A New Born Devil?

Chapter 20 Maiden Yasaka?

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(A/N Trigger Warning: Excessive and inappropriate Mofu Mofu ahead, read with caution! You have been warned!)


Chapter 20  Maiden Yasaka? by Harem-Fan


     We had been led through a maze of paper sliding doors, and if I didn't know better, each room we passed was like a dimensional maze to confuse others who had bad intentions.

     But just as I thought we would never find it, the room with the other Elder and Yasaka was upon us!

     The old Tengu Elder was off to the left side of the room, while sitting at a medium sized low-table, sat Princess Yasaka sitting in seiza, wearing her red and white Shinto Priestess outfit, along with her crown I have seen for years now.

     Her blonde nine tails fluttered behind her, while her blond long hair spilled over her shoulders. Yasaka's smile was the next thing to catch my eye, and her noble eyebrows briefly caught my eye. Then the final thing that made my eyes linger for too long, those soft and fluffy looking ears that I have shamelessly imagined petting for a very long time.

     I was only brought out of my perverse thoughts when her left side ear twitched in embarrassment, from my gaze. I then coughed and introduced myself.

     "Cough, Princess Yasaka, I greet you. As you may have guessed, I am Ray Gremory, the next head to the Gremory House. It is an honor to meet you. This is my Fathers Bishop, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. And the two Reincarnated Devils from the Eastern Youkai Faction, the Nekomata sisters, Ni and Li, both future Pawns in my service."

     Then I gave her a slight bow in respect. She then covered her lips and greeted back.

     "Ufufu, So formal Ray. Just call me Yasaka, after all you are my benefactor. Please do not just stand there, I would like you to sit here."

     She patted the seat just on the left side of her, on the corner, not to close and not too far. Not seeing any issue with the spot I kneel next to her location as she only smiled at my movements.

     I did however notice the old man's jaw clenching, like I was sitting too close to his Princess, but I ignored it. My Servants sat further down to my left, with Uncle sitting at the opposite end to Yasaka.

     I found it kinda funny how all the way here, both Ni and Li seemed to not think much of Yasaka, like she was trouble involved with me, but it seems just feeling her strength in the same room, the two now look like frightened kittens.

     Well, if I am not mistaken, Yasaka is Ultimate-class in strength, and if she taps into the Ley-Lines, she can be considered Satan-class strength, I believe.

     On the other-hand, Yasaka, seeing me not even flinching in-front of her strength, was convinced I was truly a Super Devil. She said to a maid.

     "Serve our finest tea and snacks for my guests."

     Soon, four maid Kitsune came in and set everything up, but Yasaka stopped the maid about to pour my green tea, and instead, she elegantly poured it for me with her charming smile. Thankfully my years of ogling her naked picture has given me a small bit of immunity to her charm, but I admit, in person her charisma is huge, like her chest, cough.

     "Thank you Yasaka for your hospitality, oh and I have some gifts from the Underworld for you."

     I hand over to the surprised Kyuubi, a large bag with handles. Yasaka gracefully took it, then sat it beside herself. She curiously peered into it, and her yellow eyes opened at the assortment of things inside. She smiled like a small child and started to go through the bag.

     "That is a bottle of the finest Gremory wine we produce, so be careful, for it has a bit of a kick despite its fruity flavor. Oh, and that is a ruby encrusted gold bracelet from the Dragon Mountains in our Gremory domain. The former Dragon King Tannin allows us to mine there. There is an assortment of candies we produce using more exotic Underworld fruits not found in the Human world, and I hear Youkai love it. Oh, and that is a Plush Bear for your daughter, Kunou."

     As Yasaka held the cute brown bear, I had not noticed the strange looks from the two Youkai attendants of Yasaka.

     Then Yasaka said to me with a kind smile.

     "Oh? I am sorry Ray, but I have no child, nor a mate. Where did you hear I had a child, Kunou was it?"

     My brain froze hearing her words, and I asked to make sure I did not hear wrongly.

     "Ah?! Wait, you don't have a daughter named Kunou?"

