A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 40: The Real plan?

"Because the others were sent to war." Hank, the blue beast made an entrance while answering Logan. "These few sentinels were just there to keep us busy, the real plan was to attack another powerful mutant base."

"You mean, keep US busy. Not you." I didn't exactly see you and the professor doing anything to help us in the fight. Now that I think about it, I didn't actually see you two anywhere." Rudeus stared Hank in his eyes.

"I- well... The professor was busy. He was trying to help the other mutants who were attacked by the sentinel army. He was using the cerebro and I had to help him there." He quickly gave an excuse.

"So the professor and you were helping the 'metahumans' of another faction while your own students here were struggling to defeat the sentinels here. They were genuinely facing potential death at the hands of those sentinels here, you know that right?" Rudeus tried to create a little discord between the professor and the unexperienced X-men here.

Normally, it would be common for a combat team like X-men to divide up their numbers to do different things at the same time. They would have to regularly fight like this with their lives on the line.

But right now, those wise, experienced and skilled X-men were just starting out. Most of them were just students trying to do the right thing while playing hero. Hearing about the professor and Hank helping other metahumans while they themselves were in danger hurt their feelings a lot.

"What do you mean by that? You don't deserve to belittle the professor's name that way. There must be a valid reason why he was busy during our fight. Maybe he just trusted us enough to believe that we can take care of this attack ourselves. But you as an outsider should just keep your mouth shut." Scott spoke up to defend his sugardaddy.

Rudeus was extremely annoyed at Scott right now. He never liked Scott, neither in the comics nor in the movies. But right now, his dislike for scott had reached such a level that he was just a few seconds away from hitting Scott in the face with his full strength and watching his head explode like a balloon.

But he controlled himself. He had a plan which involves taking the entire X-men and the school full of powerful metahumans for himself. He couldn't just throw away just because some idiot annoyed him.

"You are right. I am an outsider. I shouldn't have spoken about these sensitive topics." Rudeus calmly said with a gentle smile on his face. He could receive an oscar right now for his acting.

"I don't think you are an outsider Rudeus. I think you are as much a part of our team as anybody else." Kurt was surprisingly the one to stand up for him first though both Jean and Ororo looked like they wanted to strangle Scott right now.

"Yeah, I think you deserve to be here and speak up as any of us." Kitty too supported him.

"Well kid, they are right. I like you too. So welcome to the pack, bub." Wolverine gave his two cents as well.

'The Golden Rule is truly a world class hack.' Rudeus thought to himself.  Men were making him their buddies, girls were falling in love with him left and right. It almost felt like he was cheating through his social life.

"Thanks everyone. It means a lot." Rudeus continued his gentle merciful god demeanor.

"Huh, what happened here? Who are you?" Colossus who had finally woken up after he was knocked out came up to them and asked Rudeus.

"..." Everyone was quiet for for some time. They would have laughed at the big steel bear if the situation was any different but sadly the situation was in no way humorous.

Hank at seeing that the topic of the professor was diverted and forgotten immediately seized the chance and began to explain to them the real plan of the sentinels.

"The X-mansion was never the real target of the sentinels, the real target was not just a school but instead an entire nation. It was the country of Genosha." Hank explained.

Apparently, some mutants from Genosha had contacted with the Professor after the country was attacked by an army of sentinels.

Some powerful mutants were able to fight back but most of them had weak mutations and were being massacred right now. The sentinels were slowly pushing them back with their number advantage.

But the most dangerous was the leader of the sentinels. Apparently it was extremely powerful with it evolving more and more with time.

It would only be a matter of time before the entire country would fall to its knees with all the mutants there massacred.

They needed help since Xavier couldn't be of enough help against those mechanical robots even with his cerebro.

The X-men immediately agreed with this as all of them wanted to help mutants no matter what country they were from. They just wanted to save as mutants as they could.

Rudeus too didn't say no to it. He finally found a way to get inside Genosha without being made a public enemy by Magneto. Instead he could be their 'hero' by saving them from those sentinels.

And if he played his cards right, maybe he could even take control of the nation, gaining the support of millions of mutants at once.

But what he couldn't understand was why would Trask be so desperate to straight up use illegal unsanctioned weapons against mutants on not only American soil but also almost declare a war against an international nation as well.

Even the highest echelons of the government didn't know about it. Rudeus knew because right now he controlled a major portion of the country's political architecture. He even had influence among the higher ups as well.

But this was almost suicide and an extremely stupid move. One so idiotic that Rudeus struggled to believe that it was someone as intelligent as Bolivar Trask would use it.

'Unless there is somebody else behind it, somebody who is just using Trask and his sentinels to get whatever they want without caring for any consequences.' Rudeus thought as he tried to come up with potential suspects who could do something like this.

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