A Nest of Snakes Inside an Old Tomb

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Yin Xiaoxiao felt that his head was going to explode, and indeed the parallel space magic horse was not suitable for him as a small person to think.

“What’s wrong with you?” Ji Kang asked Yin Xiaoxiao with a tangled look worriedly.

“Ah, I’m okay.” Yin Xiaoxiao re-adjusted his attitude, raised his head and tried to make himself look more mighty and majestic. Unfortunately, he failed. Hey, is his current height incomparable with human beings? How can I live shorter and shorter!

Ji Kang chuckled again, then bowed slightly, and stared at Yin Xiaoxiao’s upright body: “May I take you to the stone table?”

Yin Xiaoxiao looked at the smiling eyes in front of her, and was so fascinated that it called a spirit to fall. Gentleman Ruyu was nothing more than that, so Yin Xiaoxiao nodded stupidly, and waited until Ji Kang took Yin Xiaoxiao’s body with her hands. Picking it up, Yin Xiaocai woke up from the state of confusion, and then a big red face.

As we all know, snakes don’t wear clothes! Even the wise viper clan don’t wear clothes! Comparing people and snakes together, human skin corresponds to the scales of snakes. If human skin can sense the different feelings of different things next to the body, then the scales of snakes can also sense the feelings of the outside world. The touch, and Yin Xiaoxiao became shy after feeling the soft palm of Ji Kang’s palm. Oh, this is actually a skin blind date. Ji Kang’s skin is good, and the feeling of touching his body is good. !

Ahem, Boss Mo, can I say that your little one has made close contact with other people?

Of course Ji Kang saw that the small silver snake face in his hand turned red, but Ji Kang would never think that the other party was embarrassed because he had a blind date with his skin!

Ji Kang carefully put Yin Xiaoxiao on the stone table, and then sat on the stone bench in front of the stone table.

The shy Yin Xiaoxiao distracted her by looking around. This stone table is on the right front of the big bed. There is a stone table and stone bench, and a long corridor extending towards the back. Both the stone table and stone bench and the long corridor are made of jade, which is extremely luxurious. The jade pillars on the promenade are mostly carved with colored Erlong play beads. There is no phoenix and no luan, but Xiao Xiaoming remembers that Ji Kang was married. The pillars above the promenade are engraved with flowers, insects, fish, rare and exotic animals. At least Yin Xiaoxiao has seen many species that he has never seen before. It seems that even if it is thousands of years, the species has happened very much. Big change.

After finally returning to normal, Yin Xiaoxiao finally dared to look directly at Ji Kang again. Xu Shi Ji Kang has always been gentle since the meeting. Yin Xiaoxiao is totally unsuspecting Ji Kang and feels a lot of affection, so he says nothing. Without any scruples: “Ji Kang, is that person on the bed you?”

There is only one bed in this main tomb, and there is only one person on the bed. Ji Kang naturally knows what Yin Xiaoxiao’s question means. Fortunately, Ji Kang has a peaceful life. Besides, it has been thousands of years, even at the beginning. No matter how uneven it is, the edges and corners have been polished by time. Even when it comes to my own death, it is extremely plain: “It’s me. Now what you see is my soul, well, that is the ghost in the world.”

The silver thief breathed a sigh of relief. If he insisted on choosing one from soul and corpse, Yin Xiaoxiao would rather choose Ji Kang as the soul. Although it is said that neither soul nor corpse Yin Xiaoxiao could do nothing, but there is no corpse odor and no corpse. Turtles don’t have bones and look pretty, not at all.

How can I say that Ji Kang is also a character who has been a king. The little Jiujiu in Yin Xiaoqiao, Ji Kang didn’t say it through seeing it through, but said again: “Would you like to see my body?”

Yin Xiao’s head shook like a rattle: “No, no, I’ll just look at you here, it’s the same.”

Ji Kang pursed his mouth and smiled, picked up Yin Xiaoxiao and walked over to the bed. Yin Xiaoxiao fluttered and struggled in Ji Kang’s hands, but from the action of Ji Kang to lift the tulle, Yin Xiaoxiao obviously failed. That’s right, Ji Kang is a ghost after all, not to mention that a small silver is no more powerful than a ghost, even a small silver venom may not have any effect.

The tulle was lifted by Ji Kang, and Yin Xiaoxiao yelled while trying to straighten his neck and faced the top of the bed without squinting. It is a pity that only Yin Xiaoxiao with a slender body is destined to be impossible to win. Ji Kang’s soul with two hands still very strong, I saw Ji Kang press down on the small silver head with one hand, and the small silver head became irresistibly lower and lower. According to this This kind of trend will soon be able to see things on the bed, Yin Xiaoxiao now hates snakes without eyelids, and if they do, they can at least close their eyes. Hey!

