A New Born Devil?

Chapter 16 A Fight For Two Pawns?

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Chapter 16  A Fight For Two Pawns? Harem-Fan


      "I am your server, Ni, and what can I get ya ~Nya?"

     My Father, a pro in Human world cuisine, as a cook himself, starts his order.

     "I will have the Hamburger Steak with mushroom gravy, and a coffee."

     With stars in my eyes, I point to the restaurant special and order.

     "I will take the Special, Omurice Omelette with ketchup hearts. And for the young lady, give her the three most popular meals, and thanks, Miss Ni."

     Ni picked up the menus and said with a playful tone.

     "Orders are coming up ~Nya!"

     After she left, Tsubaki said quietly.

     "I-I do not think I can eat that much Ray."

     "Not a problem, we do not lack this little money, and since I do not know what you do or don't like, and the fact you will hesitate to order, I just got you a nice selection of choices. I do not think you have eaten properly in a while, so your nutrition will be our first task."

     "T-Thank you."

     While we waited for the food, my Father asked a few easy questions to Tsubaki, things like what skills she has learned, and what she felt her strengths were.


     After a while hearing everything, my Father rubbed his chin in thought and told me.

     "Ray my Son, Tsubaki is an all-rounder talent, perfect for the Queen Piece position. She has a wealth of spell casting knowledge, weapon skill, and the proper mental fortitude. Most Queens are truly only Wizard types where Tsubaki isn't only a Wizard type, but she can bring out the Knight and Rook aspect of the Queen Piece. Lastly, if I am correct, Tsubaki, you may even have the super rare, Sacred Gear in you. Thus only a Queen Piece is suitable for you."

     I nodded to all of my Dad's points and it made a lot of sense. And Tsubaki could not believe she was being recommended for such a place in my Peerage, so she asked.

     "But Ray, I do not think I am that special, and I fear I will disappoint you. I do not want to shame you."

     I smiled at this sheltered shy girl and confirmed.

     "Tsubaki Shinra, I want you as my Queen. I believe in time, you will see what my Father and I see. Please accept the position?"

     Looking at her lap, she nodded and quietly said.

     "Then I will work hard for you, M-My King..."

     Just at this time, the nimble Nekomata came out carrying all 5 meals. And with unnatural skill, placed them all in-front of us. I looked at my Omurice and wondered where the ketchup heart was, and Ni seeing me confused pulled from her waist a squeeze-bottle.

     "Ufufu, The heart has to be added in front of the Master~ and with a chant, so here I go ~Nya!"

     She spun in place, then hypnotically swayed her hips near me, and held the bottle over the Omurice said.

     "For Master with Love, Love, Love, I add the secret ingredient, Love ~Nya!"

     As she finished the heart design with the word for love, she fist-bumped the air and then asked.

     "If you need anything else, please call, and young Master, what is that scent on you? It is Youkai smelling ~Nya?"

     I was a bit surprised, because I have heard the same thing from my Familiar, Neko? But I do not wear cologne or anything, so I should not have a Youkai scent on me, so I say.

     "Honestly, no one else smells it, but my cat seems to smell something on me?"

     (Unknown to Ray, the magic painting he received, and 'handles-often', has drawn Youkai to him unintentionally, well a certain trickster Fox would deny any accusations of lacing the painting with exotic Youkai paints, cough.)

     "Hmm, My sister smelled it too, but it smells nice, anyway, enjoy the food ~Nya."

     And with that, she scampered off in a cheery mood. My Father said.

     "Don't think too hard on it Ray, I bet it is just our Gremory Charm Power we have, now let's eat!"


     While we were finishing our meal, my father Zeoticus noticed my glances at the Nekomata and asked.

     "Is it there looks, race, or something else drawing your attention?"

     "My Treasure and Talent urge keeps going off occasionally, but then it vanishes when I look too long?"

     My Father, realizing my confusion, told me.

     "That is your Power telling you there is potential, but it is not time to find it. It is like a metal detector getting a beep, but not finding the treasure. When you feel the time is right, the sensation will be strong, so let us just leave for now, come with Tsubaki."

     The three of us got up, paid and left a big tip, then left the restaurant.

     And after we left, the two sisters stood together muttering to one another.

