A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 5: Celebrations of a sigma god

Note : This is my first ever fanfiction. English is my third language so don't expect the most flawless writing from me. I had this idea for quite some time & wanted to give it life, so I started writing. Any helpful feedback is appreciated. Also again I own nothing except my own skin & do not want to offend any party. This is only for entertainment. Enjoy~


To say that Rudeus was extremely surprised would be an understatement.

He never even in his wildest dreams had thought that he would get to meet Deadpool's hot girlfriend here as one of his cult members.

How did he know that she was supposed to be Deadpool's future sweetheart? It was because he didn't think there was any other Vanessa in Marvel who had light blue skin, white hair, & the Carlyle surname.

'I think she in the comics had the same power as Mystique, only better where she could copy powers as well besides mimicking appearances.'

"This is Vanessa, she is a mutant as well & one of the most useful members of our group. She will be responsible for fulfilling all your needs. If you want or need something please tell her & she will make sure to try her best for fulfilling it." Selene informed.

'Really, anything I want. I mean there are a lot of things I can imagine that I would want from her. Hehehe'

Of course a seasoned man of culture like Rudeus didn't let his thoughts out and just maintained an expressionless face infront of the two hot priestesses.

"I should leave master Rudeus, I need to prepare a lot of things to make sure that your rise to power goes smooth & uninterrupted"

"Okay then, we'll meet again tomorrow to discuss our future plans" he said to the bowing woman before she left the room.

Truthfully Rudeus was a little tired as well, not physically but mentally. Being reincarnated in an egg in a dangerous fictional verse while having an identity crisis does that to you.

He then remembered about Vanessa & turned to face the hot blue skinned mutant beside him and said "You should probably take some rest as well. I'll call you if I need you"

And with that he went to take a shower to get the layer of the sticky egg liquid off of him. He wasn't disgusted with it but he was definitely not comfortable either.

While showering he remembered that he should probably do some experiments and get comfortable with the system.

"Hey system, you there?" there was no answer. His system probably didn't have an AI or something.

He then willed his system to display the status screen infront of him. He went to the inventory page and noticed the Golden Rule card as well as the beginner package still there.

After mentally selecting the Golden Rule card he saw the options for equipping it as well as the option for viewing more information about it.

He selected the option to view more info about the card.

[Displaying information about selected card]

[Golden Rule of the Stars: The user has the skill Golden Rule, being fated to a life that is filled with riches. It does not measure the percentage of gold in one's body, but the chance of attracting riches in one's life. The amount of riches provided by the perk will make the user incredibly wealthy to the point where money trouble will be unknown.

The user has the highest rank of Charisma with the influence to build a grand empire on a global scale. He is often praised as the greatest king or emperor, so his ability to command and lead great armies or organizations is excellent. Being such a rare talent, the perk makes it no longer a matter of popularity or skill for the user to influence people, but closer to something like sorcery.

It also acts as the "perk" to collect high quality goods—a "luck" that draws rare & valuable items into the possession of the user.]

'Wow that is unexpectedly op. I mean this skill practically guarantees that I would be able to become rich, influential & powerful at the same time. Fulfilling the mission isn't gonna be that hard any more.'

Rudeus was now really happy and quickly equipped the perk card from his inventory.

['Golden Rule of the Stars' perk card equipped]

'Hmm, I don't feel that different' with that thought, Rudeus tried to see his face in the mirror to see if he looked any different from before, not that he actually remembered how he looked before.

The face that stared back at him through the mirror was one he didn't expect. It was probably the most beautiful face he had ever seen.

His face didn't seem particularly masculine or feminine but seemed more like the pinnacle of perfection of human faces. He knew he was not only going to be famous among women but men as well.

But he still wished for a more masculine look. He was a man after all.

Maybe he even had a chance with the lesbians of this world.

His body too looked perfect. It had the perfect ratio of fat & muscles and looked absolutely mouth watering. In fact after seeing his own body, Rudeus began to doubt if he was completely straight.

'No of course I am straight. I am the straightest straight person ever born. Also its not homo if its with yourself right, right?'

He could not determine his age by his looks, he looked like he could be in his teens or even his mid twenties. It depended on the mentality & preference of the people seeing him.

I wonder how much I changed from before.

He hadn't seen his face previously in this new life so he had nothing to compare his new face to understand his change. Hell, he didn't even remember how he looked in his previous life.

'Well, I think I should probably stop whining about my memory loss now'

He then willed the beginner package to open as well.

[Opening 'Beginner pack' ]

[You have acquired 'Low Cosmic awareness' , 'Divine Spirit body' & 'Sunstone crystal']

[Low Cosmic awareness: User is able to sense any big changes happening in the world on a lower scale.]

[Divine Spirit body: The user is able to transform into a divine spirit and thus can phase through any physical attacks and can be exempt from some of the natural laws of reality.]