Yin Xiaoxiao was crying with a snake face, forget it, at most there is a bone underneath, and today he will save himself! Just watch it! The brave Yin Xiaoxiao looked at the corpse on the bed with a fearless spirit, but the result was not as unsightly as imagined, but as if Ji Kang was sleeping normally, even with a trace of ruddy on his face.

Little General Yin tried his best to open his eyes wider, with a look of surprise on his face: “Do you have such a great ability to keep your body from decay after you become a ghost? Oh my god, this is incredible! Huh? In your mouth Does it contain something?”

Yin Xiaoxiao looked back at Ji Kang and saw the complexity of Ji Kang’s face. Hearing his own question, he replied, “How can I be so capable? Have you ever seen a ghost that can save his own body? Is it okay?” Ji Kang paused, and then said, “You are right, there is something in my mouth, it is a bead.”

“Beads?” Yin Xiaoxiao asked in surprise, “Is there really such a bead in the world? Can the body of a person be preserved from decay?”

Ji Kang was silent for a while before he said: “I have only seen such a bead in my life. It is called a ghost mackerel roe, which can keep the flesh forever.”

“This is more than eternal? People believe that you are sleeping! This function is too powerful! I heard that something similar to this is to keep a physical body intact, but the appearance of the corpse, tut, still It can be recognized as a corpse at a glance! How can there be such a thing, the ghost mackerel roe you said is so magical?”

“This ghost mackerel roe is indeed magical.” Ji Kang sighed, “but I am imprisoned here. This ghost mackerel roe also accounts for a large part of the reason.”

“Ah.” Yin Xiaoxiao nodded without understanding, and always felt that the name of this ghost mackerel roe was heard somewhere, “To be honest, the name of this bead is really, um, weird.”

“In fact, this ghost mackerel roe is not my Da Zhou’s thing, but the totem of the ghost party, which is the most important thing of the ghost party.”

“Ghost?” Yin Xiaoxiao said hesitantly, “Is it that ghost country? It’s a minority, I remember it was recorded in the Shang Dynasty.”

The reason why Yin Xiaoxiao knows Guifang is because of an associate professor in the history department of the university, whose surname is Qin. Everyone calls him Professor Qin. The one that Yin Xiaoxiao listens to most is his ancient Chinese history. The reason is that other classes Don’t open(…), no other special reason, and this Professor Qin’s favorite is to look for some of the more mysterious things of ethnic minorities, such as totems and gods, and the research direction is also relatively special, such as Totems, if researchers specify that the power of people in ancient times is very weak, totems are generally something that humans can’t defeat, but Professor Qin thinks that totems of certain ethnic minorities are not like this, perhaps Professor Qin It acknowledged the existence of some mysterious powers, and Guifang, Professor Qin once said.

According to historical records, the Guifang ethnic minority existed in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. It was defeated and escaped during the Zhou dynasty. Later, it appeared in history books under other names in the Spring and Autumn and Han Dynasties. There are even records about this ethnic group in modern times. But in Professor Qin’s class, Professor Qin judged that Guifang was destroyed in the Zhou Dynasty. Why would Professor Qin be so sure of the demise of Guifang? In the words of Professor Qin, the so-called “ghost party” that appeared after the Western Zhou Dynasty lost the most fundamental thing of this minority. Professor Qin does not recognize that such a nation is a ghost party.

Professor Qin said so much in class, while Yin Xiaoxiao became interested in Guifang. After class, he searched for information about Guifang several times. Xiao is more interested in Guifang. Based on these data alone, it is impossible to see the mystery of Guifang as a nation. Professor Qin must have more detailed information about Guifang, so Yin Xiaoxiao Go to Professor Qin.

Professor Qin likes Yin Xiaoxiao, who is an auditor. In the Department of History, nine out of ten people who don’t attend classes in class, and every time Yin Xiaoxiao listens to a class, he is very serious. In addition, Yin Xiaoxiao often Asking some questions after class, the two people who came and went were familiar with each other. So when Yin Xiaoxiao came, Professor Qin was sure that Yin Xiaoxiao came to ask questions about Guifang. This is what Yin Xiaoxiao listened to in class. When the ghost party’s eyes lit up, he could testify.

Facing Yin Xiaoxiao’s question, Professor Qin actually threw a photo to Yin Xiaoxiao.

