A New Born Devil?

Chapter 68 Sona, My Fiance?

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[A/N A quick explanation about Transportation/Teleportation Magic. When Diodora's Queen made their way to the far-side of the Devil's territory, it was not done in one go. Also to travel from Japan to England, it also is not done in one trip. Most casters have to make around 6 jumps to travel those distances, due to the farther the trip, the more Demonic or Magic Power required. Only powerful Devil's like Ray and Satan Class creatures can do this feat easily, due to large gas-tanks. But if you want to not spend all your Demonic Power, short jumps are required. This is also proven in the LN where the gates for magic trains have to go through multiple portals to get around the Underworld. So most Creatures cannot travel to say, the Underworld to the Earth unless they are around Ultimate-class in strength.]

[In case you didn't know... Ara Ara means (Oh my) or (My-my) Akeno says this a lot.]


Chapter 68  Sona, My Fiance? by Harem-Fan


     The next day after the event, the Sitri had thrown a grand Engagement Party. This party was already planned for whoever won, so no noble could be rejected if I had not one. Most of the men did not come, even though they all had invitations, notably Riser Phenex and his Sister.

     This Party was more of a formality for other noble houses to come and bump elbows (like the one Riser and Rias had in the anime), and to meet Sirzechs and Serafall. Sona's birthday is only about a week away on June 7th, and we will have a small wedding at Niagara Falls in America.

     My Brother had also informed me about the vanishing of Diodora and his Peerage after the battle. I did not say he was part of the Khaos Brigade, and he is not suspected of it, yet.

     He is only in trouble for illegally Teleporting into-out-of-Agreas. His second crime is fleeing from investigation and arrest. None of these crimes are a death sentence or long prison time. But I do know that getting power from the leader of the Khaos Brigade, a terrorist group, is a long prison time.

     While we live in Kuoh, until we enter University, Sona's main residence will still be her mansion. But she will stay over once or twice a week with me at least, and will have her own room. She will take the room Akeno was using on the 3rd floor by my office, and Akeno will move to a bigger room upstairs.

     (A/N Floor Plan of the home in spoiler tab, if you forgot.)



     The day after our Engagement Party, our group of 8 returned to Kuoh...


     Sona, Kuisha, Tsubaki, Akeno, and I returned to my 3rd floor basement from the Train Station, and as the light faded, my Peerage was all there to greet us.

     Standing in front of us was my Familiar in her maid outfit, Neko, Shirone, Asia, Saji, Mil-tan, Ni, and Li. I do the Japanese greeting when I see them all waiting with smiles on their faces.

     "I am home."

     As soon as I opened my arms, Neko and Shirone both came in to hug my waist, so I pet their ears. Mofu Mofu. While I molested cat ears, Asia said.

     "Welcome home Ray, and everyone. And President Shitori, congratulations on your good news.,"

     Sona pushed up her glasses and said to my Peerage.

     "Well, it seems we are all one big family now, so please take care of me."

     Saji asked me.

     "Did you bring the magic recordings of the fight? I want to see all the fights?"

     Akeno held up a magic disk like that of a DVD and she said.

     "Ara Ara, you mean these? I have watched them many times, Ufufu."

     Neko and Shirone moved out of the way for Ni and Li to hug me, and Shirone said.

     "Rad, let's watch it in the movie theater tonight!"

     After the Nekomata twins were done hugging, Li held up a handful of black feathers, and Ni told me. (a cat brings a dead bird, cough)

     "Ray, two nights ago, we were attacked by two Fallen and Two Vampires. We killed one Servant Vampire, and one Fallen, the fedora guy ~Nya."

     Mil-tan said in his deep voice.

     "The male Fallen Angel had a Twice Critical, and that cute blonde had a Mirror Alice, like sister Tsubaki ~Nyo."

     Saji said to clarify more, seeing Sona here.

     "They attacked us all at Issei, Mil-tan, and my house. We are all fine, but they wanted Asia. Issei did good work and killed the Vampire, even without promotion."

     Kuisha and we frowned at the news, and she told everyone.

     "Let us talk more in the VIP room, and leave the basement, then tell us everything..."


     A while later in the upstairs party room...

     With Kuisha on my left, and Sona on my right, everyone told us what they noticed and remembered. Sona pushed up her glasses and said.

     "Ray, if you go to the church, call me and I will come and send my Peerage if you want?"

     I patted her hand and said warmly.