[Sunstone: Sunstone crystal technology (inherently from Krypton) can do as follows:

-Store near infinite amount of information.

-Can be programmed to create anything the user wants.

-Can be used to create a planet.

-Can be used to create ships that can travel between galaxies, and even destroy entire planets.

-Its technology can be used to create other kinds of technologies as well.

-Those same crystals can be used as a power source in a way that they create a completely different kind of advanced nuclear fusion.]

To Rudeus this harvest was quite lucky especially the sunstone technology, because with that he will be able to create his own space city like the Asgardians & the Inhumans.

He wouldn't have to depend on a living island if he ever decided to establish a mutant country or something.

He never did understand how all the mutants in Marvel were able to live on such a small island. Even if it was not a problem for the present number of mutants to live in such a small island, in the future it would definitely become a big problem one day.

After all the only thing that always increases in value with time without fail is Real Estate.

{A/N: This was actually a line used by Lex Luthor himself when he was using one such crystal}

The divine spirit body is good for defence especially against the more strength based characters of marvel.

The low tier cosmic awareness perk would probably be like spider sense on steroids but not as powerful as Odin's or Heimdall's vision or the advanced cosmic awareness of other big shots in the multiverse.

He immediately equipped the two perk cards & left the sunstone crystal in his inventory for now. He would need it later when he begins to establish his own country. Oh, he definitely planned to do that one day.

But right now, he needs to have power, fame & influence to recruit the future citizens he is going to rule over in his future country at that time.

['Low Cosmic awareness' perk card equipped]

['Divine Spirit body' perk card equipped]

He then also began to experiment with his inventory function as well, storing and extracting things. It was quite fun. Inventory is a quite powerful cheat in itself. He would make sure to spam it in the future.

With that line of thought he got out of the shower. He wanted to get some shut eye. He had gone through a lot of shit today after all.

That was his initial thought but he couldn't help but forget all his lines of thought once he saw what was going in his room especially on his bed.

Vanessa hadn't actually left the room but was waiting for him on his bed in very scantily dressed clothes.

"What do you want me to do first master?" The sexy mutant asked him.

"What do you mean? Why are you still here?" Rudeus asked her in a serious voice. He was actually quite flustered inside but didn't wanna show it on his face.

"Well Miss Selene said that you would have needs that most male gods have and I can help satisfy them for you. That's why I am here after all"

The way she said those words with extreme cuteness & innocence almost pierced Rudeus' heart with arrows. After all she was still far from the milfy adult form that she would be in when she would have started to date deadpool.

Right now she was still young, probably in her late teens or early twenties. Right now she is barely an young adult.

"You don't have to do that Vanessa, I am not gonna force you to sleep with me. In fact I actually wanted to know, why did you even join this cu... um, organization?"

The blue skinned seductress almost seemed a little disappointed by the fact that Rudeus wasn't gonna sleep with her right now. Although Rudeus being a sigma male in development ignored it.

"My parents were actually the police. They were killed when I was still a child. An underworld mob boss by the name of Kingpin had them killed because they stood against him when he first started to make his gang"

"I wanted to get revenge against him but a little girl can only do so much. I was sold by his gang members to a brothel in boston as a prostitute. I thought my life was over and I would probably never be able to get justice for my parents."

"But then I met Lady Selene, she recognized that I was a mutant and offered me a chance to freedom. I took it. She made me believe in you. That's why I am ready to do anything to help you even if its to please you with my own body."

'..., wow, that's a really attractive offer. I am almost inclined to accept it. Maybe ...'

At this point of time Vanessa was almost crying. Her luminescent red eyes even more red & puffy. She really missed her parents so talking about them was always a sensitive issue for her.

"Don't cry Vanessa, I promise I will help you get your revenge one day. I'll make sure that Kingpin dies by your own hands" he promised her to make her calm down.

Rudeus was definitely a greedy & selfish hypocrite but he couldn't just let a hot cute girl cry especially when he is planning to seduce said hot cute girl in the future.

'Anyways I am probably going to come in conflict with Kingpin soon any way due to the nature of my plans, so it isn't like I would have to go out of my way to help her or something'

Vanessa was really surprised to hear him, she hadn't expected him to promise to help her so easily. At that moment she decided in her heart that she had probably made the right decision in joining this organization and following this mutant god.

Her young maiden heart was so overwhelmed with emotion that she couldn't control her actions & suddenly kissed Rudeus.

'What the..., this is my first kiss. So amazing. Wow her lips really are soft. Even her tongue seems so soft & squishy. No wait should I continue to do this. If I continue to do this, I don't think I can stop. The sex starved beast inside me would probably get out'

While Rudeus was wondering what he should do now, he suddenly heard the sound of his system notification.

[Ding! Quest generated. World choice detected...]


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