The photo shows a tripod and a nine-legged tripod. What makes Yinxiaoxiao shudder is that the nine-legged tripod of this tripod is made of bones. As for what bones are… Yinxiaoxiao doesn’t know, and Professor Qin took the photo. The purpose of giving Yin Xiaoxiao was to let Yin Xiaoxiao read the words on the tripod…It’s a pity that Yin Xiaoxiao couldn’t understand it.

Of course Professor Qin knew that Yin Xiaoxiao couldn’t understand the words on it. Seeing Yin Xiaoxiao raised his head and looked at herself in doubt, the professor said: “Records on the tripod: Wu Dingjiu kneeled down and killed three thousand boys and girls, casting Jiuding thought that it was a living sacrifice until the rain of blood fell from the sky, and it became a sea of ​​blood. The totem of the ghost party sank in itself, and the disaster was always suffocated.” Professor Qin said again, “In the twelfth year of King Wuding, Shang used troops against the ghost party for the third time. Fang invited the Ghost Fang Totem, defeated Wu Ding, and Wu Ding cast the Nine Mu Wang Ding, and then invited the Ghost Fang Totem back. Since then, Shang did not dare to use the Ghost Fang Totem. The Ghost Fang Totem is the ghost shark roe, and it contains the ghost shark. Fish eggs can keep the flesh forever.”

Thinking of this, Yin Xiaoxiao cried out: “You said this is a ghost mackerel roe? That totem of the ghost party? It is here?”

Ji Kang glanced at Yin Xiaoxiao strangely. He had already said that the ghost mackerel eggs had been talking for a long time, but Yin Xiaoxiao unexpectedly reacted. I really don’t know how to say it: “Well, I’m on the mural. That war was to attack the ghost party.”

“To get the ghost mackerel roe?”

“Yes, my father Wang Zhoucheng’s body is getting worse and worse, but he still wants to live forever. He heard that the ghost totem can keep the body forever, so he sent me to attack the ghost and seize the ghost mackerel eggs. It is a pity that the ghost mackerel fish Eggs can only make the body live forever, but not the soul. The father died in the end, and the ghost mackerel eggs can only be buried with him.”

To be honest, Yin Xiaoxiao is getting more and more blinded now, and the ghost mackerel eggs were buried with King Zhou Cheng, so why did they appear here in Ji Kang? Why did the ghost square totem have so much power captured by Ji Kang? And did the ghost party really have been wiped out in the Western Zhou Dynasty? After much deliberation, Yin Xiaoxiao’s thoughts were fixed to the sinister young man, no, this sinister young man should be Ji Zhao! When Ji Kang attacked Guifang and seized the ghost mackerel eggs, after Ji Kang died, Ji Zhao attacked Guifang again. Why? And the picture on the mural made Yin Xiaoxiao feel that maybe Gui Fang was destroyed by Ji Zhao? There are also the Pyramid of Human Heads and the Mountain of Bones below the burial chamber. Are they ghosts?

“The other boy I saw on the murals outside should be Ji Zhao, right? Did he also attack Guifang?”

When mentioning Ji Zhao, Ji Kang’s face sank suddenly. It was obvious that he did not want to mention Ji Zhao. He just said: “It is him, Ji Zhao is my brother with the same father and mother. After my death, he did go. After attacking Guifang, he built this mausoleum. Okay, it’s been two days since you came in, and the snake outside has been waiting for you for two days. Go out first.”

Yin Xiaoxiao let out a cry. Seeing Ji Kang’s ugly face, he knew that he was in a bad mood now. Yin Xiaoxiao didn’t want to know the consequences of angering a ghost, so she said, “Then can I come again?”

“Yes, you can still be my company if you come often.”

“The black charcoal… is the snake outside, can you also come in?”

Ji Kang hesitated and said, “Of course, you can come with him next time.”

Yin Xiaoxiao was satisfied: “Well, I’ll come again next time.” Then he looked at the closed Shimen, “Then how do I get out now?”

Ji Kang shook his sleeve and smiled and said, “Can’t you go out now?”

Yin Xiaoxiao took a closer look, and it turned out that the small hole had appeared again.


The ghost mackerel eggs and Jiu Mu Wang Ding are borrowed from “Ghost Armor”.

As for the ghost party, it really exists, and Baidu can prove it.

Collection to 370, add more tomorrow!

I like the nest of snakes in the ancient tomb, please collect it: ( ) The literature update of the nest of snakes in the ancient tomb is the fastest.

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