     "Ni, a lot of Devils have been coming around us this week, should we run again ~Nya?"

     "Li, that boy had a Youkai smell on him, a kind smell. I do not think they were after us ~Nya?"


     After 2 hours, and Tsubaki getting a fresh few sets of brand new clothing, and Father finishing his meeting, our group of 3 were walking back the way we came, so we could hit Tokyo Station.

     I facepalm and tell my Father.

     "Dad, I need to go back to the restaurant, I left my bag of Underworld clothing there. Mother will kill us if I forget it, it was the one she got me last week."

     "Good catch Ray, we would be dead if you went home dressed like that, ha-ha! Okay, let us pick up your clothing real fast."


     Just as I walked out of the restaurant, that fortunately had my stuff in the lost and found, we felt it?!

     The sky changed colors of blue, white, and green, with hints of purple, as a Magic Barrier went up to keep Humans away. We saw many of the Humans walk away in a daze, remembering they had other things to do.

     My father looked down at an alley and felt what I did, the center of the field. Tsubaki was not affected by the barrier because of her Sacred Gear and being more than a Human-class in strength.

     But when I was going to suggest ignoring it, my Gremory urge was turned up to max. I handed my bag to Tsubaki and told the two.

     "I believe the two Nekomata are in trouble, I will go first..."

     As I rushed down the alley, Tsubaki asked worriedly.

     "Duke Gremory, we should help right?!"

     He patted the cute girl on her head and said.

     "Don't you worry, your new Master is very strong, and the only people needing help are the ones that made him run, but, let us go see what is going on, shall we?"

     Extending his bat-wings, he picked up Tsubaki as they went flying over...


     As I rounded the corner, I saw something that really pissed me off. The cute blue haired cat girl with a busted lip and black eye. Then I saw her sister crawling out of bricks not in any better shape.

     Seeing the massive Werewolf, I had figured out what might be going on, because up on the roof a bit away, I saw two Devils watching and waiting. This whole thing with the Barrier stinks of a set up. And before I knew it, my feet moved...

     As the big green fist was making its way to punch Ni, I intended to grab his wrist, and like my brother showed me, do a throw.

     Whoosh! Thud... Crunch! So before he knew it, I grabbed it, and I think I may have squeezed too hard because I definitely felt bones cracking! When I was throwing him, his arm went flying, but his body stayed behind, oops?! So I said with a guilty face while he screamed in pain.


     "Now, Now, Cat's are for petting not meant to be eaten, so now run along, or this Noble me will have to waste more than just your arm, now run along doggy."

     Fuck, I nailed it! No one will know I did not mean to rip off his arm, right?

     Yubelluna and Riser, seeing me come out of nowhere, and ruthlessly rip that High-class-low Werewolf's arm off, had their brains stop for a moment, as my Father and a Human girl landed next to them.

     "Greetings Lord Riser, fancy seeing you here?"

     Riser, nodded and immediately said.

     "Greetings Duke Gremory, what a random coincidence."

     The Werewolf, seeing I was no longer attacking, pulled out a small crystal vial of Phoenix Tears, then picked up his humanized arm. Holding it under his good arm, he poured it on the stump of the arm and attached it. And after a glow, his human arm was back, then it transformed into its green hairy limb.

     It looked at me and said,

     [Devil brat, you have no business interfering in Youkai matters.]

     "Where are my manners?! I am Ray Gremory of the House of Gremory, how do you do? And these two girls served me my meal earlier, so I had not yet evaluated their service. So until I do that, this is my business, so scram before I end your life, cursed child."

     At this time, the redhead Li stood with her sister behind me, the obvious safe place. And the Werewolf seeing the Devils on the roof said.

     [Purple hair lady, why are you just sitting there, help me, you told me to do this, now you just ignore me?]

     Yubelluna just looked embarrassed, because the Phoenix Tears were proof of their deal, so she only said nothing.

     Riser said.

     "Ray Gremory, please show my Phenex house some face and let me recruit the two Nekomata as I planned, you have interrupted the process, please?"

     I smile and ask politely, like I do not have a 7 foot wall of Green Eggs and Ham in-front of me.

     "Lord Riser, could you please enlighten this young and naive Devil on what processes I stopped? Please be specific so that I may emulate your technique?"

