to her.

"….wait, Kunou sweetie. Why do you know that Sake is icky?"

Kunou's eyes dilated for a brief moment. "Thank you Grandpa!" She threw her arms around the old Youkai.

Yasaka just sighed.

"Ah, what's wrong? Do young ones not drink at this age here?" Thorum looked around.

I managed to squeeze through the crowd and offer Thorum a sympathetic pat on the shoulder when people chuckled at his genuine question.

"Alright." I clapped my hands. "Let's keep this train rolling, she's already spoiled senseless, no need to stop now."

"Then I shall go first." Scáthach said with some confidence as she held out her Gae Bolg. "Here little one, I have created a spear just for you."

Yasaka once more, covered her face with her hand and sighed. "I have so many questions."

Scáthach tilted her head. "I can create replicas using Ash Trees and Runes. It is inferior to my true spear, but it is still a powerful weapon."

"That's not what I meant." Yasaka's lips thinned.

Well, that answered my question at least. From what I recall, Ash Trees are descendants from Yggdrasil, combined with her mastery of Runes, it should be possible to make replicas.

"You need not worry; I added an enchantment so she is unable to accidently harm another person." She put her hands on her hips, standing rather proud of herself.

"Accidently?" I repeated. "Meaning that if it's intentional, she can still stab people?"

"My stupid student, what use is a spear that cannot stab what you intend to stab?" She looked at me like I was an idiot.

I just held up my hands and acknowledged my defeat there because she wasn't wrong.

"I love it, thank you Auntie Scáthach!" Kunou of course didn't care about any of that and excitedly took the spear and started swinging it around.

"My present goes along with this one." Raikou spoke up next. She held out her hands and a purple sheen reflecting the light from overhead. "I am not much of a smith, so I had help in forging these. However, they were made from the knowledge and techniques of my clan." They were arm guards, layered plating that covered the back of the hands down the arms. "They are very durable so they should serve as good protection on the most vulnerable part of her body when wielding a weapon."

"They're pretty too." Kunou took them, sliding them onto her arms. "Thank you, Auntie Raikou."

"You're most welcome, dear." Raikou hugged the little fox.

"A wise decision." Artoria nodded in approval it seemed. "I cannot count how many times in my life that the armor covering my arms prevented debilitating wounds."

Right, now that I think about it, they all had some sort of protection on their arms. Even Scáthach's body suit is thicker

on her arms and her body suit is basically armor in of itself.

Huh….I'm the odd one out here it seems, unless I bring out the Boosted Gear.

Speaking of boosted gear…

[Give her my present!] The Dragon inside my soul demanded.

"Ddraig is demanding that I give you his present now." Even though I went through all the effort to get it. "Here you go, my little fox." I handed over to her a Twice Critical Sacred Gear.

It was not the one we acquired from the idiot who invaded Kyoto all that time ago. It was a…..basic version. Perhaps on the lower end, but she didn't need something monstrous at the moment.

I would help her store it in her soul later.

"Thank you uncle Ddraig!"

[Damn right!] Ddraig huffed happily. [Now she's a little dragon too.]

"Really Schweinorg?" Rin looked at me. "How did you get your hands on that?"

"Honestly, it wasn't very difficult. Annoying for sure, but not difficult." There are apparently plenty of them circulating around the world and the Grigori had quite a few.

I joked before about her being spoiled but…..well, a little part of me was envious, but it was overshowed completely for my happiness for her.

We should probably make sure Kunou knows not to bully the other kids with this stuff….

"May I go next?" Venelana stood up.

Artoria was the one to gesture as it seemed she was about to step up herself. "By all means."

"Well, I can't say mine is as excited." She was holding an envelope and a properly wrapped present. "One is a genuine gift the other….well, I just thought it was cute and funny."

Kunou took both and opened the envelope, taking out what looked like a ticket. "What's this?"

