A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 124: Clone Wars (2)


"Be loyal to what matters."

– Arthur Morgan


<(Lorna Dane, aka, Polaris and Ororo Munroe, aka, Storm teamup)>

"You know when Rudeus said that we were gonna be fighting clones, I thought it was gonna be some mindless retarded experimental subjects looking like us and possessing our powers. But these two are smart, almost as smart as us. They think and even act like us. How exactly can we defeat them? No matter what attack we use, they can always counter it." Polaris said with annoyance visible on her face.

"Yeah, I cannot deny that I am facing the same problem. These clones not only seem to have our powers but even seem to know our moves as well. No matter what we try, they already know it." Ororo said as she directed multiple bolts of lighting from some nearby electric terminals to strike her clone which it easily deflected.

"Yeah... By the way Ororo, can I ask you something?" Polaris said with some hesitation as she shaped the metal sheets around her into blades and spears and shot them at full power at her fake self.

"Sure, go ahead," Ororo said, not stopping raining down lightning on her enemy which her clone was blocking without much effort by simply redirecting the lightning, like Yoda.

"There are some rumors about Atem, you, and Jean in the academy. Some students say that Atem is a believer in polygamy and is in a relationship with you and Jean. Is it true?" Lorna asked somehow swallowing back her hesitation.

"... Maybe, but that's my personal life. I can't discuss that with you especially since I am still your teacher. But, I have to ask, where did you learn about this and what do the students say about these rumors?" Ororo said with some coldness mixed in her otherwise normal voice. Her rate of throwing lightning at her clone increased with her words.

"Nothing really. The boys mostly accept him as their idol because they regard him as the Chad god. The girls however get curious sometimes about how different he might be than the other boys in terms of... bedroom skills since he is a god and all." Lorna said as she dodged a metal whip that tried to slash her in two.

"I see. But this is neither the time nor the place to discuss that. Let's concentrate on beating our clones first." Ororo decided to skillfully close the discussion on the topic. She wasn't comfortable mentioning to her student how she acts like a thirsty slut and gets railed by Rudeus every time they sleep together.

"Uhh, yeah sure," Polaris said as she too sensed that the discussion might become awkward if it continued like this, so she gladly agreed to stop talking on the subject and concentrated on beating her clone.

"They do have our powers and even know our moves but do you think that they have practiced with it as much as us?" Polaris suddenly asked as she smiled at Ororo.

"That's an excellent question indeed." Ororo returned her smile as she stopped throwing lightning at her clone and instead began to focus on a new technique she had been developing for the last few weeks. Instead of concentrating on her raw power, she instead focused on the aspect of its control.

Her clone as soon as she noticed Ororo stopping her attacks, started to try pushing her back with her own lightning attacks. But the original Ororo didn't react much, using only the bare minimum effort to deflect the lightning.

Soon her eyes turned white as she looked at the clone with a small smirk on her face.

"Let's see if you truly are as good as me." The original Ororo declared as with just a gesture of her hands, all the air inside the place seemed to flow in a particular direction under her will.

The fake Storm felt the change in the surroundings immediately. She could feel the wind around her react to the original. She was having trouble breathing as even the air inside her lungs tried to escape from within her.

Ororo was using her atmokinesis on a completely different level, a level she hadn't used before on a living being.

"Wa...it... I-I canno-not die. I am supp-posed to b-be betttter..." The clone couldn't finish her thoughts as she finally ran out of breath and collapsed on the ground, already dead from the lack of oxygen.

"Y-you killed her? You fucking bitch." The fake Polaris began to rage as she tried her best to impale Ororo with a steel blade she was controlling but the original Lorna easily stopped her attack. She deflected every piece of metal coming near her and Ororo expertly without even a single mistake.

"I am lucky you are not a clone of my father, otherwise you would have probably more experience than me and I wouldn't have been able to do this," Polaris said with a smirk as suddenly an iron spear came out of the ground and straight up impaled the clone.

"I have been slowly making that spear under the ground by collecting iron minerals for five minutes. You couldn't sense it since it was under the ground as our electromagnetic vision doesn't work well if we try to see under the ground" She explained to the already dead clone as she flicked her hair in style.

"Stop showing off to dead people Lorna. Let's Go. We still have stuff to do. I refuse to believe that they are the only clones the mad scientist ever made of us. We should try to find if there are any more clones of us and eliminate them." Ororo said as she began to walk forward again followed by Lorna.


<(Bobby Drake, aka, Iceman and John Allerdyce, aka, Pyro team up)>

"You weren't supposed to melt him Pyro. That was brutal. You could have done this without melting him you know.," Bobby said in anger. He was really annoyed at seeing his clone lying in a puddle of cold water in front of John.

"Oh really and what about what you did to my clone? You completely froze my clone. He didn't deserve that. He could have had a better end, maybe an icicle in his chest would have been a good way to go. But no, you had to show your amazing ice powers, didn't you?" Pyro complained.

They had both completed defeating their clones. Instead of trying to defeat their clones by themselves, they had instead switched and taken on each other's clones which made this a lot easier for them. Iceman went against Pyro's clone while Pyro fought against Iceman's clone making it more efficient for them to defeat their enemies by the advanced usage of their opposing mutant abilities.

"You know what, stop. I am not explaining myself. I only did that because I needed to do it to stop the clone. If I wanted to show off, I would have shown off my new boyfriend, or my new ice form." Bobby said as he went into his ice form again for Pyro to see.

"Okay, whatever you say ice heart. But I am no doubt much much hotter than you." Pyro smirked victoriously at his own pun and flamed up.

"Now, let's go and burn some more clones." He said as he confidently strutted on forward in search of his new target with an annoyed Bobby in tow.


<(Piotr, aka, Colossus and Pietro, aka, Quicksilver teamup)>

"And that's another one and another one and another one. Whoops, it seems I have already taken care of all the clones in this area once again. I guess you won't have anything to do huh?" Quicksilver said as he knocked out another clone at lightning speed with a full-powered hit on their head with his baton that he was given to use as a weapon.

"It's okay. You can have as much fun as you like." Piotr, the big teddy bear with his Russian accent said as he seemed to not care about his lack of action at all. Instead, he was more or less focused on trying to be a good friend to Pietro and encourage him in whatever he was doing.

"Okay, is this like some advanced psychology or something? Is this what they call defeating with kindness? God, fine. I will let you take care of the next couple of clones but you have to remember this favor, okay? Plus most of the clones seem to be copies of Scott, so seeing him dying in creative and new various ways in slow motion will never be boring since how much of a jackass he is to me and everyone else." Pietro said as he patted Collosus' metallic back since he was in his metal form.

"Umm? Okay, I guess." Colossus said, unsure of how to react to Pietro's words.

As they were having their conversation, another Scott clone appeared as he tried to blast them with his concussive blasts. However, Quicksilver easily dodged it and appeared behind him only within a second and kicked him from behind toward Colossus who used his metal arm to slam the clone and knocked him straight out while giving him a bloody mouth and a possible skull fracture.

"Huh, that actually was a little fun," Colossus murmured to himself.

"I know right? Now let's see who can kill more clones. The loser will have to treat the winner to dinner." Pietro said as he zoomed forward in search of his next target.

"That's not fair." Piotr sighed as he had no choice but to follow him and try to keep up with the speedster.


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