A New Born Devil?

Chapter 39 The Strongest Pawn ~Nyo?

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[A/N: The first manga to feature what is considered a magical girl was 1953's Princess Knight, written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka. The protagonist is a girl named Sapphire, who was born with the heart of both a boy and a girl. (In my story, Osamu Tezuka is Serafall's Reincarnated Pawn who wrote the story for his King. It is also eluded in the D×D story that Serafall pioneered the concept of Magical Girls at that time for her own hobbies.)]


Chapter 39  The Strongest Pawn ~Nyo? by Harem-Fan


     Then a loud deep voice was heard from inside the apartment, while the sounds of fighting continued. A voice from my forgotten memory...

     [I am a Magical Girl of Justice Nyo~!]

     I quickly said to my team...

     "The big Human is not our enemy, and Akeno, hold your spell. Ni and Li, the female Stray is yours, take care of her. Kuisha backs up Saji, Shirone, and Tsubaki, go..."

     Just as the grotesque purple haired Stray got back to her feet, the cat girls were on her, with a flurry of attacks that only a Queen and Knight can deliver, bewildering the Stray, Ava.

     I stood next to the near-dead Vampire Stray, and held out my hand with one of my Bullets of Annihilation, and spoke my judgment dictated by the Arch-Duke Agreas House. Yeah, it feels cheesy as shit to say it, but it is required to kill another Devil's Servants.

     "In the name of the Duke House of Gremory... I Ray Gremory the Lord of this Territory, carry out the sentence of death, for betraying your Master. Darin, Dome, Pictor, and Ava... Die."

     As my Power of Destruction hit, it disintegrated the Middle-class-low Stray out of existence...

     BOOOOOM Slide...! A massive Bodybuilder like man, dressed in tattered Magical Girl clothing (identical to Serafall), was shot out of the previous hole made by Ava. Even though he was shot back, he only skied across the broken parking lot of the apartment building, in a dust cloud.

     When the dust cleared, everyone saw the buff man standing at 6 feet 10 inches, holding his right arm up in a blocking pose, while holding an unconscious woman, wearing a runners outfit, in the other arm. It is clear that this man I now confirm to be Mil-Tan, was shielding the vulnerable woman. He most likely saw the kidnapping of the woman, and with his kind heart came to save her.


     Then two huge Stray devils came out of the hole to follow its prey. The first Stray on the left is standing at 8 feet tall and has scorpion claws for hands, and a long scorpion tail with a stinger dripping acid from the end, just the tip.

     The second Stray is a hulking 10 foot tall Devil Youkai in the shape of a feral Panda man. His red eyes glow in malice, and drool drips from his teeth. The Panda then yells at all of us.

     [Pictor, look, more foes to fight, but Devil meat tastes rotten, I want the big guy and you eat the little woman, Okay?]

     With his tail swishing behind like a viper, Pictor said.

     "Hisses, Sounds gooood~, Ava can eat cat, Hiss."

     Ava, currently getting pummeled like a sandbag, yells at her companions.

     "You Bastards, help me, or I will not sleep with you tonight, daaaaaaaamnit~!"

     I break up the evil monologues of the three and say.

     "Saji, that tail is yours to hold down. Shirone and Tsubaki, on Kung-Fu Panda! Mil-tan, take a break, leave the rest to us."

     At my words, Saji used his Absorption Line to entangle the flailing scorpion tail, draining his Stamina and keeping it from being used, while the Stray tried desperately to cut the line with his razor-like claws, unable to sever it.

     Bang Bang Bang! Shirone began to hurl Senjutsu aura blasts at the Panda with mild effectiveness, while Tsubaki twirled her Naginata and rushed to engage the Panda-man.


     Mil-tan was surprised, pointing to himself and asked me.

     "You know me ~Nyo?"

     I nodded with a smile, but gave orders.

    "Ni and Li, change to Pictor, and Akeno, finish her off."

     "See you later Ava, nice not meowing ya ~Nya!"

     "Sister Sadist Surprising Super Shocking Special Smites, um... You ~Nya?!"

     Both twins clipped her feet at the same time sweeping Ava to the ground, and with Queen speed, went to fight Pictor. Akeno releasing her spell shook her head at Li's terrible battle naming ability.

     Crackle Crackle... BOOM! And from the sky, her horizontal Gremory Attack Magic Circle called down a thick bolt of lightning onto the exposed Stray Devil, killing her in one go... If it can blow up a School Gym, it can blow up a Stray, yup!

     Mil-tan, seeing Akeno's Magic, only widened his eyes in childlike surprise. Magic is something that Mil-tan had fantasized and wished for all his life. Even more than his feelings of being a female trapped in a man's body, after discovering Magical Girls. Though, his Body Building is the one thing in his life that gave him purpose, to become strong enough to break his limits, and become a Magical Hero. But the Hero he admired the most, and felt the connection to, was the Magical Girl Milky Spiral Seven.

     Akeno tightened her legs seeing Ava scream and then vanish into dust, like all Devils do when they die. BOOOOOOOM!


     Ding Swoosh Slice! With the ground shaking, we can see the Panda tried to bring down an overhead punch to flatten Tsubaki, but she agilely parried, side stepped him, and then left a large slice on his side, making his eyes scrunch in anger.

     Crack! Whoosh... SMACK! Shirone ripped a large chunk of asphalt and hurled it at the Panda, knocking his head to the side, distracting him from Tsubaki. The Panda Dome roared in anger.

     [Arrrrgh! You little Neko bitch diiiiiiiie!!!!!]


     Skid! Saji's feet slid closer to the Stray, as it was trying to snap its giant pincers onto the two nimble cat girls. But Saji using his Queen strength grit his teeth to pull as hard as he could, to throw off his balance, he yelled.