"It's a ticket for use of the Familiar Forest down in the Underworld. The Familiar Forest is the largest singular spot for making Familiar contracts in any place connected to Earth. The Forest itself has an effect on the creatures inside that makes them keener on forming contracts. Of course, if you don't want to use the ticket, it can be sold for quite a bit of money." Venelana winked.

"Aww, that's sweet. Is there a time limit?" Yasaka asked on her behalf.

"Nope, it's good forever. Don't feel pressured to use it now, or even in the next few years. Of course you don't have to use it at all either. And plenty of Devils don't get familiars until they're much older." Venelana smiled. "But open your big box, I think you'll like it."

Kunou ripped off the wrapping paper quickly and her eyes sparkled, pulling out what was inside. "Look Daddy!" She giggled.

I found myself mirroring Yasaka's actions from before and my hand was already covering my face. Everyone was now looking at it then at me.

It was an action figure, of me.

Venelana held a hand up in front of her mouth, hiding a giggle. "I did tell you that people were making merchandise off your image."

"It's one thing seeing it in person opposed to hearing about it."

"Hmm, there seems to be a mistake, this caricature of you is far too handsome, my student." Scáthach noted, causing several others to laugh at my expense.

"Thank you so much, Auntie Grandma." Kunou hugged her.

"You're very welcome, dear." Venelana accepted it with glee.

"Is it safe to assume there are more of him?" Rin asked, looking at Venelana.

"Oh, plenty."

"You don't say?" Rin's lips curled up shooting me a grin.

God dammit.

"Alright Birthday girl, let me and Saber go up next." Rin took over. "We atleast got you something normal. I heard the place you're going to has an….interesting take on fashion, so I made sure Saber and I stocked you up on proper and cute clothes to last you."

Artoria smiled. "Along with other necessities. As someone who lived in the lands you're seeking schooling, we made sure you were prepared for the weather."

There were plenty of outfits that appeared at their behest, shoes, accessories, and other things. Basically, everything Kunou would need to be settled in that department.

She quickly started sorting through things. "Oh, these shoes are so cute! Momma look at this jacket!"

"We can look through it all later, my sweet girl." Yasaka chuckled, rubbing her cheek. "Thank your Aunties."

"Thank you, Auntie Rin and Artoria." Kunou grabbed them both at the same time for a hug.

I think Yasaka and I both were happy they got her something….normal because our little group was far from that definition.

"Um….I made something too." Jeanne awkwardly spoke up. "My Momma used to make my siblings and I these throughout the years and she taught me too when I was younger." She held up a white scarf, very clearly made by hand, but it had a certain warmness to it. "England can be chilly like they said."

Kunou, like a missile, was already wrapped around Jeanne in a big hug. "I love it, thank you Auntie Jeanne."

Kids are more perceptive than a lot of adults like to give them credit for. Being able to see that Jeanne was nervous, well, she handled it perfectly.

Jeanne clamored up quickly but still had a big smile on her face.

"It's perfect for what we got her." Gramps went next with Lucretia at his side. "It's been a long time since I stepped foot where you're going, but Lucretia here was able to pick out something nifty and we spent a bit of time…..modifying it. And Miss Jeanne's gift will be perfect to utilize together."

"Happy birthday, dear." Lucretia smiled, holding up an very long shaped box wrapped up. Kunou tore into it rather quickly. "As a Witch, well, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make sure you had a proper broomstick." She giggled.

Kunou helped up the broom, one of the things I remembered from the world she was going to be staying in.

They used brooms to fly, for some reason.

Kunou knew this of course which was why she was grinning from ear to ear.

Gramps smiled. "I made sure to add safety features, but it is…..of higher performance than what you can find over there at the moment."

Yasaka sighed. "What do you say, Kunou?"

"Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!" Kunou gave each of them a big hug.

Kuzuki, however, cleared his throat. "It's against the rules for first year students to possess their own brooms."

"Ah?" Kunou's ears deflated.

"Is that so?" Gramps frowned as well.

