A New Born Devil?

Chapter 32 Who Is The Protagonist, Me Or Sona?

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Chapter 32  Who Is The Protagonist, Me Or Sona? by Harem-Fan


     Right now, it is April 1st, and also April Fools Day. Well, I should have guessed this day was going to feel like a joke to me. And the joke was being pulled by the Butterflies of Fate.

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     Ding Dong! Tsubaki pressed the doorbell on the security gate on the old Japanese style mansion. It is two floors and wider than my mansion, do to an inner courtyard. My girls have been here before.

     I am here with my Peerage who are all wearing casual dresses matching their eye colors, which are common attire for the local Japanese for this time period. Right now it is the year 2003 AD.

     Sona told me over the phone she acquired 2 Knights, a Pawn, a Rook, and her new Queen. She refused to say more and said it was a surprise, with a happy sound in her voice... It was 'Smug Sona Sitri' for sure.

     Click Clank Clank Clank! As the gate unlocked and remotely opened, a deep young man's voice was heard over the intercom.

     [Greetings Gremory House, Sona is expecting you, so please enter.]

     My eyebrow raised because of two things. First the person speaking was male, and Sona only has 3 Devil maids. Second, I do not recognize that voice from the anime. But I lead in my Peerage and head to the front doors...


     When the front door opened for us, a teenager of large build for a 14-15 year old was met. He is wearing bluejeans, boots, and a Guns and Roses tee-shirt. He also wore a bandana on his head with grey hair and yellow eyes. His looks just screams: Thuggish.

     But my two Nekomata girls and I can sense an aura other than Devil or Human, but that of a Lycanthrope-Werewolf. He too, seeing our eyes just says casually.

     "Sorry, I am known as "Rugal" Loup Garou. I am Sona's new Rook, it is nice to meet all of you, please come with me."

     He just turned and walked in, not even bothering to say anything else, so we closed the door and followed this large teenager.

     As we followed, I wracked my fuzzy memories, trying to remember this guy, and I am drawing a blank. I do not know this guy, or he was just forgettable in the anime.


     As we entered Sona's greeting room, I saw all of her current Peerage members sitting casually, and I almost fainted at what I saw...

     Okay, I already know of and have met Momo Hanakai, that was her first Servant, the white haired Bishop, with blue-green eyes like me...

     And I know her second Bishop that was with Momo, Reya Kusaka. She is the quiet brown haired and eyed girl...

     And sadly, I DO recognize the remaining members of Sona's Peerage, and I am freaking with one thought... Is Sona a fucking Protagonist of our world with Rias not it?!

     Sona got up and hugged me, seeing I went utterly stiff. She assumes it is my Gremory Treasure and Talent detection, making me freak out, and she proudly started to introduce her new members.

     "I think you have already met my new Rook Loup Garou. He just wants to be called Rugal. He has a Werewolf Father and a famous Magician Mother. So he is a hybrid like Akeno."

     Rugal nodded to me again, and then Sona waved to the smallest of her members, a young platinum-blonde girl with pink eyes and short pointed ears. This 'girl' is a Vampire-Human hybrid called a Dhampir.

     I know this little girl is no fucking girl, but a cross-dressing boy, better known as a Trap. Do not be mistaken, this cross-dresser is not gay, but just has 'special' tastes. He is known as...

     "And this is my new incredible Mutated Queen, Gasper Vladi. I had stumbled upon him in Romania just after some Vampire Hunters killed him. I tried to bring him back as a Pawn, but the amount of Pieces was too-much, so I took a gamble on him... Cough, At the time, I thought he was a girl..."

     I look into his shaky eyes and see terror in them, like he can see how much power I have in me. I greet him warmly.

     "Hello Sona's Queen, Gasper-"

     FLASH! I felt like I blinked, and I felt like I was frozen for a split second. But after I blinked, Gasper vanished like he was never there. Sona, just sighed beside me and looked at me, while I turned to see a shaking cardboard box in the corner. Shiver Shiver! Seeing the trembling box put a smile on my face.

     Seeing it in the anime, and feeling it are two different things. His Sacred Gear is truly terrifying! Then from the box, Gasper's trembling voice came.

     [S-Sorry Sona, I-I panicked... I-I am sorry.]

     As I grin at Sona, she said.

     "My Queen has the Sacred Gear known as, Forbidden Balor View, and he cannot control it well yet. He can stop time for anything he sees for a short time. He just has a fear of strangers and being out exposed in the world. I am trying to help him, but it is slow going, sigh."

     I look at the box and tell Gasper.

     "Gasper, Sona is my best friend, so be a good Queen and protect her well. Also, your Forbidden Balor View is incredible, and frankly, I am jealous of it."

     The box stopped shaking, and without getting out, he said or asked.

     [Ah! Prince Gremory, you are not mad at me?]

     "Nope, and later I will help Sona help you, so just stay there and be calm."