     "Ni and Li, can you hurry, or the ORC Vice President is going to beat hers first, and make us look bad!"

     Ni and Li nodded to one another, to be more serious, and ran around the Stray clockwise in a trick to make him turn into the Absorption Line.

     "I'm better than you, na-na, na-na, boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo ~Nya!"

     "Ni, that is disgusting, who taught you that ~Nya?"

     "Ufufu, It was little Rias who taught me ~Nya!"

     "Oh, then Ray can't get mad at us for using it, ~Nya hah-aha!"

     Pictor, frustrated, fell for the plot and spun around trying to get them, but found he was tied up by his own tail for a moment, then he saw three uppercuts coming to him at the same time from Ni, Li, and Saji!



     Bam Bam! Both the giant Panda and Shirone delivered a massive punch to each-other, colliding and blocking one another, then Dome smiled wickedly as he inhaled deeply for some kind of breath attack. Seeing this I yelled...

     "Tsubaki, NOW! Shirone, retreat!"

     Shirone, super-fast and nimble for a Rook, leaps back in a somersault, while Tsubaki stands where she had been. Tsubaki then swiftly swung both of her hands down creating a mirror as the attack came...


     From Dome's mouth came a stream of superheated steam almost like horizontal rain with heat vapor. But then the attack was sucked into the Mirror Alice, and then instantly rebound back at the stunned Panda, who took his own attack at double its strength...

     Crack Scatter! As the attack was reflected, the mirror shattered into motes of light, showing the scene of a massive Headless Panda. Then like a lie, the body slowly crumbled into ash, blowing away in the breeze.

     "That is it, I am taking all of you assholes with me, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

     We all turn to see Ni, Li, and Saji beating the tar out of the last Stray, and then see him activate his Self-Destruct-Magic, and the explosion will be enough to take out everything within 30 feet of him, so I yell.

     "Everyone run! He will blow up soon!"

     Thanks to their Queen Piece Promotions, the three Pawns of mine begin to run, but an unexpected event took place, stopping them in their tracks!


     Mil-tan had laid the woman safely to the side on an old bus-stop bench, when he heard my yell.

     "Everyone run! He will blow up soon!"

     And without thinking, Mil-tan rushed to the slowly expanding Stray Devil, He ignored the shocked looks of the blonde kid and the two cat girls, and like a Hero on a mission, grabbed the growing Pictor by the tail, and began to toss him high into the sky, while yelling!


    As Pictor was flung at speeds he could not understand, he could only scream in his last moments...

     "Nooooo~, I am blasting off agaaaaaaaaaain~!"

     BOOOOOM! And high in the air, Pictor's Demonic Power erupted in a strength equal to a High-class-high level! The explosion was even bigger than I thought, and Mil-tan really saved our bacon in the property damage department. I could only say to him.

     "Thanks for that Mil-tan."

     "You are welcome ~Nyo."

     I looked at the woman on the bench and told Kuisha.

     "Heal her, then make her forget the attack. She will only be left with some nightmares for a bit, but will recover soon."

     Kuisha nodded then looked at Mil-tan, and asked me.

     "What about his memories?"

     I smiled at her and said.

     "Mind Control Magic will not work on him like that woman, so leave Mil-tan to me. Akeno, Shirone, Ni, Li, and Saji, investigate the site for any possible survivors or clues."

     All of my Peerage acknowledged my orders, and Tsubaki stood behind me, as I looked at Mil-tan and asked.

     "Hello Mil-tan, I am Ray Gremory, Lord of the territory known as Kuoh Town. If you have not guessed, we are Devils, and those monsters were ex-Devils, known as Stray Devils or Demons. My question for you is... How did you get involved with this scene here?"

     Mil-tan with his serious face said.

     "I was getting my nails done at my friend's dress up party, and on my way home, I saw two guys kidnap that poor lady there, so as any good Magical Girl would do, I followed to rescue her ~Nyo."

     "That was nice of you to do. And my best friend's Sister who created the Magical Girl stories would be proud of your dedication."

     "Sister? Osamu Tezuka, is a man though ~Nyo?"

     "Osamu Tezuka, is a reincarnated Devil like my Pawns over there. He made the story for the Devil King Leviathan, who loves the whole idea of it. You see, she is a girl, and the writer a man, so concepts merged to that of the first character made. The first Magical Girl. Osamu Tezuka was able to also live as a Magical Girl while using Transformation Magic, so he is a man most of the time, but fights as a Magical Girl, like his King, the main inspiration for the first Magical Girl."

     Mil-tan's eyes sparkled at that, as I figured he would. Yes, I know it is dirty to recruit him like this, but really, Mil-tan is incredibly strong as a Human. His strength I see is topped off at the highest Middle-class-high rank, without being a Devil.

     And when we came here, my cat girls or any of us could even detect his presence. He was also not affected by Kuisha's anti-Human Barrier. And the most important part, he is a really kind person.

     I put both hands out and in my left, is my personal Summoning Flyer, and in my right, was a crimson Mutated Pawn Piece, so with my utmost seriousness I tell or offer Mil-tan.

     "Mil-tan, This Summoning Flyer can call for me if you wish to ever have a wish granted for an equal price. Or this Pawn Piece can transform you into a Devil Servant of mine, giving you the Magic you have always longed for. I will explain the finer details of both choices to you. I will even tell you about the Magicians out there if you cannot accept this offer, so do you wish to hear the fine-print?"

     Tsubaki was a bit surprised I would even recruit this mass of cross-dressing muscle, and Mil-tan said.

     "Please tell me about the fine print Mr Devil ~Nyo." (Nickname earned: Mr Devil, by Mil-tan)



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(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)


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