A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 117: Updates and Next steps


Mistakes are not shackles that halt one from stepping forward. Rather, they are that which sustain and grow one's heart.



"Zoya, are the Frost sisters doing well after their recent integration with the Phoenix Force?" Rudeus asked the mother box in his headquarters.

He had left Jean at the mansion tired after an entire night full of passion. He wanted to spend the day like that too but he had a lot of things to do that needed to be done.

"They have adjusted a lot. They are right now perfecting the method of sealing the phoenix shards inside their hearts after turning their hearts into diamonds. The process as you advised is quite useful for negating the negative influence of the Phoenix Force and guarantees that they will never go dark like Miss Jean." Zoya said as she displayed images of the sisters practicing turning different parts of their bodies into diamond form.

"Good, I guess that would be a successful endeavor. Now where have you reached in cracking the coordinates to Asgard and the other realms?" Rudeus asked as he looked at Zoya.

"I have gotten the coordinates to Nornheim, Jotunheim, and Muspelheim from Morgana but she didn't know the coordinates of the other dimensions. However, we can easily learn about them once we raid one of these dimensions. I recommend raiding Nornheim first since according to intel from Morgana, the kingdom is currently not allied with any other realm." Zoya advised.

"I see. You are right. Invading Nornheim is most beneficial to us. It not only has one of the biggest treasure trove of magical knowledge in it but also a very very powerful and knowledgeable goddess of magic that can help us in furthering our knowledge of magic and achieving what we need to make our own magical system." Rudeus said as he viewed the information on Nornheim and Karnilla that Zoya was displaying on a hologram.

Rudeus wanted to construct his own runic/magical system that he could use to make his own spells without infringing on anyone else's magic system or energy. He was going to construct a unique system that would work with his divinity as a power source but could also be later upgraded to replace his divine energy with some other supernatural energy source like his own dimensional energy or the like.

He knew that Nornheim was the only part of the nine realms that was not under Odin's protection which meant he could theoretically get away with invading and conquering the kingdom if he played his cards right. But that was for later. Right now, he had to concentrate on building his forces before he started conquering others.

"What about the sentinels? Are they ready?" Rudeus asked.

"Three thousand ordinary grade sentinels are ready for deployment at a moment's notice while three hundred highly weaponized war-type sentinels resembling Master Mold have also been prepared. However, due to the absence of molecule-altering nanotechnology, they cannot produce more sentinels on their own.

As for evolving sentinels like Nimbus, the research in that area has been paused due to your order. Also, we have made hundreds of recon-type stealth sentinels and hunting-type sentinel hounds as well." Zoya said with pride apparent in her voice.

Rudeus had paused the development of the evolving grade sentinel because he didn't want to make a droid that could potentially be possessed by Ultron. He would only make one when he could confirm that Zoya could beat Ultron without any chance of him escaping or coming back because he didn't want to make an OP robot body only for one of the most dangerous villains in Marvel to come and steal it from him.

People might call him a wussy for this but he always believed that prevention is better than cure. Hell, he had even made Zoya design various advanced computer viruses to make sure that Ultron could completely be destroyed by Zoya without a single chance of survival.

"Good, And what about the serums?"

"The DNA samples from Rogue, Copycat, and Apocalypse were very useful for making long strides in that area. I am currently using one percent of my processing power in that regard and simulating millions of combinations of the serum as well as their after-effects and long-term effects.

At this rate, we will be able to invent a power adaptation serum within six to seven months, unless of course, you want me to increase my processing power in that research," Zoya said as it showed various digital simulated trials of serums being injected into different mutants and their effects on them.

It was a serum that could potentially help mutants get complete control over their powers or help their bodies get adapted further to match their own powerset.

This could help many mutants since a lot of them suffered from the usage of their own powers or looked horribly disfigured as a passive effect of their abilities like the Morlocks. It also meant that the serum could completely do away with the involuntary usage or power outbursts that many mutants suffer from at awakening or early stages of developing their powers.