"…..however, there is no such rule about a Teacher holding onto it for the first year." He said without any expression.

"Kyah, hubby~" Medea squealed towards her fiancé.

Gramps is right, it's going to be damn cold the higher she flies up, so Jeanne's scarf would be beneficial.

I snuck around and when no one else was looking our way, I made sure to kiss Jeanne's forward.

The Saintess made a cute noise of embarrassment.

The stern Japanese Teacher pushed up his glasses and revealed a large box without much opulence. "I have taken the liberty of searching for the optimal school supplies that do not go against the rules but will create a smoother learning environment."

Kunou just tilted her head.

"He made sure to find you the best things to make schoolwork easier that are not banned by the school." I clarified for her.

Kuzuki merely nodded expressionlessly.

"Me too!" Medea quickly shot forward. "It took me awhile to make this –"

I cleared my throat.

"And your Dad helped." She rolled her eyes. "Partly, somewhat. Anyways, here you go." It was a small box that she handed over to Kunou.

Kunou opened it, and the room became brighter as a soft song permeated the air.

It was a bracelet created from the Feather that Fawkes gave me.

"It's so pretty." Kunou stared, almost mesmerized.

"It's a work of art, if I do say so myself." Medea puffed up proudly. "Not only does it have a space inside like what the brat does, but it also has an innate healing effect, dispels evils, protects against mind altering effects, and helps with tiredness!"

It was honestly beautiful beyond words, Medea certainly outdid herself. And I made sure to iterate about the easability of love potions and the like over there, so this should sort that out.

Kunou was quick to throw her arms around Medea for a big hug.

"She didn't let me help with it." Jinn pouted.

"That is certainly an impressive Mystic Code you crafted." Even Gramps acknowledged the quality of the creation.

"I am thankful this was a gift for her, it makes my own more….manageable." Izzy whispered.

"I feel similar." Meridia looked at Izzy and they seemed to share a secret between them. "Amusing that we procured…similar gifts. I shall go first. Come child, the son of Akatosh and I worked together to gather this for you."

"Ah….Lady Meridia speaks true, it is a amusing tale. We both were unsure of what to provide as a proper gift for a young woman such as yourself." Thorum cleared his throat. "It is difficult to take out as there is not enough room inside here…"

"You two both worked together?" I looked at Thorum and Meridia. Meridia, well, I was surprised there. While she didn't show disdain towards Thorum, there was a clear distance between them even when speaking to each other.

Thorum smiled awkwardly. "My plan was to obtain a sample of all the sweets of Skyrim!" He laughed. "My plans changed and with Lady Meridia's help, we were able to obtain a large supply of sweets and confections from…everywhere."

I can picture how that went. Meridia probably open up a path for him to quickly travel to every part of Nirn, simply to get snacks for Kunou….

I can't say that's a bad present at all.

"We will deposit them into your Bracelet later." Meridia nodded, seemingly pleased with herself by the way Kunou was reacting.

Kunou of course was absolutely ecstatic at the concept.

"I did something similar, though thankfully different enough that there is no large overlap." Izzy spoke. "The culture in England is vastly different than here, and since it's your first time away…..one of the primary causes of home sickness is the food. Thus, I made sure to prepare you a few hundred meals of your favorites to take with you. Your mother also helped with some of the cooking." Izzy smiled.

That was…..extraordinarily sweet and thoughtful.

…..and how long did the 'few hundred' meals take to cook?

Despite the effort and time, I think it was all worth it in her eyes when Kunou gave her a warm hug.

"Hey, don't forget about me." Mordred was there besides Artoria as Kunou released Izzy. She pulled out a pair of sunglasses not dissimilar to what her Master wears and put them on Kunou's face. "Looking good, squirt."

They looked similar, but more…feminine, compared to Kairi's sunglasses. And If I recall, they could do things like thermal imaging, detect Magical Energy, night vision, that sort of thing.

