A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 57: Thoughts of a laser-boy and Date with a phoenix-girl

<(Scott Summers, aka, Cyclops  POV)>

You ever felt where you are the unluckiest person in the world and whatever bad happens only happens with you? That's exactly how I feel right now. Infact I have been feeling like that for a very long time, almost the last two years to be specific.

Its like everything went wrong in my life and I don't even know how. My life was good at first.

I was born an extremely strong mutant with cool eye-laser powers. I am really handsome and goodlooking with a body girls probably drool on even though they don't show it outside.

I not only got in one of the best and coolest schools in the country but also soon became the favourite student of the principal there. I truly am amazing to achieve all that in such a short period of my life.

The best thing is that my talents even got recognized as soon I was placed as the leader of our school's signature superhero team, the X-men. I mean they didn't exactly ask me directly to take up the position but I knew what everyone wanted, so I did my duty and became what I was always meant to be, a leader.

But my difficulties started from there. None of the idiots in my team were nearly as good as me. They were children playing around. They didn't understand the importance of what we do here, nor did they respect me as much as they should have.

Even the girl that I liked was a similar idiot. Instead of her being grateful to be like by a born leader like me, she acted like she didn't care at all. Although it couldn't fool me. I know that the hot minx want to jump on my balls, she is just shy.

But she still dare acts like a tsundere.

That b*tch doesn't even know what she is missing. But that doesn't matter, I know I will get her moaning under me sooner or later. It WILL happen. We are destined to be with each other after all. I just know it in my bones.

But my life was still good until then, the main problems started when we met that self proclaimed god in Egypt. That bast*rd had the gall to insult me infront of my team and even flirt with Jean.

Of course that 'god' didn't realize that she was meant to be with me and thus only had eyes for me but still he shouldn't have done that. But he didn't just end it there, he went to insult both me and the professor several times in the last two years.

Whenever he visited us, he used subtle jabs against us using barely veiled insults. He flirted with every female with a hole that came across him yet nobody said anything. Was I the only sane person left in this school?

Even Ororo who is supposed to be our teacher doesn't correct his behaviour or oppose him when he insults me. She even smiles and blushes all the time during talking with him, the same as Jean.

If I were not as smart as I am in reality, I would have said that they were actually in love with that devil, but of course I know that they were neither stupid nor blind enough to fall for that useless god when there is a perfectly healthy stud like me present in the school, especially my dear Jean.

But still I do have to admit, he did some things right. For example, Genosha really did change after Rudeus established the ruling council. Although I still think that either me or the professor would have been a better choice as a council member than Ororo.

Anyways, the country truly did change for the better after Magneto died. The mutants there could now live on the island without being afraid of a tyrannical dictator or having to follow biased laws.

Even the public sentiment about mutants too changed a lot in the last couple of months. There were now talkshows inviting unique mutants to interview,  protests to demand equal rights for us and the best thing, the regular attacks on our school had decreased by about half.

You know what, maybe the god guy isn't so bad. I mean,he probably hallucinates too much to call himself a god but maybe just maybe, he isn't exactly evil. I think I should probably try to get to know him a little more.

"Hey Scott, the professor's calling you. Something about some Stryker guy trying to kidnap mutant kids around the country." Kurt broke Scott's chain of thoughts as he gestured Scott to enter the professor's cabin.

"Oh, ok. By the way, do you know where Jean is? I haven't seen her since the morning and today is supposed to be our five year anniversary of the day we met for the first time in the school." Scott asked Kurt.

"Oh yeah, I think she mentioned something about going on a date with Rudeus. She is quite lucky if you ask me, almost all the girls in the school have a crush on the guy." Kurt innocently answered.


"Wait what's happening to you. Your face is so red that it almost looks like its going to explode or something. Are you all right?" Kurt asked concerned for his friend's health.


That day the entire school learnt about the woes of a heartbroken lover who lost to a god.


As Jean Grey waited nervously at the restaurant, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. She had agreed to go on a date with Rudeus, the handsome young god who had recently entered her life, and she couldn't wait to see what the night would bring.

As she sipped her wine, she heard a voice behind her say, "Hey, beautiful." She turned around to see Rudeus standing there, looking handsome in a suit. "You look amazing tonight," he said, and she blushed.

They were seated at a table with a beautiful view of the Genosha city skyline, and as they looked out over the lights, they began to talk about their lives. Jean was surprised at how much she had in common with Rudeus, and they quickly fell into an easy, comfortable conversation.

As the night wore on, they ordered more wine as Jean shared stories of her childhood and her life while Rudeus shared his dreams for the future of mutants and Genosha. Jean couldn't help but feel completely drawn to Rudeus, his charisma and confidence captivating her.

As they continued to talk, she couldn't help but feel a connection growing between them, an undeniable attraction that seemed to deepen with each passing moment.

As the night drew to a close, Rudeus took Jean's hand and led her outside to a balcony overlooking the city of Genosha. The night air was cool and refreshing, and the lights of the city sparkled below them.

"Jean," Rudeus said softly, "I know we've only just met, but I can't help but feel like we're meant to be together. I've never felt such a strong connection to anyone before." He switched on his inner playboy.

Jean's heart raced at his words, and she felt herself drawn to him. "I feel it too," she whispered.

With a gentle touch, Rudeus lifted her chin and leaned in to kiss her. The kiss was soft and tender at first, but quickly grew more passionate as their feelings for each other were revealed. Jean felt as though she was falling into a dream, completely lost in the moment.

As they pulled away from each other, Rudeus held Jean close. "I promise to always protect you and cherish you," he whispered. "You're the one of the most important people in my life, and I'll do anything to make you happy." He said while giving her yet another clue about the chance of other potential women in his life like her.

Jean knew that she had found something special with Rudeus, something that she had been searching for all her life. As they walked back into the restaurant, hand in hand, she knew that this was just the beginning of their love story.

She just wished that this would last forever.

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