A New Born Devil?

Chapter 63 Game Day (Part 3)?

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[A/N Just to clarify for readers about the relationship between Serafall and Sona... This is not an Incestuous or Yuri relationship at all. If you clearly listen to the words in the anime and in the LN, Serafall is telling Sona to "recite lines" on the whole "girl on girl" bit. Sona is just embarrassed that her sister would make her do that kind of acting in public. It is assumed that this line was in one of Serafall stories, movies, or another Magical Girl story. Also Serafall's feelings for her sister when sealed away with 666 shows it is not a Yuri relationship at all. The whole Yuri crap with the sisters was propagated by kinky Fan-Fictions. Well, facts don't matter to the Kool-Aid drinking crowd, lol.]


Chapter 63  Game Day (Part 3)? by Harem-Lover


     "Well Little Brother, I cannot tell you too many details about Jeanne and Leonardo at this time. Devil King Ajuka has taken custody of those two. That Leonardo is very dangerous and must be handled carefully. The reason Ajuka hid them is because Georg with his Dimension Lost can sneak in anywhere, so hiding them is important. Oh, and here is your gift for today's Rating Game Challenge..."

     Sirzechs summoned a box with a Kuoh Academy boys uniform.

     "Despite it looking like your uniform for school, this is in fact one of the latest and most advanced battle-armor for Devils. It is similar to the Churches Battle Suits and is heavily enchanted against damage of all sorts, especially the main elements. If it has any weakness, it would be it still is only so-so against blunt attacks, but slashing, piercing, and magical attacks will be reduced a lot."

     "Thanks Big Brother. Since I cannot use a Phoenix Tears during the match I believe this will be useful."

     Sirzechs was happy to see me happy, and he added.

     "We have made a few of the outfits for your entire Peerage, and for both the warm and cold uniforms. Ah look... Seems Mother is giving Kuisha, Tsubaki, and Akeno theirs now."

     I looked over, and I even saw that little Rias is holding a kids version of the uniform, and I chuckle inside because she is not like the adult form of herself that fills it out. But she still looks so adorable ... Crap stupid doting older brother thoughts!

     I also see that Akeno pulled out a Shrine Maiden Miko outfit made with the armored material, and she is half in tears. I can tell she is thinking of her Mother. Then, like she could feel my gaze, Akeno looked up into my eyes.

     As her eyes were a bit misty, I only smiled at her, understanding her heart. The last week or so, she has earnestly been trying to use the Holy Element in her Thunder Magic, but still has not been able to fully bring it out. Unlike her Father in the anime, I have no idea how to help her with her bloodline powers. But, the fact she is trying warms my heart.

     My Brother says to us all.

     "I think it is time for the public to meet and greet before the match everyone, Grayfia, lets go."

     With that, we all went down into the grand ballroom where reporters are interviewing the contestants for this exciting event for the Underworld. We are generating a lot of hype in the Noble circles, and even some normal commoner Devils are going to watch live for entertainment value.


     At a long table in the ballroom, sat Sona in the center, with me and Sairaorg at her sides. Next to me was Riser Phenex, and next to Sairaorg was Diodora. Then following both ends, many more Devils who are participating are at the table for the interview.

     All of the families and Peerages are in the back but my Brother and Serafall are not here due to their status. But I am assured the two are watching in an adjacent room. Lord and Lady Sitri have banned Serafall from coming in here, in fear she will intimidate all of us competing for her Little Sister's hand. I cannot tell if Serafall wants me to win or beat everyone and forfeit?!

     A handsome man reporting from the Phenex news agency, asked Sona Directly.

     "Princess Sitri, who do you want to win? Is this not a clear setup for Ray Gremory to win?"

     Sona, ready for these kinds of questions, only said to him.

     "I only want the best Devil to win for the sake of my Sitri house. As for your comment about Ray Gremory... It was my idea to ban Ray from using his Power of Destruction in this event. If I was really wanting him to crush the competition, why would I suggest this rule? Plus he unlike every-other contestant cannot use any Phoenix Tears. So He is in a way, handicapped."

     Another reporter stood to ask her question, this time to Riser.

     "Lord Phenex, how will your experience and immortality fair with Ray Gremory and Sairaorg Bael's strength? Do you think you or they will stand on top?"

     Riser sipped his water and said charmingly.

     "With Riser's experience, there is no doubt of my victory. Riser fancies Princess Sitri, and thinks the union of fire and water is beautiful."

     While Riser was confident, from the back, Ravel Phenex could clearly be heard talking (boasting, bragging) to some of her noble friends.