Right, she's going to get into all sorts of trouble with those, isn't she?

"Us next, us next!" Jinn clapped her hands. "It seems like a lot of us paired off together, Me and Salem did something too!"

Salem was quiet, as per normal. Even when we got together, she wasn't one for drawing attention to herself. However, she had a faint smile on her lips despite everyone turning to her.

Jinn reached down into Salem's shadow and pulled out a Grimm. I wasn't surprised that she had Grimm in her Shadow, she started doing that awhile ago. What I was surprised about was Jinn held a rather small Ursa in her arms and it didn't show the faintest signs of aggression.

Actually….looking at it, it was much different too. Hell, I may even call it cute as it was right now. It didn't have bone spikes, the blood lust, nor the aggressive look about it.

It looked around almost curiously, its bone mask was….not as scary and kind of adorable.

Salem ran a hand down its back. "It took significant effort to remove the…..hostile nature of this one. Without Jinn's assistance, it would have been unlikely to succeed without destroying it in the process due to their nature."

"Yup yup! You wouldn't believe how annoying it was to remove the aggressive in it. Now, it'll listen to orders, and it won't attack without prompt." Jinn added as the thing waived its pudgy little limbs in her arms. "But that's not to say it's weak." She let it go and it ran up to Kunou as if recognizing her as its master.

Before anyone else could raise a word of either complaint or gratitude, Kunou was already hugging it squealing with joy. "Momma, look it's so cute!"

….if there was nothing negative about it, I wasn't going to say no.

"And it's not a living being, so it technically isn't against the rules for her to have it at school." Jinn quickly spoke, having apparently read the rulebook I brought back with me. "Also, watch this." Jinn snapped her fingers, and the tiny Ursa broke free from Kunou's arms and delved into the little Fox's shadow, hiding inside. "Why it's a nice 'pet' it's meant to protect her. An autonomous construct that can come to her protection if needed."

Yasaka seemed to relent due to the flurry of emotions that flashed across her face. "What do you think, Kunou?"

"I love it!" She squealed again as the Ursa popped back out.

….it was kinda dopey.

I'm assuming Jinn and Salem went through a lot of effort to make it less threatening in appearance just as well.

"….it will also get bigger." Salem looked away.

"…what was that?" Yasaka raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing!" Jinn whistled innocently.

Regardless, it was clear they put a substantial amount of work into the 'present' to make it presentable and useful, so we were all grateful.

There was a plethora of other presents stacked up, things sent from outside the immediate family, from clans and close associates of Yasaka as it's a form of etiquette, but frankly, Kunou didn't seem too interested in those.

"What about my present from mom and dad!?" Kunou looked at us both.

Yasaka and I looked at each other and smiled, moving closer to our little fox.

"Our present is a little…special, sweetie" Yasaka held her from behind while I wrapped her up from the front. "Relax and don't fight against what's coming."

"Your mother and I are going to release your Aura." Well, it was mostly me, but Yasaka's Aura was going to be present as a more symbolic gesture. We talked about it and decided that she was old enough to be trusted with the 'power' so to speak.

It was an intimate experience, not so much that you had to do it privately, but we were literally bearing our souls to each other.

I guided my Aura into Kunou and Yasaka did as well, I sort of latched onto hers and allowed it to swirl around mine as I reached for Kunou's soul. "For it is through Freedom that we Achieve Immortality. Through this we become a Paragon of Liberation and Choice, to rise above Fate. Infinite in Possibilities and Unbound by Death, I release your Soul and by my hand, free thee."

Kunou's aura burst out a golden hue like Yasaka's but a faint red shimmer on the edges.

However, Kunou erupted in tears, complete sobbing as she grabbed hold of my shirt and buried her head into my chest.

The bearing of souls to one another opens each up to their truest emotions, it was intense and vivid as the people involved felt it on a level that was hard to describe.

While releasing her Soul, she could in turn feel both myself and Yasaka.

And she knew she was loved.



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