A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 127: The New Miss Sinister

{A big shout-out to my new pátron 'FreddyFazz4' for joining the Divine Eminence tier on my Pátreon. Thanks for the support. ≧◠ᴥ◠≦✊}


"If you can't do something, then don't. Focus on what you can."

– Shiroe, (Log Horizon)


While looking inside the freshly cloned Mr. Sinister's mind, Rudeus felt like he would have gotten sick if he were to see all of his memories from his last life.

Saying that Sinister's mind was sinister would be really playing it down. His filthy mind was filled with knowledge gained by committing the most heinous crimes in the name of science. From illegal human experimentation and baseless torture to slavery and blackmail, he had done it all. And he was even quite proud of it. In his mind, everything he had ever done was for the good of the entire human race and its advancement. In his thoughts, he wasn't a bad person but just a scientist thirsting for knowledge.

But Rudeus of course wasn't interested in all these useless beliefs. What he was interested in was purely Sinister's knowledge and the specific identity of a person whom the mad scientist had selected to be the next Sinister.

And soon after a couple of minutes of intense searching deep in his memories, he finally found it. He found the identity of the person who was set to become the next Mr. Sinister, or in gender-correct terms Miss. Sinister.

The person was an unknown woman called Claudine Renko. She was previously a test subject of Sinister, a mutant girl with the power to control every molecule in her body. Her ability was the very reason Mr. Sinister chose her to be his host and heir after his death.

"Interesting. So you were telling the truth. Something like that virus does exist. You basically designed the kama technique from Boruto without even having chakra. I guess I have to admit that you really are the best when it comes to genetic engineering." Rudeus muttered to himself knowing that the semi-brain-dead Sinister wasn't able to hear him.

Now that he had received all the information he wanted, he didn't continue to interact with Mr. Sinister anymore and just activated his Nirvana flame, completely burning the clone with his blue flames until not even ashes were left. All the while, the unconscious Mr. Sinister didn't even get the chance to resist.

"You killed him? But won't this result in someone else getting turned into Sinister now, someone who we won't be able to locate that easily this time?" Jean asked not sure of what Rudeus was thinking.

"Yeah, you are mostly right except for the fact that I do know who and where that person is now that I have read the clones' memories. Mr. Sinister had inserted the dormant 'Sinister' virus into a certain girl named Claudine Renko and had released her after embedding a small specific frequency signal generator in her favorite pendant.

The pendant in the event of the death of all of Sinister's clones would start generating an inaudible signal of a specific frequency that would activate the dormant 'Sinister' virus in her body and gradually start turning her into a replica of Mr. Sinister. But now we can easily just go there and either stop the process or do something even better with it." Rudeus explained and smiled mysteriously.

Although Sinister was a really intelligent scientist, he didn't seem to have a lot of street smarts. For all his amazing knowledge, he sucked at making intricate plans. He hadn't considered a lot of holes in his plans like what if someone like Rudeus copied all of his information from one of his clones' minds or what if the girl he had selected lost the pendant somehow before it could get activated.

However, Rudeus didn't feel sorry for the intelligent yet stupid scientist. He was glad that his plans had a lot of holes since that meant that Rudeus would be able to exploit them now.

Rudeus then used one of his Rinnegan's abilities and raised his hand as a mechanical body looking similar to his own began to form from the surrounding machines as a combined effect of the Asura path and his telekinesis. He produced some black receivers from his hands and inserted them into various parts of his new mechanical body so that he could control it expertly and share his senses with it even when far away.

This new body's purpose was to collect all the research materials, data, and other important objects that he could from this base and then burn it down and destroy it after he was done.

"Cool," Jean said as she viewed the mechanical puppet.

"I know right? It's my new Ateminator." He said with a proud grin.

"What is with you and your badly chosen names." Jean sighed at the name of his puppet.

Rudeus of course ignored her as he was too proud of his creation and its aptly chosen name. A boom tube soon opened in front of Rudeus and Jean as they walked through it to the other side.

"what the fu...?" A girl looking like she was in her mid-twenties with drops of blood coming out of her nose and a couple of books floating in the air screamed in surprise and fear as she saw the couple walking out of a red portal.

