A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 111: A Hug and a Head-pat


"I want you to be happy. I want you to laugh a lot. I don't know what exactly I'll be able to do for you, but I'll always be by your side."

~ Kagome,  (InuYasha)


"So let me get this straight. Odin wanted to kill me at first because he was afraid of me threatening his rule and then later because he doesn't want a variable like me to interfere in the grand plans he has stored for Asgard and his family, right?" Rudeus asked after he was forced to stop joking and act seriously due to the Phoenix Force's glares (at least he thought that face was a glare) and Jean's emotional breakdown from hearing the sad story concerning Rudeus' birth.

"Yes, precisely. He isn't searching for you anymore because he doesn't even know you exist. But if he ever comes to know about your existence and your relation to him, he will do anything to make sure that you do not pose a threat to Asgard, his current family, and the careful plans he has been laying around them for so long. So I advise you not to do anything to attract his attention till you become powerful enough to go against him which according to my observations should not take that long. You seem to grow strong at a very rapid rate, probably due to you being my son." The golden bird nodded her head at the last part like she was approving of Rudeus' growth.

"I see. Sure, I'll do that. By the way, what happened to my mother's soul? Is it possible for me to meet her?" Rudeus asked. He didn't know if he really wanted to meet his physical biological mother or not. He had immense respect for the woman who gave birth to him but he didn't know if he would be able to accept her as his mother. Hell, could he even call her 'mom' at this age?

"Sadly no. This was almost a billion years ago. Her soul has most probably already passed through the reincarnation cycle dozens of times. Even singling out her soul is almost impossible after this much time, much less bring her back to life again with her memories and personality intact." The Phoenix Force informed.

"I see," Rudeus said. He wasn't said at this at all. He just hoped that his physical mother wherever she was had a good life. She at least deserved that.

"Oh, does my baby god need his mother? Don't worry, I'll be your mother if you need me to be and give you lots of love honey." Jean said like a spoiling mother and hugged Rudeus, trying to smash his face into her breasts which were neither too big nor too small, just the perfect kind.

"Oh yeah? Fine then. I'll take you up on that offer once we go back home." Rudeus smiled evilly at her as he imagined all the lewd stuff he would soon be able to do with the body of his oldest crush from Marvel.

Jean although trying to be bold at first immediately became quite shy at this as she let him go with a furious red blush adorning her face. It was quite cute from Rudeus' perspective.

"I think we have to end our meeting right here. Before you two return to your realm, can I request one more thing from you... son?" The big bird asked as she looked at Rudeus.

"Yeah, go ahead, mommy." Rudeus smiled and said as he wondered what he could possibly do for the all-powerful cosmic entity.

"Can I hug you? I always wanted to feel what it feels like to hug your family, your own son. Humans always remember it as warming and pleasurable in their memories but I wanted to experience it myself once. So can I?" Phoenix asked.

"... *Sigh* Okay. I guess I can at least do that for my mother, right?" Rudeus snorted as he looked at the Phoenix Force's almost happy eyes.

Just as he was wondering how the hell, she would be able to hug him out in that extremely big form and with those huge fiery wings, the form of the Phoenix Force began to change rapidly as the once huge bird transformed into a beautiful human woman with fire covering the sensitive parts of her body, giving herself an extremely sensual and exotic look.

Slowly coming close to Rudeus, she sensually hugged him giving him a full experience of how soft her curvy body felt pressed against his masculine body.

"You didn't have to take such a hot form you know? Do I have to compete against my own mother-in-law now too?" Jean muttered to herself in a low voice. Of course, Rudeus and his mother both heard it due to their superior god-like senses but they didn't bother to react and just ignored it.

After quite a while of hugging Rudeus tight, the Phoenix Force at last separated, not making the situation more awkward while looking quite pleased and content with her newfound experience.

"Thank you for that. I think I... needed that?" She said like she was asking herself. "I'll be quite busy for now. I need to select a new host for myself in your universe to maintain balance since Jean is almost an independent entity herself now. She won't be able to be my host anymore. Maybe I'll hold a contest or something to choose my next most compatible host."

Jean didn't know how to respond to that. She was both happy that she would never have to suffer from something like this ever again but also a little sad at the missed chance of getting to know her future mother-in-law.

"May I suggest something?" Rudeus said as he suddenly had a very brilliant idea.

"I am listening." The Phoenix Force said as she paid attention to him to hear him out.

"Actually, I have this set of extremely talented and gifted quintuplets in my group. I think they will be perfect for your next host..." Rudeus started with a smile quite similar to that of a seasoned salesman.

"Oh? Tell me more." The Phoenix Force said quite interested in Rudeus' words. To her, if she was able to get five different immensely strong alpha-level telepaths with a strong natural psychic connection among them as her hosts, then she might have found the next best thing after Jean.


As both Rudeus' and Jean's consciousnesses slowly came back into their respective bodies, they found out that they hadn't moved from their previous position at all. Jean was still floating above in the sky with Rudeus' black receivers binding her arms while the New god himself was floating half naked while holding on to Jean.

'Do celestial armors have a lifetime guarantee?' Rudeus thought while ignoring the many notifications from his system as he looked at the destroyed parts of his armor that had once even resisted punishments from Apocalypse and Blackheart.

"You truly are something else you know." Rudeus smiled and patted Jean's head while releasing her hands from the black receivers as all the floating debris along and the destroyed parts of his armor which had by now fully transformed into pure atomized dust either fell to the ground or blew away with the wind like they were never there.

Jean of course didn't understand what he was talking about, so she cutely tilted her head a little and just focused on enjoying the head-pats which were quite calming and relaxing to her.


(A/N: Just imagine how the world readers and Nick Fury would react if they see the girl who caused such massive destruction in the city on her own a few moments ago, now calmly enjoying her head pats from the mc as she has always been a very good girl.)

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