A New Born Devil?

Chapter 2 Eyes Wide Open?

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Chapter 2  Eyes Wide Open? by Harem-Fan



     All I heard before blacking-out mid-flight, was a collective group of yells, then nothing...

-    If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     I had a strange dream while I slept.

     I was flooded with broken memories of a life lived long ago on a strange Earth. The main take away from this bizarre dream was the fact I was a Human and not the proud noble Devil I currently am.

     I was a half American-Japanese young man who lived an ordinary life.

     My father was a native of the United States, and my mother was born and raised in Kyoto Japan. We lived in a place known as San Diego, California.

     My life was passing quickly like a time skip film that jumped and missed many parts, so I could not understand everything of that life. It seemed my name was Saji Ray. Odd that my last name was Ray like my first name of my life?

     My life was a happy and fair one. I was not abused, neglected, or bothered more than the average Human. Both of my parents loved me and raised me well.

     I seem to have made a few friends, had a few relationships that ended in different ways. One was, my childhood girlfriend had to move away. Another girlfriend and I had just drifted apart. And finally my  3rd and final girlfriend was the reason I died.

     But before I think of my death, I have discovered something reality-shaking that made my mentality question if my existence is real or fictional...

     In my myriad memories, I had recalled in my vast wealth of anime watching, one particular anime that I had only seen one time and have mostly forgotten. This series was popularized as a fan-service boob-powered underdog harem anime, starring Issei Hyoudou and Rias Gremory. The series focused on pervert mechanics where boobs made stupid sound effects as the girl just walked and breathed.

     The worst part of the story was the fact, all could be overcome with hard work and Rias's tits?!

     Why did I watch this childish pervert anime? Simply for a handful of characters and the story background. If you took a step back and saw the world hidden from view full of Youkai, Devils, Youkai, Dragons, Youkai, Angels, and Fallen Angels just to name a few, It was a compelling story world, just that the boob powers were... Cringe as fuck.

     Why did I mention Youkai so much? Well I was a bit of a nerd and some of the hottest draws in the D×D Anime were animal eared sexiness. And let us not forget the real heroine of the entire series for me, the woman who reminded me of my mother in many ways, Akeno Himejima. Yes, this one character was the reason I even watched this tragedy of a comedy.

     Now why am I focusing on those memories? Because I realized it was a cartoon version of the world I live in. Yes, my Underworld, my mother, family, all of it was a fictional animation and book series written by an author known as the God of Breast, Ishibumi Ichiei. How did this Human know about my world and put it into a fantasy story and predict the dark future of my Underworld? Was this Human some kind of God Class being from an alien dimension?

     Sadly, I only watched this series one time, because I was so embarrassed the first time watching. But I also realized that in my brief recollection of the anime, I was never in it, nor does Rias Gremory exist in my reality. According to my calculations based on my best friend Sona, I was born in Rias's place.

     This realization of killing off a person without it being my fault was causing me to have an Identity crisis for a moment. But then I concluded that perhaps the man, Ishibumi Ichiei, had shown me a possible future in my reality. I also realize that my past life as a Human might be the machinations of one of my World's many Gods. Hell, it might even be the work of Heaven's System for all I know, right? Too many soul crushing possibilities for me.

     So my takeaway is to not trust my life as a Human too much, because I am Ray Gremory! I do not doubt I am the next heir to my Gremory house and I will not let a dreamlike Human life convince me otherwise. But I have learned things about my Gremory House, Underworld, and my whole existence as a whole that should not be known by others, not even my mother or big brother can know all of this information.

     The number one thing I cannot tell anyone... The Biblical God is dead?! This has startled me the most. Is the death of God the reason I received these memories, or did God reincarnate as Ishibumi Ichiei?! This last thought is the most far fetched but possible outcome, because of how I died.

     Yeah, I died as a 24 year old and was done with college, and just came home from a job interview. When I came to the apartment where I lived with my girlfriend, I had been told she was leaving me for a high paying job in her old home state, and she wanted to make a new start... Without me.

     I immediately, with a broken heart, went for a walk to clear my mind and that is how my unexpected death came in my Human life...

     Honk Honk Thud! When I crossed the street, there was nothing, but the moment my foot hit the halfway point, I heard it, the honking of a truck. As I looked in horror, I had enough time to see it was a white moving truck with the plates of... [Truck-kun]

     And just as I was struck, I swear on everything I know to be true, the person driving and giving me a smile with a thumbs-up, was none other than, Ishibumi Ichiei!