     She smiled seeing my surprised face and shook her head, while I was counting on my fingers under the table trying to figure out how old her child should be... And every mathematical count I did came up with the same result... Kunou should be here... Did I fuck something up?!

     "What is wrong, Ray? You seem distracted, did I say something wrong... Um, the bear is cute and I like it, fufu."

     "Ha- ha- Oh, I must have heard wrongly, my mistake, to think that, ha-ha..."

     I try to school my expression, because I see a hint of suspicion in Yasaka's intense eyes. How the hell did I know her thoughts were on another set of train tracks all together?!

     Soon, the topics changed, and she asked me simpler things like, what I had thought of the Back Alley or Kyoto in general, very safe topics indeed.

-     If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Yasaka realized the time, she decided to get to more of her real agenda. She leaned in and said while smelling me subtly.

     "Ray, I want to talk with you more, and because it is late on the Human side, please have you and your party stay in my home for the night, so we can have lunch together and chat just a tad longer, please?"

     I looked at Uncle Heinrich and he nodded it was fine, so I told her.

     "Then Yasaka, we will trouble you for the night."

     Clap Clap! Yasaka clapped her hands twice, and a group of Kitsune maids came out. She then said,

     "Take Ray's companions to the guest rooms, and take Prince Gremory to the VIP guest room. Ray, that room has its own private hot spring, and it is magical. Only my VIP guest may stay in that room, so enjoy."

     "Thank you for your hospitality, Yasaka."

     And soon the maids led us all to our guest rooms...


     Okay, I might be 10 and have some other memories, but I admit, that the first issue should have been... I was led into a separate wing than my three party members, but to be fair, I was fully distracted with the butterfly I think I crushed.

     The maid opened a finely decorated guest room. She pointed to everything I needed, from the massive futon, clean clothing that can work for any sized man, yet another clue I missed. She showed me where the changing room and baths were and how to exit to the hot springs. She finally left me alone.

     Standing in the room, I realized I was not sleepy with my thoughts racing, so I went to rinse off and go soak. I love my hot spring at home, so an outdoor dip under the dark Urakyoto sky would be enough to relax my chaotic thoughts, I hoped.


     Thanks to my family having long connections to Japan, we in the Gremory home take baths like the Humans of Japan, by rinsing under showers while sitting on shower stools, then when we are clean,we climb in the hot spring or bath water.

     Opening the sliding door, I see a large rock hot spring that is the size of a living room, and could accommodate 20 people comfortably. It seems to be like half a school swimming pool. Well I found a good spot and climbed in.

     I can tell magic was used to shape the rock so it fit the body with comfort in mind, while retaining its natural look.

     Finding a comfy spot where I could lay back and look up at the dark sky, I only sighed. Soon I closed my eyes. My thoughts went back to 6 years ago recounting the battle.

      "So it seems by stopping that trash Kanji, I inadvertently killed the father of Kunou, sigh. I did something good, and yet I am so complicated. I-I feel like I stopped happiness from coming to Yasaka, or did I stop pain?"

     "So, was that why you were so complicated?"

     My heart literally skipped beating for a moment, as my eyes shot open to see yellow eyes looking down on me?! How did Yasaka get in here, and how did I not hear her?

     "Y-Yasaka, how... What?!"

     I suddenly stood up, but then realized I was naked, so I dropped back into the water.

     Yasaka had a towel around her torso that hardly covered everything, with her hair all pulled back onto her ponytail. She smiled trying to calm my obviously panicked state. She said,

     "May I sit next to you, Ray?"

     "Sure, sorry I am a bit out of it."

     Soon, she lowered herself still with her towel on, while I was covering my still growing junk. I am used to nudity with my family and even with Kuisha and Sona, but Yasaka still makes my heart nervous, for obvious reasons. When she settled in, she looked into my blue-green eyes and said,

     "In my Youkai world, there is a type of mirror Youkai that can show possible futures. The problem with what people see in them, they assume what they see is fact. But often, what one person sees is different than what will actually happen. It depends on the heart of the person using the power of the mirror."