     [T-Thank you Prince Gremory...]

     "No problem, and all of you can just call me Ray in casual times like now."

     Sona, knowing I am a kind Devil, just redirected me to a girl next to Momo. She has reddish-brown hair and brown eyes.

     "This is my first Knight, Tomoe Meguri. I met her locally, and she is a strong user of the Katana."

     "Hello Sona's best friend, Prince Gremory. Nice to meet you, he-he."

     I just smile at the bubbly girl, and then Sona points to a boy the same age as her other Knight. He is blonde, with blue-grey eyes and under his left eye is a beauty mark, so he is handsome for his age. But he looks a bit gloomy.

     "This is my second Knight, and due to his background, his name needs to be changed, so he and I picked Yuuto Kiba. He also is a wielder of a strong Sacred Gear called, Sword Birth, and he can create any kind of sword he can think of."

     Yuuto stood, bows and said.

     "Prince Gremory, it is good to meet a friend of my King, so please just call me Kiba."

     "Sure, Kiba, I believe you will be a strong Knight for Sona."

     Then Sona pointed to the last new member, her new Pawn with brown eyes and hair, and this was what freaked me the hell out the most, because I killed way too many butterflies for this to happen.

     "Well, I had told you I tried to reincarnate Gasper with Pawn Pieces, right? I could not do it because I only had 4 left after Reincarnating my Pawn here. He took 4 Pawn Pieces to bring back to life, after I accidentally killed him, cough. Please meet my Pawn, Issei Hyoudou. He also has a Sacred Gear known as the Twice Critical. I was shocked when I brought him back with 4 Pieces. Finding him was a stroke of luck, but the way he died was less than normal."

     Issei Hyoudou, the main Protagonist alongside Rias Gremory in the anime, is here in the flesh as a Reincarnated Devil for Sona, but... I thought in the anime he needed like 8 Pawn Pieces?!

     Issei looked to the side in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his head, and admitted to me.

     "Ah, Well it was my fault. I was running and bumped into Sona, and I might have accidentally (purposefully), cough, looked up her skirt to look at the color, but... I made her mad by saying (yelling) the color (blue-stripes) out-loud, he-he."

     Sona said to finish.

     "I was so embarrassed, I forgot my strength, and kicked his face a bit too hard, and well, I had to reincarnate him to make up for killing him."

     I really want to smack Issei for doing that to Sona, but first, I cannot punish Sona's Servant, and second, Issei is an innocent pervert that actually died for his hobby, sigh...

     I point to my Peerage and introduce them quickly, because I am sure Sona said a bit.

     "This here is my Queen, Tsubaki Shinra. And this wonderful girl is my fiance and Bishop, Kuisha Abaddon. Next is my other Bishop, Akeno Himejima. This little lady is my Rook, Shirone Toujou. And lastly are my two fun Pawns, Ni and Li Murasaki. (purple)"

     Just as I finished the introductions, my 3 cat girls let out their ears and tails they had been hiding, and that is when the chaos started...

     Issei's eyes had been rolling left and right at all of the cute girls at my sides, 13-16 in looks, and like any 12 year-old perverted boy should. He was watching like he was at a Devils tennis game. But when he saw the three girls became attractive cat girls, he stood up and pointed in excitement!

     "Ahhh?! A-Are those real cat girls, like not cosplay, but real Devil Cat Girls!!!"

     Smack Thud! Just as Issei was running over to get a better look, the Knight Tomoe Meguri, pulled out a folded paper-fan out of nowhere and smacked the back of Issei's head, forcing him to face-plant into the carpet, in a comical fashion. Sona sighed and said to her Knight.

     "Thanks, Tomoe. Ray, he is a work in progress, please do not be offended."

     As long as Issei does not touch my girls, or cross too many lines, I do understand his character well, so I say to Sona.

     "I do understand his nature, but if he peeps on my girls or something, I cannot promise anything but his life stays intact, is that fine? My girls punish as they see fit?"

     Sona smiled at my words, because it is better than her Pawn earning a Power of Destruction bullet to the face. As she nodded to confirm, Shirone looked at Issei twitching on the ground and said...

     "Tomoe, that was dope, can you do it again?"

     Smack! Tomoe, with a soft spot for cute looking boys and girls, hit Issei while he was getting up and knocked him back down. Issei raised his voice at his teammate.

     "Dammit?! What was that for? I didn't even do anything perverted that time?"

     Tomoe faked shame and held up the fan.

     "Sorry Issei, I am just so used to hitting you that it is like muscle memory now, sorry-sorry, fufu."

     Sona waves to the dining-room and says to me and my group.

     "Now that we are introduced, let us have dinner everyone. Ray come and sit next to me please."

     So with that, our two groups finally met and had a warm dinner together. And yes, Issei ate a paper-fan a couple of times that night. So, I wonder if Sona can beat the pervert out of Issei? I doubt it...

     After today, I knew the future was fucked...


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