A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 52: Other Rewards and some Spiritual healing

As Rudeus willed the system to show him all the missed notifications, several past messages soon appeared in front of his eyes.

[Warning! Too much cosmic energy is being absorbed into host's body]

[Alpha physiology and Supernatural physique perks are reacting to excess cosmic energy

[Host's divine energy/chi is reacting with cosmic energy]

[Host's divine energy has evolved in to a higher form]

[Host's divine energy has become stronger and has gained the property to be able to destroy/devour/corrupt other weaker divine or non-divine energies]

[Host has naturally unlocked the perk 'Divine Energy Manipulation']

[Divine Energy Manipulation: The user can manipulate divine energy, which is especially harmful to non-divine entities. The user can absorb divine energy from other beings (not divinity itself) to enhance himself temporarily. The user can change divine energy into different forms and objects of varying detail according to user's imagination.]

'Wow, I am getting one op skill after another today. I hope this streak continues and I will be able to become op soon enough.' Rudeus grinned at the notifications.

But he didn't waste anymore time daydreaming. He still had much to do.

He looked at the scene where Magneto's burnt body was lying. He wondered if he should tell his subordinates to bring it to the lab but he soon changed his mind. Although Magneto was an omega level mutant, Rudeus however still had other uses for him besides using his body as research material.

He would instead use it to make himself appear as a benevolent and merciful god. Also a few of Magneto's dna samples should be enough for his company's research purposes.

After all the things he was trying to develop was really complex, so any research material, no matter how small if it could potentially take the research forward would be very much welcome.

So, Rudeus ordered Zoya to send some of his loyal subordinates to take some dna samples of Magneto before his dead body was discovered by the other metahumans on the island.

After that he would just use the dead body as means to garner sympathy from his past followers as well as his lost children.

'Btw, I just remembered. But where is Quicksilver and Mystique? I never saw them in the battle from the very start.' he curiously thought.

However he truthfully didn't really care about the resident speedster. He just flew towards the capital of Genosha where the maximum number of metahumans were currently concentrated.

As he reached the centre of the city, he saw that a good portion of the city was destroyed with thousands of metahumans already dead. Even a bigger number were injured.

It was surprising what a few hundred of those sentinels could do to millions of mutants. It was not only because the majority of the mutants had weak mutations and were almost baseline human but also because these metahumans were unprepared.

They had never even imagined that they could be attacked openly like that in their very home. Their unpreparedness, their lack of proper military and leadership as well as the chaos that followed had weakened them and brought them to their knees.

No matter how powerful some exceptional members of the brotherhood were, the majority of the citizens of Genosha however could barely be considered above human level. Most of them didn't even have mutations that could be used in combat.

Rudeus had to change a lot of things in the country if he wanted to make this his primary base. Good thing he got his new ruling perk.

He descended to a place where most of injured metahumans were currently crowding. As he landed, he saw an extremely bloody scene. People were laying down on the ground with severed limbs, wounds on their stomach or chests. Some seemed to fighting for their lives while the other seemed to have already given up on their lives.

He saw a small child with his upper and lower halves of his body separated. Rudeus went to him and gently placed his hand on his chest without saying anything.

He then concentrated to activate his new healing perk. Soon golden light began to shine from his hands which entered the child's body. People all around him began to wait with baited breaths as they saw the wounds on the child's body close as both portions of his separated body began to merge into one again.

The entire injury healed itself as the child's body went back to its completely healthy state.

The light in Rudeus' hands disappeared as he looked at the now healed child. The kid was completely healed and in a perfectly healthy state without any side-effects.

He also didn't feel too much loss in his divine energy as well. The energy consumed was almost negligible and didn't really put a dent in his reserves. He could probably heal atleast a thousand critically injured people to actually make a signifiant dent in his current reserves.

Seeing the now healthy child, a lot of people had already started begging and requesting Rudeus to heal them and their injured friends and family as well.

But truthfully, even though Rudeus himself wanted to heal everyone on the island to make himself appear as a benevolent god, he simply did not have enough time to do so.

Healing everyone one by one would take so much precious time that the rest of the injured people would probably die before they could even get a chance to get healed.

That was not acceptable. Rudeus needed to heal as many people as he could. It would be best if he could heal everyone, since that would be a miracle that he as a god would be hailed for.

So he made up his mind. He would try something that could be dangerous for him but if he succeeded he would be able to save a lot of people while earning himself a lot of recognition.

But before that, he asked Zoya to make sure that all beings deemed as hostile enemies to him or his faction were captured or imprisoned.

Zoya checked with the X-men and confirmed Rudeus that all hostiles had been neutralized. Although the X-men miraculously hadn't killed anyone, they had succeeded in capturing and imprisoning all hostiles.

As Rudeus heard that, he slowly floated into the sky at the centre of the island and concentrated on his divine healing powers. He was not going to cast the perk on a single person.

He was going to cast the perk on everyone on the entire island at once.

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