     Then she pointed to my heart and continued.

     "It seems you had a glimpse of a possible future, and you thought it was the right future, correct?"

     I nod, because she is being serious and not playful, so she continues.

     "So if you did not interfere back then, I would have a child, hmm. Well it would not have been a mating I would have liked. So you thought it was the way things should be, but you were given an opportunity to prevent a sad fate to the Youkai Princess, and targeted the only vial of elixir to stop a crime, then your true future became false, correct?"


     "You are not sure what path is wrong or right, correct? Well then I shall pose a question to you , Ray... Knowing what you know now of both futures, and you were back in that restaurant, what path would you take again?"

     I closed my eyes trying to ignore the smell of Yasaka, and then I answered with clarity and a sad smile.

     "Every time, I would stop him... I could not knowingly let someone get hurt if I can stop it, even if I change things. I-I keep changing everything..."

     Yasaka, happy with my answer, hugged my shoulder and told me.

     "I am not sure about a child, but I do know a young Devil risked his own life to help me, and in my eyes, you are my hero, Ufufu. So I want to tell you personally, "Thank you, Ray."

     I realize she is holding me now and I think the red on my face is not from the hot spring, but I ignored her really soft body and asked.

     "So why are you ignoring the fact I knew stuff?"

     "Easy, whatever you think you saw is your truth, and not mine, so knowing anything you saw is more harmful than good. Youkai magic is like that, you know. Oh, I meant to ask... How much have you looked at my painting, Ufufu?"

     "Somewhere between too much and not enough. I think you have ruined my expectations on beauty for other women, you set a high bar, sigh."

     I saw a sly smile on Yasaka's face as she asked me.

     "The painting was not your reward, so what could you possibly want, Ray? Devils believe in equivalent exchange, right?"

     "No, I did it for me."

     "Nope, you cannot weasel out so easily, let us see, oh, I know how to reward you and still not sully your youth!"

     So she let me go and sat on the edge of the hot-spring... Then she removed her towel and said,

     "You can only look for now, my Ray. So how do I compare to the painting?"

     "Ah?! I think I passed out in the hotspring, and I am dreaming, right?"

     As she started to laugh, her breasts jiggled and my stupid eyes went wide. Then Yasaka said something that melted my brain.

     "I forgot to tell you, the reason I am here with you is because our rooms are connected. The room you are staying is where a consort would live, but as I have none, it was free. I was hoping you and I could have time together like this. So... Do you like fox women, Ray?"

     "Kinda, but if I am honest, it is just you, shit, I said that out loud?!"

     Yasaka covered herself again and got back in the water and hugged my shoulders, then asked.

     "Ray, I am serious... If you feel bad for choosing the path you did, then when you are old enough, be my mate, and give me the daughter I should have? Am I good enough for you Ray Gremory, Super Devil?"

     After a while of blanking I confirm.

     "When you say mate, are you talking like one time, or forever?"

     "I prefer forever."

     "So then are you like my girlfriend now?!"

     Her smile blossomed hearing my innocent shock, and she nodded and told me.

     "Hmm, Yes, I think that would make us boyfriend and girlfriend, at least in Human terms. Is that fine with you?"

     I cannot hide the stupid smile and I tell Yasaka.

     "Then sign me up for mate please! As soon as I am ready, I will barge in here! Oh, but we need to make this official."

     She grins not knowing what I am thinking.

     "Well we cannot do those kinds of things just yet, so how do we make it official, Ray?"

     I leaned in and pressed my lips on Yasaka's soft and moist lips. We did not invade beyond the lips, but her eyes closed, and this time, I held the kiss for at least two minutes before stopping. I then said.

     "That makes us official Yasaka, so wait for me!"

     Yasaka biting her bottom lip blushed and told me, making my mind blown.

     "Ray, that was my first kiss, Ufufu. Ah! Ray you're now being naughty, oh~!"

     Mofu Mofu! Yes, I may have left our relationship kinda PG-Rated, but I absolutely molested her ears and tails for an hour, and she loves it!



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