     Riser had a bit of a dark mood with Duke Gremory standing here just watching the show. So he points to Ni and Li.

     "Do what you want with the dog, but I am recruiting those two Nekomata into my Peerage, and I was here first."

     [Hey, I am not a dog. And whose side are you on anyway? I am out of here, ass-hole!]

     Like my brother teaches me, sometimes it is better to let some foes live, because you never know who they work for.

     Because my mission was to save the two sisters, my needing to kill the dog is not as important. As far as I know, this guy was not going to eat them and this was all an act, based on Riser being here.

     I felt a tug from behind me, and I saw Li wanting to say something.

     "Mr Gremory, we do not wish to join him, and we have never met him before ~Nya."

     Ni, holding her sister, only nodded agreeing with Li. So I said to Riser.

     "Sorry you came all this way for nothing Lord Riser, but these two do not wish to join you, better luck next time."

     Riser, now in a bad mood, asked my Father.

     "Duke Gremory, could you please explain to your Son about how recruiting works?"

     My Father with his childish face only shrugged and said.

     "Lord Riser, my Son is a Super Devil, and punishing him is difficult for me, you know how it is, right?"

     Tsubaki almost fainted hearing me be called a Super Devil, oops, did she not know?! The two Nekomata standing behind me had even more incredulous looks seeing an almost 10 year old just come in and not only bullied the wolf, but intimidated that Noble Devil into begging?!

     Ni and Li started whispering in one another's ears while I said to Riser.

     "Well, this is not your Territory, right? If it was, I would gladly step aside, but I was told by my Nekomata friends here that they will not join your Peerage. So I think as Noble Devils, the only way to settle this dispute is with a duel, right?"

     Hah, Now that is the face of constipation the Great Immortal Riser is making. I thought he would bite and duel me. Then I felt my shirt tug again, and this time it was Ni talking.

     "Mr Gremory, are you recruiting for your Peerage ~Nya?"

     Record Scratch SFX! Ash Ketchum (still in cosplay) looks stupefied that the Pokemon just asked him to use his Poke-balls on them. But my Father hearing this nice turn of events said for me.

     "He sure is, and he told me before in the restaurant how talented you were, so are you interested young ladies in joining the Gremory Devils?"

     ""Yes ~Nya!""

     "Well Lord Riser, it seems the two Nekomata want to join my Son, and not you. But, if you feel slighted, Ray offered you a one on one match to claim them?"

     Riser with a look that says 'he is not okay with it', only said.

     "I think our Noble Houses fighting over two stray cats is not needed. Ray can have them then, and I shall look elsewhere, good day Duke Gremory, now come Yubelluna."

     Then the two flew off into the sunset, and I then said to the two Nekomata.

     "Ni and Li, you do not have to join me now, I just wanted to let you two not be taken advantage of."

     Ni shook her head and said.

     "My sister Li and I are too weak to protect ourselves in this world, but joining you will assure we won't be eaten, purged, or enslaved against our wills. So we are serious about joining you Mr Gremory. You are really strong and cool ~Nya!"

     As her sister nodded to agree with her words, my Father and Tsubaki came down, and my father held out his hand, then 2 Pawn Pieces appeared, he said.

     "I do not have a free Queen Piece for Tsubaki, so you have to wait for your set, but I do have two Pawn Pieces, and I can reincarnate them now, and you can give me two in trade when you get yours, this way, Riser cannot make a stink. But for all purposes, they will be your Servants. Well Ni and Li, do you agree?"

     ""Yes ~Nya!""

-      If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     And with no one asking me if I was taking them, I watched my Father reincarnate the twins right then and there, sigh. Then after the process was done, my Father handed me a badge with his Magic Crest and said.

     With this, you can now let Li and Ni Promote anytime you want. Girls, congratulations for being my Son's 2nd and 3rd Servants behind Miss Tsubaki Shinra here. Now let us all go home!

     The two Nekomata extended their twin tails and bat-wings then retracted them with big grins, because now they could slowly feel the increased power flowing through them.

     So with my Father and I in the front, Tsubaki behind me, and the twins behind her, the 5 of us return home, to get executed for the Prison Break I apparently orchestrated, sigh!

     (Peerage members officially... 3!)


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