A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 105: A Girl in love is always scary


"Whatever you lose, you'll find it again. But what you throw away you'll never get back."

— Kenshin Himura,  [Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan]



The loud sound of an explosion reverberated everywhere as an immense heat spread throughout the area but surprisingly not even a single person there was dead. Even the heat of the Phoenix fire explosion was only able to make some of the people there sweat a little.

"Wait, what?" Jean was beyond confused.

She had used enough power in that attack to wipe out part of the city and turn everything into ashes, yet not even a single blade of grass was burnt by her phoenix fire. There was even a lot of smoke but there was no sign of any fire. It was like her entire attack had just disappeared.

As some of the smoke cleared, she finally saw... 'him' absorbing the last dregs of his fire into his hands like a vacuum cleaner.

It was the figure of her love, her Rudeus floating in the air just above the worthless group of backstabbers. He seems to have changed a lot in the last year, not much physically but she could sense something more in him, more powerful, more dangerous, more godly.

His very presence seemed to affect her, warning her not to attack, coercing her to submit to him. But she would not, she had a revenge to take and a civilization to destroy.

"You-you have returned? Good, we can do this together then. We can kill all these worthless insects and we can make our own home in its place. Our own heaven on the ashes of that brainwashing bastard's hell." Jean smiled and happily said like she was trying to please him.

"No, I can't let you do that. I can't deny that Xavier and a lot of people had wronged you before but that doesn't mean you can harm and kill innocents to punish him. You can go ahead and kill him if it truly gives you peace but I won't let you harm anybody else here.

And truthfully, this is not you Jean. This is just a twisted little corrupted version of you. I want the old Jean back, the Jean that was friends with everyone here, the Jean that I love from all my heart, not this dark cruel little joke of a phoenix." Rudeus said as he kept eye contact with Jean to show her how serious he was.

"Hahahahaha, You want the old innocent and naive weak little Jean, don't you? But sadly she is gone. I am all that's left. I am the true Jean Grey, the one she had hidden away, the one who doesn't care about this world and its people, the one who can raze everything in her path to obtain what she desires.

I have mastered my powers while burning entire civilizations and fed my hunger by taking apart entire planets rock by rock, atom by atom. No one on this planet and I mean NO ONE can stop me from getting what I want. And right now, I want my revenge and I want YOU. And I will get you even if I have to cut away all your limbs and chain you to a throne if I have to." Jean declared as mountain-sized pieces of earth floated up behind her.

With just a flick of her wrist, all the giant boulders one after the other rushed at Rudeus like giant missiles.

Rudeus was strong enough to easily shatter the rocks with his normal punches if he didn't hold back but he didn't want to endanger the normal people on the ground by pieces of rocks raining down on them.

So he just chanted a simple transmutation spell taught to him by Morgana and the four rocks instantly turned into butterflies made of paper.

'Magic really is bullshit.' He thought to himself.

But just as he was thinking of a way to subdue Jean without hurting her, he was greeted by a system notification.

[Ding! Quest generated. World choice detected...]

[Please choose one of the following actions...]

|•[1] How are you a god if you don't even know your own past?

Task: Now that the phoenix's prime host is in front of you, you have a chance to find out about how you were born. Use it to approach the real Phoenix force and find out about your true origins.

(Note: This particular task has to be completed within 1 hour)

Reward: 'Nirvana flame' perk card

•[2] A god is not afraid of dark flaming chickens.

Task: The dark phoenix has made the mistake of disrespecting you. Destroy it to make sure this never happens again and protect your honor.

(Note: This particular task has to be completed within 1 hour)

Reward: 'Divine psionics' perk card.

•[3] New God likey dark phoenix thighs.

Task: The dark phoenix may want to amputate you but that's only because of how much she loves and cares about you. Show her your true feelings and submit yourself to her to get your soulmate back.

(Note: This particular task has to be completed within the next half an hour)

Reward: Divine grade manual on 'How to survive your toxic relationship', A complete set of limited edition phoenix-themed BDSM tools, A choker with 'Phoenix's pet' written on it, Death to all human life on Earth.|

[Additional Note 1: In case of failure of completing the mission within the time limit, no penalties will be given.]

[Additional note 2: Punishments are not given by the system but are actually the most probable results of the host's choices & actions]

'For some reason, I really want to choose the third choice and see what the manual and the limited edition BDSM tools look like. *Sigh* But I still have a job to do and people to save, I can't give in to my dark temptation. And although I want to choose both first and second choices, I can't kill Jean even though I really want psionic powers.

Wait... according to the second choice, I have to destroy the Dark Phoenix, not kill Jean. So maybe I can... Although that's gonna be really hard to pull off but it might work. And even if it doesn't, I won't have to pay any penalty anyway.' Rudeus thought to himself as he chose the first two choices.

Of course, his entire train of thought only lasted for a moment in the real world.

"YOU WILL BE MINE," Jean yelled as she began to directly use her telekinetic powers on Rudeus trying to break his limbs with her telekinetic hold she knew using her telepathic powers on him was impossible since she could never even sense his mind unless he allowed her to.

Rudeus was having trouble moving. He wasn't really feeling much pain at this level of strength but it was annoying since it was giving him trouble in his mobility. Of course, he knew that this type of force was powerful enough to easily crack tectonic plates but to him, it was just a strong hold on his body, not even enough to cause severe muscle pain.

He didn't try to physically resist the hold much as he just released a telekinetic 'push' through his Rinnegan towards Jean, catapulting her away like a ragdoll until she stabilized in the air with her expert telekinesis control. She was mostly unharmed because neither the push was strong enough to cause serious damage nor had she lowered her telekinetic barrier from the very start of the fight.

But she had lost her grip on Rudeus due to the attack and he was free again.

"Talk of being a yandere." Jean heard Rudeus mutter as he cracked the bones of his body.

"Yandere? Oh no, I am much MUCH worse, my love." Jean smiled with an unhealthy obsession twinkling in her beautiful eyes as solid matter began to break apart into molecules and atoms around her under the influence of her immense powers. "And you will bear witness to how much worse I can be as I show you the power of my love towards you."


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