     As I went flying through the air landing on the street, it struck me that I may have imagined all of that in the end.

     But what was bizarre was the way I died. I held up my bloody hand, and thought of the scene in the anime when Issei died. No, I did not want to grab boobs, but thought this Truck God, did all of this on purpose to make me think of my current world. So that is why I believe that man to have been the now dead Biblical God.

     Well, most of that life is a fading memory, and only the few things I know of my world seem to be in the front of my mind. Sadly I did not memorize things that I saw. But not being able to remember the pain of death, the loss of my lover, and family in that possibly fake life, will not stay in my every thought.

     I think my consciousness is stirring, and this crazy dream will end. But now I have a slightly more mature way of thinking going forward. Now I realize how much I have destroyed the visions shown to me. My position that Rias had, my friendship with Sona, the fact I now realize Kuisha Abaddon is my fucking fiance and not just a family friend, sigh. I need to get stronger to deal with the dangerous future many foes may bring to my world and threaten my peace.

     Crap, I cannot even save those two cat sisters or even Akeno, because I do not know or remember enough to use my future cheat to save them from their shit fates, damn.

     If I am some kind of Reincarnation Protagonist, I have already failed those women... Fuck now I am depressed. But wait, I am only 4 years old, and I cannot change things can I? Who would believe me? My brother might, or he might think I am crazy. Oh fuck and my cousins mother will fall into that dreaded sleep. I cannot change anything. I-I think I might cry now...


     As I had finally started to open my eyes, tears had been welling up and falling. I am laying in a woman's arms, as I see my worried mother. Venelana asked me.

     "My son, are you still in pain? Tell me what is wrong?"

     "I-I had a nightmare..."

     I hear noise and through my bleary eyes can see it is still my birthday party, and I must have only been unconscious for a short while. My father, Sona, Kuisha, Grayfia, and even my Brother with Serafall are surrounding my mother and I. So I used my sleeve to wipe my tears and force a smile.

     "Sorry everyone, but did anyone see the Truck that ran me over?"

     My joke stunned the worried crowd, then my father Zeoticus started to loudly laugh at my joke. He said in a better mood.

     "Ha-ha, My boy, you seem to be alright now, in order to tell a joke. But you were not hit by a truck, but by Gautama!"

     I look to the massive camel and I swear to the Satan himself, that fucking camel just winked at me, like what happened was all his doing, but how can I tell others what I witnessed?!

     Getting out of mothers arms and brushing off my clothing, I said to everyone gathered.

     "Everything is fine now, so let us continue the party and forget the unexpected accident. I thank everyone for attending my 4th birthday party."

     When I saw Sairaorg and Kuisha, I realized I changed everything with my birth, and nothing will happen like in the story I saw. Then I remembered the lesson I learned from the Rias vs Riser fight in that anime I witnessed. So I walked to the side of Kuisha and gently took her hand which made her blush, and I said.

     "Kuisha, I won't leave your side."

     And all the adults lifted their eyebrows seeing my actions, and the red faced little girl who I basically confessed to. But I do not want her and I to have an unhappy relationship like Rias and Riser had.

     Plus in the last 4 years, this little cute blonde noble lady has been my friend. So I will do my best to foster a healthy relationship with her. I know she is not that character from that vision I saw, and is my good friend Kuisha, like Sona, and Sairaorg.

     I had read enough online novels to know that trying to keep a story-line true is just stupid. This is my life and nobody belongs to anybody. We are all living breathing creatures with Free-Will. And I will just let life lead me along and not fight the current.

     Kuisha, still holding my hand, said in a quiet voice.

     "I-I won't leave as well..."

     As she held my hand firmly, I realized she was also told about our future. All of my family plus her parents put on bright smiles realizing any fears they had of us not getting along were now resolved. I looked at Sona and gave her a thumbs up and with a dimple on my cheek told her.

     "And I will always be there when my best friend Sona needs me!"

     Sona looked dazed at being pointed out, and to her horror, her older sister the Devil King, Serafall Leviathan swooped her up in a tight hug swinging her around saying to her sister.

     "So cute my little So-tan, even Ray said he is your ally of Justice! Let us use the power of friendship and eat cake!"

     "Sister p-please put me down, it is embarrassing~!"

     Everyone seeing this, forgot about the Gremory Prince cannonball, and just laughed at the two sisters showing familial love.

     Still holding little Kuisha's hand, I hope our lives can always stay happy, just like this perfect moment.


(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)



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