A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 20: Recruiting a Hot Telepathic Ninja

No sound came from Psylocke. She was still pretending to be knocked out. But she could not fool Rudeus' godly senses & intuition.

"You do know that this is becoming more & more awkward right, with me standing here looking at your half naked body while you are pretending to be knocked out there in tattered clothes" He asked with a smirk.

At his words she could no longer continue to pretend & opened her eyes to look at Rudeus. He noticed she was more annoyed than actually angry.

"So what do you want to do with me now?" She asked while still maintaining eye contact with him.

"What do 'you' want me to do with you? I personally would actually prefer you to join our little celebration right now but I don't think you will agree to that so soon." Rudeus joked with her.

Rudeus had gotten a lot confident now after he had defeated Apocalypse.

He was confident in his powers as well as his divine charms that he would be able to woo almost anybody given enough time.

'Perhaps I can give some competition to Zeus after all' He amusedly thought to himself.

"Not unless you force me to do it. As much good looking as you are, I normally don't put up on the first date." She said in a somewhat joking tone.

For some reason, she didn't seem to be that afraid despite the fact that she was brought to space by a stranger while she was unconscious after being beaten by one of the said stranger's followers.

"I see. Although that is a little tempting but no, I don't force myself on unwilling females. Well atleast I haven't till now." He said with his smirk widening.

"So what do you really want?" Psylocke now became a little serious.

"Easy, I want you. Or more precisely, I want you to join me. I want you to help me change the world & shape it to something... better." Rudeus told her.

"Better for the people or better for you?" She asked while looking him in the eyes.

"Better for the world actually & yes, definitely for me as well. You see the world is slowly destroying itself. So I will do what is necessary to guide it to a better path while of course enjoying myself to the full. I do need some compensation for my services after all" He said with a straight face.

"You will of course get your dues as well. You will get safety under me, a place to call home & maybe even a family" Rudeus continued his sales speech.

Truthfully almost all the marvel females have the same basic sob story. All of them were devoid of love & family. In fact that's why they easily fell for the first male that showed them even a little bit of compassion & adoration.

They were all starved for love & care which he would be able to use quite easily. All he had to do was just be there for them in their times of need & voila he would get some extremely loyal crazy & powerful women for himself.

That & of course his golden rule perk combined with his natural godly charms.

Psylocke didn't open her mouth for a long time & just continued to stare at him. She was debating with herself on what to do.

She was afraid that he would kill her if she said no to him. So after some moments of serious consideration she finally made a decision.

"The last 'god' I joined also wanted to change the world but he was killed rather quickly & the 'god' to do that was you. So fine, I'll join you & place my trust in your dreams... master. After all you can't really be worse than the last god I served."

She bowed down infront of him in a show of loyalty much like a samurai or ninja.

"Good decision. I assure you that you will not regret it" He smiled at her.

"By the way, do you have a brother?" Rudeus asked her suddenly out of nowhere while thinking about her brother from comics, the Captain Britain who wielded the sword Excalibur.

"Not as much as I am aware. I was an orphan before I was adopted by my sensei & then trained in the ways of a ninja. I don't know if I have any other siblings as I don't even know who my parents are" She told Rudeus.

"I see. Anyways welcome to the Vermillion Society or as most people know by our public name Meta." He said with a sense of grandeur.

He was doing his best in following the ways of a religious cult leader.

"Since that is settled for now, I think we should continue with what we were doing before this." Vanessa now no longer able to continue her frustration spoke up.

Both of Selene & Vanessa were actually still sitting on the floor all this time in the hopes of finally being able to relieve their god's & their own stress.

Rudeus smirked seeing their antics & gave them the go ahead by mentally opening his armor at his groin which followed his command much like a nanotech suit.

Psylocke was surprised that her new master would start his acts of debauchery with his followers while she herself was still in the room.

She wondered if joining this group was a good idea after all, since looking at the charming face of her new god made her doubt for how long she would be able to keep her purity at this rate.

"I think I should give you some privacy, master" She said while trying to get out of the room, away from these lewd acts.

"Well you could. But isn't it your job to be with me at all times to ensure my safety & needs as a loyal follower" Rudeus innocently asked her in a righteous voice.

This stopped her from exiting the room. She didn't want to disrespect her now dead sensei by not doing her duties well as a ninja. So she had no choice but to stop at her place & continue to stay in the room.

Rudeus was actually in the mood of having some fun. Even if he couldn't enjoy the sexy ninja's body on the very first day, he still wanted to have some fun with her right now.

He wanted to corrupt the potential omega level mutant & make her beg him for his... touch. Rudeus knew that he would never have these types of thoughts back when he was still human.

But that didn't matter. Now, he was a god & he would have all that he wants.

He knew that power corrupts people over time but he really doesn't care too much. He would not let the chance of making his dreams come true go away only because of a small thing like 'human morals'.

'After all, with great power comes great goals & desires... atleast to people like him who are not saints.'

It didn't mean he would become a sadistic monster but he would let himself loose a little from time to time. He deserved atleast that.

'Maybe I could be be something like one of those Warhammer chaos gods after all.' He smirked to himself while preparing to submerge himself in debauchery to release all his frustrations.

He really hoped that he wouldn't turn out like one of those crazy gods one day.

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