"I see. And what about the power project?" Rudeus asked hopefully.

"It's completed. Sublime's research and DNA were very helpful in that regard. We have developed two versions of the drug. They can either awaken dormant x-genes in human bodies or tweak their physiology enough to produce artificial x-genes in them.

The first version can give them random powers like metahumans which may or may not depend on external factors. However, the second version can give them whatever abilities we want to give them. However, at the moment, we can only give the abilities of animals to people through the second version. To safely encode the powers of other mutants in it will require further research. Also, more practical testing is advised on the project." Zoya informed him.

"You have done very well Zoya. I am impressed. Keep it up." Rudeus praised her. He would even have given her a head pat if she had a physical body.

"By the way master I have been observing the different organizations that might stand against you in the future especially the ones that you told me to keep an eye on. And I have found some that might have begun actively planning against you." Zoya said as a recording began to play in front of them.

In that recording, Alexander Pierce was seen sitting at the head of a conference table talking with a dozen more people who were sitting around the table intensely discussing something.

"We have to do something about this new so-called god Pierce or we could lose some of our most important research materials to him. We have already lost a huge number of investments because of him, Trask's sentinels, Sublime's research, and even some potential mutants we were monitoring to recruit into our ranks, are all gone because of one god-damn mutant who wants to play god." A man of Asian descent was shouting angrily.

"I do agree. Although we have been having huge successes in taking control of some of the major organizations like Shield, it still does not mean that we just sit tight while a man takes over our precious research materials and secures himself key points of power in different sectors. According to our intel, the entire inner circle of the Hellfire Club might be under his control." Another man of Arabian descent said as he looked extremely frustrated like he wasn't getting any in the bedroom.

"Maybe we can ally with this Atem. He seems to only work for the benefit of mutants, so we can say that he is somewhat like Magneto. Maybe if we offer him resources and a promise of safety, we can gain his trust." A woman with a distinct Italian accent said as she played with her hair.

"I agree with all of you, ladies and gentlemen. I too think that this Atem might be a problem for us in the future but currently, he doesn't even know about the existence of Hydra and I prefer it to remain that way especially till we develop Project Tesseract, Project Insight, Project Hive, and Project Obelisk. Once those are completed, even gods won't be able to stop us." Alexander stated with a menacing cruel smile.

After the video ended Rudeus continued to look at the direction of the hologram in a daze.

'Wow, what an idiot. They weren't even successful in achieving their goals when I didn't exist but now even with my existence, they think that they can win by what? Placing sniper guns on spaceships?' Rudeus couldn't help but smirk at the ignorance and idiocracy of the Hydra Council. Maybe that's why they lose every time against the Avengers because they always underestimate them. They acted like high and mighty arrogant kings while hiding like rats and cockroaches.

'By the way, where did you even get this recording?" Rudeus asked as he looked at Zoya wondering if she had somehow planted spies in Hydra.

"I dispatched some stealth-type Sentinels to the headquarters of different organizations to monitor them as well as take control of the members' phones and computers. But since the average technology in this era still hasn't developed a lot yet, most intel is currently being passed to me by the sentinels.

They are completely invisible and undetectable and have been monitoring the important members of the organizations. They are also ready to kill or destroy any targets at any time if necessary." Zoya said as she showed the images of dozens of sentinels at different locations around the globe currently active.

"What about the other organizations? Are you monitoring them as well?" Rudeus asked as he looked at the different locations of the sentinels.

"Currently I am only monitoring Hydra and Red Room with Stealth Sentinels, the rest like Ten Rings and The Hand are being monitored through normal technological means."

"Good, you employed caution against the supernatural organizations. That's smart... Now, I think it's time to take our 'little League' into an international stage, don't you think? We will be advancing with Project Meta Heroes. Start the preparations. Also, I think it's time we take care of a certain Sinister problem before that." Rudeus said with a small cold smile on his face.


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