A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 18: Reaping the Rewards

Now its finally time to reap the rewards for all my hard work.

I mentally willed the system to show me my inventory page & selected the newly acquired card in the inventory.

[Displaying information about selected card]

[Mother box: A sentient autonomous living computer in a small compact box made for the usage of gods & completely loyal only to the user. It has the following abilities of

-Life Sense: Sense & analyze life forms.

-Machine Animation/Control: Take over and control non-sentient machines or sentient machines inferior than itself, including the ability to evolve them as well.

-Life Support: Sustain a life form in a hostile environment such as space, and many others.

-Health Manipulation: Manipulate the life-force of the user or others to sustain it past fatal injuries.

-Telepathy: Communicate telepathically with the user or other life forms.

-Telekinesis: Has limited telekinetic power to levitate itself & some other light-weight objects.

-Forcefield: Can make energy barriers to protect itself from harm.

-Boom-Tubes: Ability to open or close boom-tubes capable of transporting individuals or groups between intra-/inter-galactically, or inter-dimensionally.

-Smart AI: Can be activated at any time for smoother & more efficient usage.

-(Can be further upgraded with right conditions.)]

Wow that's impressive but its a little disappointing at the same time. I mean there is no function for using magic or energy & matter manipulation or even the corruption ability I was expecting it to have.

But the good thing is that its upgradable & it supposedly has some sort of smart AI in it which is something that even the mother boxes from dc doesn't have.

But again those boxes from dc are probably already op since they can potentially terraform entire planets & stuff.

I guess, I was right. I am not really very fortunate.

I however did not let myself get too much disappointed as I tried to summon the mother box in my hands from the inventory.

As it materialized in my palm from a small vortex, I noticed that the size of this mother box is quite small. Its roughly the size of an ordinary rubic's cube.

The moment it materialized in my hand completely, I was hit with another notification.

[Please choose one of the AI options to start interacting with your equipment]

[1) Male AI

2) Female AI

3) Asexual AI

4) No AI required]

Well, I guess the system is really customizing the mother box for me.

I of course chose the female version since I hold the amazing title of god of culture & I intend to honor that title to my last breath.

As my new AI started up, I could feel the box trying to scan its surroundings including me.

"Hello sir, nice to meet you. I am the AI of your new mother box" suddenly a sexy feminine voice came from the mother box.

All my subordinates near me were already amazed by the strange box appearing in my hands out of nowhere but now listening to this new voice, they were extremely surprised.

One of my nameless 'mob' followers even took up a defensive posture at this.

I of course ignored all of them. Right now I was more focused on my new toy.

"Hello there" Rudeus greeted back.

"Do you have a name" I questioned the strangely attractive cube.

"No, I currently don't, but you can give me a name sir." The cube responded while blinking some of its lights.

"Okay, then from now on your name is Zoya" I replied after thinking for some time.

I used the very first name that came to my mind. And no, I didn't even feel an ounce of shame while doing it. In fact I was quite happy that I could have my own AI now.

All the rich important characters in the comics had one at some point of time. Now I have one as well.

"By the way Zoya, can you help me in hacking into a particular technology?" I asked while thinking of Apocalypse's armor & ship.

"Of course. I have extremely powerful computing powers capable of hacking into almost anything you want sir." Zoya boasted about herself.

"Oh, good. Then try taking control of the armor that the dead body lying there is wearing currently" I said with a straight face.

"Sure sir." Zoya on receiving her order levitated to Apocalypse's dead body from Rudeus' hand & began to scan the armor.

Once it was done scanning, it produced some tentacle like wires from its own body & began to operate on the armor.

"What is that & what is it doing master?" Vanessa couldn't control her curiosity anymore & asked him.

"Its our new tool Vanessa. Its name is Zoya. She is something called a mother box & her job is to help us in our goals. Right now, its trying to take over Apocalypse's armor & soon will do the same for us to its ship" I told Vanessa with a smile.

"But can we actually trust it?" Selene was the one who asked this time.

"Its completely loyal to me, so yes we can trust it. But I'll still run some tests on it later, just to be sure" I told her while adding the task to my to-do list in my mind.

As we were speaking, Zoya was starting to succeed in her hacking of the armor.

The celestial armor slowly opened some of its parts & slid out of Apocalypse's body like some nanotech ironman armor. Then it floated to me under the control of Zoya.

"There were some viruses on it that had tried to permanently bond the armor with the dead person over there but I was was easily able to override the viruses & free the armor of any & all external influence." Zoya didn't stop boasting at all.

"You can now bond with this armor if you wish sir. I even did some upgrades on my own to make this armor better suited for you." She continued trying to please her new owner.

"Thanks but from next time, ask me before doing any upgrades to random objects." I say to her.

She had however proved her usability to me since in her very first task, she cleaned a very dangerous virus with almost no weakness from a godly piece of tech for me.

"Now, can you take over that ship as well?" I asked her knowing that she most probably could.

"Of course I can sir." She not so humbly replied.

Seems her personality is quite prideful. She is quite proud of her capabilities after all.

All of us watched with fascination as Zoya flew towards the pyramid shaped ship & began to connect to it similarly as she had previously done with the armor.

It barely took her a couple of minutes before she declared that she had completed the task.

She asked me if I wanted her to do some upgrades in the ship like changing its design or adding any new features in it. But I declined them.

Right now we had to get out of here as secret organizations or military powers from all over the world might arrive here any time. And I didn't wanna anounce  my presence to the whole world right now. I still had things to do in the shadows.

As I donned my new armor which instantly somehow connected with me, I began to feel different. I began to feel even more powerful as I sensed the surrounding cosmic energies rushing towards me.

I even felt the divine energy in me connecting with the armor. It was extremely comfortable, like this was meant for me. I knew this armor just gave me a significant upgrade over my past self.

"You look even more divine, master" Vanessa said with a lick of her lips. Seems she was turned on with my new armored appearance.

I smile towards her & took both of Vanessa & Selene's waists in my hands.

"Let's go ladies, we need to test out our new ride now before I decide to ride the two of you" I said with a smile.

As all of us began to move towards my new spaceship where Zoya currently was, but then suddenly I remembered about the hot telepath ninja who was laying knocked out a little away from us.

Now what to do with her.


If you like my story and writing, please let me know in the comments.

Also I think I did good with the name this time. Zoya is quite a unque name that is not normally used as an AI. So what are you waiting for, you can Praise me now 😎😁

Also you can visit my new Pat reøn page as well to read chapters in advance. Right now I have about 20 chapters in advance there.

Just go to Pat reon.com/God_Doom

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