A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 115: New God’s personal Succubus


"Fear is not evil. It tells you what your weakness is. And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as kinder."

– Gildharts Clive,  (Fairy Tail)


"Yeah, that's not happening," Rudeus replied back with a relaxed confident smile.

"Then you will die." The woman who was now revealed to be an extremely seductive lady with pale skin and big assets wearing some short black leathery clothes to cover them said as she came towards Rudeus at the speed of sound and... kissed him passionately before he could stop her, not that Rudeus even wanted to stop her.

She attempted to suck the life force of the being in front of her. In her mind, it was truly unfortunate that she would not be able to get such a handsome man as her first consort in her path to conquer the world again but it was what it was.

But contrary to her expectations, nothing happened. The life force of her target did not flow into her, and neither did the man turn into a shriveled bag of dust and bones.

"I am sorry to say this but you aren't as good as you think you are. Even Selene sucks better than you." He said with a smile as his eyes glowed crimson red.

At that very moment, the woman felt something she had never felt before in her whole life. She felt fear and utter weakness. She felt that she was just a little ant in front of a giant, a weakling in front of a god. There was no hope of her winning, there was even no hope for her to leave this place with her life intact if the god standing in front of her did not allow it.

"W-who are y-you?" The woman asked panting as she fell to her knees, not even being able to stand properly in his presence.

"Me? I am your god from now on lady. And you are my New.Personal.Succubus. I originally planned to ask you politely to join me and work for me, but now I have changed my mind after you kissed me. You should ask for god-damn permission before you sexually assault someone, especially if that someone is a god." Rudeus said self-righteously as he played the victim and looked down at the woman with eyes full of disgust and righteous anger.

"I-I am s-sorry..." The woman weakly said as she really wished that she would have remained in the coffin for a few more centuries instead of facing a monster like this. She wasn't even able to use her magic to try to defend herself. It was like she had lost all willpower to go against this man.

"Oh, so now you are sorry huh? Anyways what is your name pervert?" Rudeus decided to go all the way and continue with his victim act.

"I have had many names in the past. But the name given to me by my family was Shiklah, the Queen of Monsters.

'Really? I mean I expected her to be Shiklah but I wonder why she looks more like Lady Death from Chaos comics with that pale skin color and that fit athletic body barely hidden under those short black garments.' Rudeus thought to himself.

"And pray tell me, how exactly did you come to be sealed in that coffin if you really were such a powerful queen?" Rudeus asked as he raised one of his brows. He had already decreased much of his aura of domination on the so self-proclaimed queen.

"I was a princess of the royal family that used to rule Earth long before humans became the dominant rulers of this realm. My family ruled all the monsters that lived in that era but then the followers of the evil god Seth banded together with the vampires and rebelled against us to seize our power. My family bravely fought against them but sadly we did not have a god on our side which they did. So we lost the war.

But I did not lose faith. I devoted myself to learning the dark arts and was even able to strike a deal with the spirit of Lilith, the first demon to inherit her powers as her heir. But my father thought it was too late to retaliate, so he tricked me and sealed me inside that coffin for my own good till it was safe for me to be awakened again and take over the world and snatch what's rightfully ours."  Shiklah had a fire of determination and righteousness burning in her eyes.

"Yeah but that power wasn't really that much, was it? Are you sure you were not scammed by some bitch pretending to be Lilith? I mean believe me or not, there are probably about a hundred guys just on this planet who are stronger than you. So you should just forget everything and move on, maybe even take responsibility for what you have done to me." Rudeus smirked at her.

"What? But I even promised my father as well as Lady Lilith to one day rule over the realm in her name. If I fail, I will be failing not only myself but also my entire family and even Lady Lilith who trusted me enough to give me her powers." Shiklah said mostly ignoring Rudeus' taunt about taking responsibility.

"Well, there is one way but I don't think you can do it. It's not for people like you. It is a very difficult path..." Rudeus threw the bait.

"Tell me, please. I am ready to do anything to get the chance to uphold the name of my family again and to do justice to the powers provided by Mother Lilith." Shiklah looked at Rudeus with serious determination.

"Well, you see, as I said before I am a god, a New god to be exact, and very soon I'll be building my own pantheon with my own supporters and followers with this realm being my first conquest. If you want, you can be a part of it as a member of my pantheon. You will have unlimited power, wealth, and influence but it would also mean that you would be completely submitting to me, body, mind, and soul." Rudeus whispered like the devil in her years.

"...I... I am ready. If that's what it takes for me to achieve what I once wished, I'll do it. I will serve you any way you wish but in return grant me the opportunity to be part of your pantheon, to be one of your goddesses." Shiklah bowed to him respectfully as she requested.

Rudeus just smiled and nodded. It was really easy to trick people using his godly charm and his perks. Of course, what he said was mostly if not all true but what he didn't mention to her was that he currently had no way to actually make her a part of his pantheon or turn her into a true goddess like him.

"Fine. But first, you'll have to prove yourself, show me your capabilities that is. One of my faction members, Lilith Drake who is the new queen of vampires is currently trying to unify the entire monster world on this planet under her or should I say my rule. Your task will be to make her job easy. Help her unite all monsters into a single group under me and I will recognize you as a trusted faction member and give you what you truly deserve." Rudeus said as he touched her cheek.

"As you command, master," Shiklah said surprised in her mind that this person in front of her was already able to take over the entire vampiric world. Her respect for her new master increased in her heart as she swore that she would make her master see her worth and become his most trusted subordinate, trusted enough that he would one day make her his queen and let her sit on a throne beside his own when he finishes conquering this realm.

Rudeus on the other hand could guess what was going inside her mind due to his telepathic power but he didn't care. He had many more important things to do. He was a very very busy god now. So he quickly ordered Zoya to take her away and have her meet the other important members of the League as well as set her up as a proper citizen and explain her duties to her.

'Now, let's go and see the surprise Jean had planned for me.' Rudeus thought to himself as he remembered the surprise that Jean said she would give her after he let Jean program some thoughts and commands into the Professor's brain as revenge.

He didn't know what those thoughts and commands were but he had a guess since after that incident the professor had suddenly turned into a very dedicated philosophy teacher always smiling and going about his day like he was some ever-happy retard. He guessed that Jean had probably done the same thing to the professor that Wanda had done to Agatha at the end of WandaVision. She had probably sealed him into his role of a wise and happy teacher that he liked so much with his free will and powers severely limited.

After that, Rudeus opened a magic portal and stepped through it to go to Jean's bedroom where she had called him to give his surprise.

Of course, he could guess what this particular surprise was...


(A/N: As you can understand, this version of Shiklah is very different from the original version because I didn't like her character there. It seemed like she was only made for being an eye candy or to give Dracula a waifu and Deadpool a new temporary love interest.

So I made this one after 'careful' consideration of what I wanted to see in my story and I decided to make her an eye candy and a waifu for my mc, just sexier and more powerful.😁)

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