     "Tomorrow is Monday, and you have things to catch up on for school, so just go and deal with your Peerage and do your homework. I can handle the 3 remaining Fallen if they are there with Exorcists. But I will use your Summoning Flyer if I really need your help."

     And with my plans made, I walked Sona down to the basement again, to send her to her home. Of course, we have now openly kissed one another, unlike how we held back in the past.

     Sona will still wait till our wedding for us to consummate however, due to her always wanting to follow customs. But I am fine waiting, I still have a long time to be with my soon to be wife.

     Then she left in her royal-blue Magic Circle...


     That night, my Peerage and I entered the northeast church to find those Stray Priests and Fallen Angel women.

     Shirone looked around inside the empty church and said to me,

     "Ray, I don't smell or sense anyone here, like they left a while ago. I think those bitches left knowing they done fucked up?!"

     Akeno with her eyes in a crescent shape, said coquettishly.

     "Ara Ara, I was wanting to play with them for a bit, now I feel like I got excited for nothing... Ray, you need to help me later, Ufufu."

     Just as I was going to fool around with her, we felt a presence behind us from out front. I say,

     "Promote, I sense a Human..."

     After my Pawns were all promoted, I led them outside...

-       If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     As I walked out with my group in a formation behind, I saw a man in Church Exorcist battle robes. The male version of what Irina and Xenovia wear. He is holding a well made sword, that is giving all of us Devils the chills.

     Just because I can take a few hits from a Holy Sword does not mean it feels good. I have been cut by Holy weapons in the past, to test my level of Light Tempering, and it hurts like a motherfucker. It feels like molten metal flowing into your veins, and it weakens your body a bit, like all night sex.

     The half Japanese Exorcist standing at 6 foot, a couple of inches shorter than me, who looks like Liam Nissan from Episode 1, asked me.

     "Why are a group of Devils going to church on Sunday? My name is Father Tobio Marcus."

     "My name is Ray Gremory from the Noble House of Gremory, the Lord of Kuoh Town, pleased to meet you. I came here to get rid of some naughty Fallen Angels and Stray Priests that are trying to kill my Peerage after I warned them to scram. The Church does not have a presence in Kuoh, so why are you here?"

     Just as the Father was about to say something, his eyes opened wide seeing Asia, and he said.

     "Saintess Asia Argento! W-Why are you a Devil?!"

     Asia looked nervous and poked her fingers together in shame, being recognized by someone she knew, so Kuisha said calmly.

     "Our Asia was kicked out of the church for healing a Devil, and she was tricked into coming here to be killed by the Fallen. So we saved her and let her join our family. Now she is a Gremory."

     Father Tobio Marcus, holding his sword to us, looked angry and asked Asia.

     "Asia, I can cleanse your soul if you were forced to become a Devil, I am sure God would forgive your sins if you repent."

     Asia looked sad and frightened, so I patted the top of her head to calm her, and I told the man.

     "Father, the wielder of Excalibur Rapidly, if you dare make a move, you will be guilty of starting a war with the Devils, right? I think you need to take a deep breath and stand down. I am the younger brother of the Devil King Sirzechs, and I think if we fight, it would not be good for the Underworld or the Church. So let us pretend you did not threaten my family. So, will you make the right choice, Father?"

     I think he missed my name the first time, so when he heard my brother's name, his sword tip trembled as his eyes opened at my face. Yeah, not every church member knows what we look like, just our hair color. As he sheathed his sword, he said.

     "Ah?! I see, you are 'that' Devil, I almost forgot, ha-ha. I will be going inside to investigate then, pretend we did not meet."

     Don't make fun of this guy for being timid all of a sudden, but when you are Low-class in strength, and your sword only gives you Middle-class killing power, what good is it in the face of a Transcendent-class being? So he quickly ran inside the church and locked the doors. Saji smiled seeing that, because what would locking the doors do?

     Seeing him however, gives me a bad feeling, because I did remember the looks of the Excaliburs that Freed held in the anime, and seeing the Excalibur Rapidly here gives me chills, thinking what if Kokabiel and Valper Galilei come to Kuoh? I thought I shed enough butterflies to change this event?

     Kuisha, seeing my look at the closed doors, took my hand and asked me.

     "Dear, I know all of your expressions... Is this bad for us?"

     I nodded and told my Peerage.

     "Let us go home for dinner, and I will give you all some warnings of possible dangers we may face. Mil-tan, Asia, and Saji, come too, so we can all be on the same page, just take some food home to your brother and sister later."

     And then we walked home...


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