A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 26: New god makes Barbeque

As Rudeus entered back into the yacht's room through his boom tube, he saw that Shaw and his tornado creating lackey was right now in a standoff with Selene and Emma.

He was quite surprised at this as he hadn't expected Emma to take his side without him urging her more. He saw that currently both Shaw & Riptide were forced to stand like a statue.

Emma and Selene had both used their telepathic powers to take control of their bodies and force them to stand still. But it seems that Sebastian was still able to somewhat put up a resistance against the telepathic assault.

He was trying to move his body with his bare will, which he was actually slowly succeeding in.

Emma was the one who was controlling Shaw while Selene was doing the same with Riptide. However currently she was struggling to maintain her control as some drops of sweat were tickling down her forehead.

It seems that Emma was either not strong and experienced enough to control someone like Shaw completely or Shaw was too powerful currently to control due to having too much energy inside him.

Whatever the case was, Sebastian would be able to escape Emma's control soon.

As Rudeus came into view of the people, the faces of the two girls instantly lit up as even Emma seemed to get some mental relief at his arrival. Shaw and Riptide on the other hand had worry written on their faces as they saw Rudeus returning alone without Azazel.

Rudeus didn't want to waste any more of his time. He had already developed a bad mood due to his recent trip to hell. So he just calmly walked towards Riptide and punched him in the stomach with considerable strength.

The punch didn't however leave any bruises because Rudeus' spear like hand had cleanly passed through Riptide's body, killing him instantly.

He then looked at Sebastian next, who currently had a fearful expression on his face. He couldn't believe his luck. He couldn't understand how he had gotten to this point.

He was supposed to be the Black King, the leader of the biggest secret society in the world. He was gonna rule over all mutants one day, proving his and his kind's superiority over the ordinary sheep.

But one day, one day was all it took to completely shatter his dreams and almost destroy everything he had worked for. This was the worst day of his life.

Rudeus however didn't care about his line of thoughts. He just wanted to get this over with. He had better things to do. He wanted to get back to his grind to get stronger before he had to face that Red wannabe-Satan clown.

He walked towards Sebastian in a carefree manner and then grabbed him by his throat.

But as he was gonna kill him, he suddenly remembered that he needed all the information and knowledge of Shaw about Hellfire club to take control of it efficiently without any hiccups.

He looked towards Selene and Emma and decided that this could be the way to start bringing Emma into his faction.

"Can you two combine your psychic powers to read all his thoughts and memories because I think one of you won't be enough to get everything from him" Rudeus asked the two beautiful women.

Emma at first thought about denying his request because combing psychic powers means completely trusting the people & opening their minds to each other which she didn't wanna do with Selene.

But as she looked towards the charming face of Rudeus, she almost felt a pain in her heart while saying no. She didn't want to disappoint him. She wanted to be useful to him somehow.

She even thought that perhaps she should just accept him as a god. She could maybe even benefit something from it.

Finally she came to a decision & agreed with Rudeus to combine her powers with Selene to see all of Shaw's memories.

Rudeus on the other smiled in his mind. Maybe one day, he could even form a strong group of telepaths in his faction who would be able to combine their powers and overpower almost anybody psionically.

As Emma and Selene held each other's hands to get ready for the process, Shaw on the other hand began to panic. He began to try to get free of Rudeus' hold but was not able to do so.

"Wait, stop. I'll give you all the connections to my society. The entire Hellfire club is yours from now on. You don't have to do this. Please just let me go" Sebastian tried tempting him. He just wanted to escape now. He could always take revenge later. But right now, escape was more important for him.

Rudeus didn't care and just stayed silent while giving him an expressionless face.

The two girls on the other hand were able to connect to each other and went into Shaw's mind. His will and resistance failed spectacularly against their joint power as they plundered all the knowledge and memories he had.

Shaw was screaming his throat out due to the immense pain he was feeling at his mind-rape. He continued screaming even when they were finished with extracting all the information from his head.

"Just shut up man. You are giving me a headache now" Rudeus was really annoyed. He still seemed to be in his young master persona.

"You... you will suffer for this. I promise you that you WILL regret what happened today. I will make sure of that..."

"Yeah yeah, the usual villain dialogue. I should have expected that you were not among the better class of criminals. You are just a regular one from one of those cheap movies." Rudeus interrupted Sebastian.

He then began to gather cosmic energy from his surroundings through his armor & concentrated all of it into a small marble shaped ball between his fingers.

He then forced open Shaw's mouth as he forcefully inserted the little ball of destructive cosmic energy into it.

"You can absorb almost any energy right? So absorb this" Rudeus said with an evil smile.

As Shaw desperately tried to absorb all of the energy, he found that he was not able to absorb all of it, some of the energy began to run rampant inside his body, damaging his internal organs and slowly destroying him from the inside out.

His blood boiled as his muscles began to burn and bones cracked. Even his skin had begun to tear and crumble.

He still however didn't lose hope & continued to try to absorb the energy in a last desperate attempt to save himself. But all was for naught.

No matter how much he tried, the energy continued to destroy him. It was like, it had some sort of unique attribute or aspect in it that he couldn't absorb or control.

This was not normal energy after all, it was cosmic energy, one of the the most potent & ancient fundamental energies of the universe. He had no hope of absorbing this type of energy at all.

Soon Shaw's entire body began to burn from the destructive cosmic energy as he slowly got reduced to ashes.

Rudeus however didn't even bat an eye at it and just watched the entire process with an amused expression.

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