A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 64: Facing an Edgelord

"How many more vampires do we have to kill before we reach the castle? I think I already killed like a hundred of these suckers." Vanessa screamed in frustration.

The group of four were right now in Romania near Castle Dracula. However although they could see the castle, they were having trouble in reaching it due to the absurdly large number of vampires attacking them to stop them in their path.

"Dracula has been slowly accumulating his army so that when the time comes, he can take over the world in one smooth swing. It is his ultimate dream." Lilith informed her while using a psychokinetic blast to blow away five low vampires at once.

"You know you can help us a little Rudeus." Blade said to the young god while using his blade to cutoff three vampires at once.

"Well I could but I believe that this is good enough as a little morning exercise for you guys, don't you think? Plus I did kill the last wave of vampires, remember? I would help if it becomes too much for you." Rudeus gave them an innocent beautiful smile.

"Its already too much for us master. I am already covered with vampire ash. I think some even got into my eyes and mouth. I just want to relax for some time." Vanessa whined as she mimicked Lilith's powers and used her strong vampiric physical abilities herself to kill the scores of vampires in front of her.

"Yes, an intervention right now will be really appreciated." Lilith too said as she looked at Rudeus who was collecting the vampire ash as samples in his little test tubes and placing them in his inventory.

"*Sigh* Fine. I guess I can do this for you lazy lot." Rudeus said as he created energy blades from his divine energy and shot them at the low vampires, killing them instantly. He was really lucky that his divine energy contained some form of his divine nature and was harmful to supernatural creatures like vampires. This made his work much easier.

"Can we use a boom tube to go into the castle now? I don't like how you have taken upon yourself the challenge to not use Zoya's help in this adventure of ours. This would have ended by now if we had just used Zoya's portals." Vanessa whined like an addicted kid.

"No. You are just proving my point at how addicted and dependent we are getting to use boom tubes. I'll use them again, yes but I want to atleast complete this adventure without using them. We are forgetting that the hero always journeys to the demon king's castle to kill him by foot not by a portal." Rudeus reasoned.

He could have easily completed his entire adventure by now if he had just used Zoya's boom tubes. But he was not only having fun without using them but also he was enjoying the challenge of having to walk like an ordinary mortal.

He did not have his previous life's memories of going to any adventure, so in one way he was just creating new ones for his current life.

Vanessa however as one of the laziest mutants in Rudeus' faction pouted at him.

"Anyways, let's go. We are really near his castle. We should enter it before the sun goes down." Blade said as he reloaded all his guns and checked his remaining ammunition and explosives.

He was carrying enough firepower to blow the entire castle to kingdom come. The guy always meant serious business.

The group of four soon entered into the castle as Lilith broke the door by kicking it open like it was her father's property which humorously it was.

"Come out you coward, come out and face us like a man." She screamed while both Blade and Rudeus just looked at each other's faces. They didn't joke or say anything since they didn't want to get on her bad side.

"Ah, my forsaken daughter. I see you have come to meet your old man huh." A heavy and powerful voice came from inside the castle as a noble handsome man with long hair and red armor slowly came floating towards them.

"I have been watching you all since you entered into my domain and I have to say I am impressed by your ragtag group of hunters. A half vampire, a metahuman, my own daughter and an... enigma. You all, even though powerful are nowhere near strong enough to defeat the king of monsters himself." Dracula started his usual villain monologue.

"You know, you could have just attacked us all without monologuing while using the element of surprise, right? That way you could actually have some hope for victory atleast." Rudeus smiled at the muscular warrior.

"I don't need surprise to defeat you, especially not after I made the deal." He gave a feral smile as he looked at them.

"Deal?" Blade asked curiously.

"Yes, a deal with the devil. I now have gained the full power of the blood god and a new bride and in return all I have to do is give your soul and dead body or what remains of it to him. Quite a favourable deal isn't it?" He laughed maniacally while looking at Rudeus.

"Yeah favourable for whoever made the deal with you, idiot. You should have probably researched about me and my powers before making such a deal with someone who calls himself the 'devil'."

"Also are you referring to Vanessa here when you say you found your new bride because believe me you aren't even getting close to her, you creep. Wait, don't tell me, you are thinking about taking your own daughter as your new bride you incest loving bloodsucker. You should be ashamed of yourself." Rudeus insulted the vampire lord to rile him up.

Even Lilith looked at her father with eyes of pure disgust as she heard Rudeus' words.

"What, no. Of course not. That's not true. I got a royal succubus princess as my new bride from 'him' as part of the deal. You are a bloody liar and I will enjoy making you bleed and drinking your blood from your skull while using it as my personal cup." Dracula threatened as he raged at Rudeus' insults.

"Yeah yeah sure, you perverted sucker. Now stop saying useless stuff and do some actual battle. I really wanna see what treasures you have after I kill you. I really hope you have some artifacts man. I wanna open a museum or an art gallery soon. Every rich man either finances or owns one nowadays." Rudeus told the lord of vampires his wish.

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