"Hm. Seems like the conversion process has already started. Sleep," Rudeus said as he used his psionic power on her, making her instantly fall down into a deep sleep while the books also dropped from the air.

"So, are you gonna cure her of the virus using your golden healing light?" Jean asked as she observed the unmoving girl.

"Nope. I would have done that if Sinister was like any other general run-of-mill cliche villain. But he was not only one of the most knowledgeable people on genetics and mutant biology but also one of the smartest beings currently alive on Earth. Permanently killing Sinister would be the biggest mistake I could possibly make. It's way better if I can keep him or in this case, her alive and use her for what she is truly worth... a gold mine, I mean a scientist." Rudeus expressed as he went close to the frozen Claudine."

'Also the system wanted me to recruit a Sinister, so I am hoping that she would be enough to satisfy the quest after she gets Sinister's intelligence, knowledge, and powers.' Rudeus thought to himself.

"But Mr. Sinister looked like he was really angry at you when you killed him... twice. Also, he didn't seem like a person who would give up working towards his goals all of a sudden and his goal was to clone you and then force his clone to kill you. So, are you sure that you want to get him back through her?" Jean asked doubtfully.

"Oh no, of course, I don't want that. If I 'revive' him he WILL betray me, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. So, I don't plan to bring him back at all. What I plan is to make use of his knowledge and smarts through this girl without bringing back his ego." Rudeus smirked as he lightly touched the forehead of the frozen girl with two of his fingers.

Rudeus after inspecting all the clones of Sinister as well as scanning this girl in front of him with his Rinnegan had understood how Sinister's virus worked. It not only changed its target's DNA structure to something similar to that of Sinister himself but also contained tiny bits of Sinister's soul like some kind of Horcrux.

In fact, it worked exactly like the kama mark of Boruto where the virus used Sinister's biological data and gradually overwrote the vessel's genetic profile until they transform into a perfect duplicate of Mr. Sinister after which the little soul bit of Mr. Sinister could even take control over the target at times if required. It was the perfect countermeasure against Death since Mr. Sinister wouldn't completely die until all of his soul bits were destroyed.

Normally Rudeus would have just used his powers to physically extract the piece of soul from her body and destroy it. However, due to the tiny size of the piece of soul, even Rudeus would find it difficult to pinpoint the teeny bit of Sinister's soul in her.

But that didn't mean Rudeus didn't have a way. Besides knowing a lot of spells on possessions and exorcisms that he would be able to use in a situation like this, he also had a power that he still hadn't tried out. And that was the King of Hell's power of the Rinnegan.

So, he didn't waste any time and quickly summoned the smaller version of the King of Hell statue and mentally commanded it to use its power on the girl. At his order, a sort of tongue-like appendage came out of the statue's mouth and wrapped itself around Claudine while sticking to her face.

"Devour the other person's soul in her body without harming her own." He commanded the statue which it immediately obeyed without a word.

The tongue of the King of Hell soon began to wiggle on her body as it detangled from around her after successfully extracting a small marble-sized piece of soul from her and devouring it on its own.

"Good boy." Rudeus praised the statue as he unsummoned it and continued to talk, "Now, all we need is to mentally program her to make sure that she only gets Sinister's intelligence and knowledge and not his damn personality. Would you like to do the honors Jean, since you are more experienced than me in that regard?" Rudeus asked with a smile as he turned toward Jean.

"Of course, whatever you say... sweetheart." Jean tried to tease Rudeus but he didn't react to it and instead just said thanks while giving her a playful slap on her ass.

Jean with a somewhat happy pout began to work on the girl's mind after receiving the slap. Jean wasn't going to make her a slave or servant or something nor was she trying to brainwash her. No, she simply would just make sure that she would be the perfect scientist with Mr. Sinister's capabilities for Rudeus while implanting a couple of fail-safes in her if she were to ever go out of control or try to betray Rudeus for some reason along with a small compulsion on her to work for Atem. Also Jean was sure that even without the compulsion she would definitely agree since nobody really ever said no to her beloved God of Domination.

As Jean was thinking about all this while using her powers like an expert surgeon shaping Claudine's mind according to her whims and desires, Rudeus on the other hand looked like he was thinking hard about something else.

'Am I forgetting about something?'


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