     "With my Brother's rich experience, Immortality, and Phoenix Tears, his win is assured. We have even picked a fiery wedding dress for Princess Sitri, hohoho."

     Listening to the two, I suddenly had a chill going up my spine! Isn't this just like the whole Rias and Riser Engagement Party?! The things both Riser and Ravel are saying are so fucking similar to that event. What is this, did some pissed off butterflies of Fate revolt and come to bite me?

     I guess my expression was interesting, because a middle-aged looking reporter asked me next.

     "Prince Gremory, congratulations on your previous marriage with Lady Kuisha Gremory, ha-ha. So, is it true you are participating to help out your long time family friend, so she does not have to marry?"

     Nice lady, you threw in my wife to make me look greedy, or inferring my marriage to Sona is a fake.

     "Thanks for your congratulations, my wife is incredibly lovely. As for my best friend Sona? I love her! So I will steamroll over everyone in my path to win her heart. This is not a threat, but a promise. Even Immortality won't stop me. I will show every youth Devil here including my amazing Cousin Sairaorg, that my conviction is real. Oh... And Sona is worth fighting for."

     Sona hearing me say on live TV that I loved her, made her face blush, and I have only seen her like that when her Sister embarrasses her. Sairaorg next to me said to  the crowd.

     "Good words Cousin Ray... I made sure to join this competition so I could finally cross fists with you, so don't let me down, fight hard, because I won't easily let you win!"

     Yeah, Sairaorg is upset with me for always avoiding sparring with him. I never wanted to beat him and make him question his strength. If he is shamed in front of his shithead Father, he might be stripped of his Heir position again, and I do not want that. But this time, I will have to trade blows with him, sigh.

     At this time, after the camera clicks and flashes, another older male Devil asks a question.

     "Diodora Astaroth, it is rumored that you have gathered half of this game's members to ban together as a unified front, to take on the strength of Ray Gremory, is this true?"

     Diodora humbley held up his palms and defended his actions.

     "Strength in numbers is also a form of Power And Strength, and this violates no rules. Even without his Power of Destruction, we will only win by working together, and when he falls, the rest of us will decide the winner. This is both fair and a smart move."

     A press member then asked me.

     "Prince Gremory, your response?"

     I shrug and say.

     "Diodora Astaroth is correct. That is why I will look for him first, because when an angry-mob comes out with torches and pitchforks, just smash the loudest Devil. Fighting is never the right solution to problems, but in a Rating Game field, I can go all out and fight for real. The Retirement System has a pretty good record with few deaths."

     One feminine looking Devil wearing pink robes, at the far end, who happens to be in Diodora's alliance, hearing my words, sweated and stood. He said in a coquettish voice.

     "I-I Lord Glaethoth Gamigin, forfeit, goodbye..."

     Everyone was stunned seeing this girly-man bolt out the door. I was even surprised at that. I do not remember saying I was going to try and kill him, right?!

     Diodora was surprised his best friend just left like that, and he was also a member of the Khaos Brigade with him?! Lord Sitri, seeing this, stood to announce.

     "This is the end of the Q & A, for the remaining 40 contestants must make their way down into the arena, thanks."

     Soon, it ended, and the whole table of Devils got up to leave for our fight.

-        If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Diodora however came up to me with a sly smile and said to me.

     "Ray Gremory, I just received word from my Bishop in Kuoh Town, that your Peerage members are being attacked by some enemies of the Devils... If I were you, I will find a way to go to them to save them. Your Brother or Sister-in-law can get you there in time."

     Nice, so this asshole did send someone to attack my Peerage. Good thing I guessed that a snake would play dirty tricks. I smiled at him and kindly said.

     "Thanks for your warning, I already predicted that, and gave orders for my Peerage to kill them with the traps I set. Not only will they die, but whoever sent them will be revealed in the Underworld Prison. I am sure it is a terrorist organization. For letting me know about my Peerages life, I will go EXTRA EASY on you in the match, good luck in there, ha-ha."

     He was foolish to tell me this, because now I know he must have Ophis Snake in him, and now he is Ultimate-class in strength. I almost feel bad for any foe that is not at least Ultimate-class that came for my Peerage. Even High-class foes will fall under them with my Promotion Badge.

     Diodora was frowning at my back, and felt unsure about his plans. But he had his group send Vampires and a Noble one at that...

     There is no way Ray Gremory's Pawns can survive that right? Asia Argento should be waiting for him and tied up in Kuoh when he returns. But first, he wants to subjugate Sona Sitri first...

     His stupid smile was back as he walked with his group of comrades he bought with wealth, women, and influence. Over 20 Devils will fight for him to win, so this is in the bag.


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