A New Born Devil?

Chapter 66 Game Day (Part 6)?

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[Fun Facts: The Hydra is a "real creature" on Earth, though not the fantasy variant we are familiar with... Hydra tentacles contain barbed, poison-containing cnidocytes that they use to stun animals, such as water fleas and plankton, before eating them alive. This freshwater Hydra even eats itself when hungry enough. ]


Chapter 66  Game Day (Part 6)? by Harem-tan


     "Why do I feel like I flushed a turd down the toilet?"

     I was still disguised as Diodora Astaroth, as I made my way down the winding corridors. I had such an odd thought about my last fight.

     My random thoughts were broken as I entered another cavern, and saw three Devils facing off. It looks like a two vs one encounter. Let me see who is there...

     Viscount AttreaVe Shax vs Lord Plur Amon and Lord Ning Furfur. The first guy, the Viscount, was one of the Sitri plants, and the other two worthless Devils are the group working with Diodora. The last two noticed me and Plur said excitedly.

     "Diodora! Great timing, we were going to show this guy why he should have worked with you. Let us finish him off quickly and head to the rendezvous point."

     I smiled and asked.

     "Lord Plur, what was it I offered you again?"

     The red skinned Devil with two curled black horns frowns and states.

     "Diodora, do not take back your promise. You promised me those contract rights in Brazil. You better not go back on your words, or I will turn on you."

     I waved my hands dismissively and said.

     "No, I can double it even. Well if we were not being watched live by all the fans and onlookers, and..."

     Plur and Ning both had ugly expressions realizing what was just said was televised. but when my last words came out, they looked startled.

     "... I was the real Diodora."

     I held up my two hands, each creating their own Gremory Magic Attack Circle...

     Boom Boom! Two blasts of ice chunks shot from my two spells, and lodged themselves in their chests. Both disbelieving Devils looked at their grievous wounds, as the light of retirement was pulling them from the game.

     [Lord Plur Amon and Lord Ning Furfur have been defeated.]

     Viscount AttreaVe Shax seeing my Magic understood who I was and smiled.

     "Prince Gremory, even I was fooled there for a moment. I really thought I would be laid up in a hospital bed for a while. Well, most of the competitors have been eliminated, so if you do not mind, I will retire early and let you finish this fight. I came for fun, and I concede to your strength, so please win this fight for the Sitri."

     "Farewell Viscount."

     I then waved to him as he said one last thing, as he was going to leave.

     "If you go down that path, you will see their meeting point, and find Diodora fighting with Lord Pocky Dantalion. I will retire..."

     [Viscount AttreaVe Shax has retired.]

     As the white glow faded, I dropped my disguise and summoned Precious. Buzz! Then the nine heads of my Familiar looked at me and spoke to me in my mind, asking for instructions.

     "Diodora and his cronies are down that way, can you find him?"

     Precious nodded her heads, then like a dog, she began to smell all the surface's of the cavern wall and licked the air with her serpentine tongues. She really looks like a Bloodhound searching for a criminal right now. I leaped on her back, and the two of us made our way to the encounter...


     Nydre Glaysa-Labolas, Zist Purson, Valdez Vassago, Zetsway Paimon, Cifrado Barbatos, and Diodora surrounded one Devil, Count Pocky Dantalion.

     Pocky was creating ice mirrors and using Illusion Magic to confuse his opponents. (like that one ninja on the bridge from Naruto)

     Diodora and the other 5 Devils under him, were constantly blasting away at each of the ice mirrors, to reveal the real Lord Pocky. But Lord Pocky continued to taunt them by making new mirrors and crossing his arms very calmly.

     [What is wrong with you guys? This cavern is full of Dihydrogen Monoxide, so I can make these ice mirrors all day long, ha-ha.]

     The man in the mirror is wearing a purple suit, and half of his left side is jet black, while the hair on his right is silver. He also has two different colored eyes, with white on his left, and black on his right. His handsome look would remind a Human of the Joker and Two Face combined. He is a high ranking Count, and a talented Ice user, though not near the level of Devil King Leviathan.

     Diodora growls annoyed.

     "Count Pocky, the longer you make this game of hide and seek, the more you will suffer when I find you!"

     [Tsk tsk tsk, You guys are not really smart are you? Do you really think I am here to fight you six? No, my friend Viscount went to look for helpers. I am just the babysitter for you clowns.]

     "Ha ha ha, what a joke, what helpers?!"

     At this time, a voice came from behind the six Devils smashing mirrors.

     "Do we count as helpers?" "Snarl Growl Grrrr Snap Growl Growl He-he Growl Slurp!"

     Everyone stopped smashing things, like Wall-Mart looters in Detroit, and turned their heads to see me standing on my Nine Headed Hydra, who is making interesting sounds from each head.

     "Ray Gremory is here?!" "H-Hydra?!" "Diodora, I am out... I will retire!" "Is that a Familiar? That cannot be legal, right?!" "Lord Gremory, I am not with them!" "Hydra poison affects Devils, right?" "Count Pocky greets you Prince Gremory. I see you got our invitation, I hope you can clean up the garbage."

     One of the Devils straight up bailed seeing Precious.

     [Lord Zist Purson has retired.]

     I say to everyone.

     "Precious, I will take care of Diodora, you can play with the other4, but don't eat them, you do not know where they have been, so only chew on them, go..."

     Thud Thud Thud Thud! As Precious charged into the group of 4 Devils, she sent two heads to each one, locking them down, while her Ninth head assisted. Oh, and what kind of poison does the Nine Headed Hydra have?!

     The Nine Headed Hydra has a highly Paralytic Poison that can even affect Devils! Yup, the creatures bitten by Precious will slow down or be paralyzed outright, though creatures higher than High-class will shrug off most of this effect. But these guys are not so lucky. This poison will not even affect Sairaorg at all.

     I mentioned before that Devils cannot easily get drunk off Human alcohol because it is counted as Poison, which Devils are normally highly resistant to.

     Now some of those that watched the anime might ask, but what of that Devil Valkyrie?! Well, she is a super-feather-weight, and has a weakness to even the weak Human wine. Rose the Valkyrie is a special case, and I almost believe it is a curse of the D×D world, and that damned Ishibumi Ichiei who sent me here. Oh, my mind wandered off...

     "Ahhh~! Lord Diodora, save me!" "It huuuuuuurts~!" "All three legs are bitten, Nooooo!" "Help, I am going numb..."

    I just imagined a big dog chewing on squeaky toys as they made funny sounds, while two heads chewed on them and played tug o' war with them. Her 9th head just watched all their misery with glee, as she was clearly torturing them for pleasure. Uh? I almost felt bad for them, almost...

     Then I felt Diodora's magic shoot a massive green bolt at me.

     Hum Hum Hum Hum! Boom! I outstretched my left hand casually and created 4 layers of Magic Defense Barriers to block an Ultimate-class Demonic Bolt. It was clear that Diodora was hoping his sneak attack could retire me in one go, so I smiled at his stunned face.

     "Oh?! Diodora, when did you suddenly become an Ultimate-class Devil in strength? I went to school with you and frankly, you should be High-class-low at best... Did you perhaps get some kinda Power Up? Did someone grant you 10× Power? I know this is not hard work."

     I saw Diodora's eyes dilated hearing my words, because the Underworld was watching, and somehow, it was like I knew he was artificially strengthened! I could see panic in his normally calm facade, and I was preparing to increase my Shields as it happened...

     Thwack! Crunch! All I saw was Diodora scrunch his face muscles in pain, and his shoulders quivered.

     As I looked down, between Diodora's crotch, there was the sole of a boot. Lord Pocky behind him had kicked him in the balls from behind! Then the Count said as he vanished in white light.

     "My work here is done! Diodora, if you do not use your Phoenix Tears on that, it will be permanent, ha-ha, I will retire!]

     As the Count vanished, Diodora with a purple face, poured his vial on his smashed bits, and he soon recovered, then we heard the announcements...

     [Count Pocky Dantalion has retired... Lord Nydre Glaysa-Labolas, Lord Valdez Vassago, Lord Zetsway Paimon, and Lord Cifrado Barbatos have all been defeated.]

     Snap! I clicked my fingers, sending Precious away, because she already defeated the pathetically-weak Devils, leaving me alone with Diodora. Even if I do not kill him, his secrets will be investigated, and his use of the Snake may be revealed to all after the match. He said with anger.

     "Ray Gremory, you bastard! How dare you, I have earned my strength, and here you are trying to cast lies on my honor."

     "No, I don't care if you are High-class, Ultimate-class, or even Satan-class. Unless you are stronger than that, I do not fear you, but I was just pointing out that your Ultimate-class strength came out of nowhere, and it is odd? Here, block this!"

     I hold out both hands and immediately create two Attack Magic Circles , and in panic, Diodora also outstretched both hands, to create a multilayered thick Barrier!

     BOOOOM BOOOOM! Crack Crack Crack! Shatter! I flung-out two massive beach-ball-sized crimson colored Demonic Bolts to smash into his Barrier, and I made sure the level stayed at Ultimate-class to not destroy the Rating Game Field. Though, I am sure they strengthened it for me, but...

     [Lord Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas has been defeated.]

     Boom Thud! After the shield collapsed, Diodora was flung hard into the wall, leaving cracks in the side. I pointed it out to him.

     "See, I held back, and that was just under Satan-class in power, so tell me, how did you get that power?"

     Diodora then crawled out of the wall and said with disdain.

     "Just because you are a Super Devil does not mean others are not strong, so fuck you Ray! You and I can settle this another day, I will retire..."

     Yeah, I could see in his eyes, he is going to either run, or plan revenge, but that is fine. I probably cannot kill him without my Power of Destruction in the Rating Game Field. It is not as easy as most think to do, but outside, I can erase his existence...

     [Lord Diodora Astaroth has retired.]

     Step Step Step Step! From behind me, I hear my Cousin's boots. I know it is Sairaorg, because he and I are the only two competitors left. As I smiled at him, he grins, cracking his knuckles.

     "I will not retire like a coward, so if you want Sona, come and prove to me you are man enough."

     I tighten my fist, and the two of us charge each-other while smiling...


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