A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 75: The School must go on

<(Ororo Munroe, aka, Storm pov)>

Ever felt like like everything is going wrong with your life, like your entire life is breaking down in shambles and you aren't able to do anything to prevent that? That's exactly how I feel right now. Lost.

I wish it was me who was there instead of Jean. I wish I had her power, I wish I could have been the one to try to stop that dam water. But sadly, you can't change the past.

I still remember the first time I met Jean. She was so innocent, so sweet. She was always a genuinely good person. We had always been good friends. Even though we had begun to recently compete with each other for the attention of the same person we liked, we still didn't let it affect our friendship.

No matter what happened, we always supported each other in the team. Even when our lives were threatened, we still had each other's backs.

I still remember the last thing that Jean told me before she pushed me into the jet and closed the doors. She had told me to take care of Rudeus. Even in her last and final moments, she had trusted me with her own soulmate.

*Sniff Sniff* My eyes are filled with tears every time I even try to think about her. I still can't believe that she is gone just like that. It almost feels unreal.

But just when I thought that I could not be more down in my life than that, Rudeus came and told us about the professor messing with our memories and making us forget about an entire X-men team.

This didn't just anger me, it devastated me. All my life, I blindly believed in him, in his ideologies, his drive to help metahumans but it turns out he himself didn't believe in us. He didn't believe that we will be able to handle the grief of their death and get a hold of ourselves in the future.

So in turn he broke our trust and... mind-raped us. I can't believe that the professor could do something like this to us, the very people who trusted him blindly, who supported his every word.

His actions hurt all of us, even Logan who was always grateful to him for the professor's help with his lost memories and Scott who was the professor's biggest supporter.

Removing the professor from his position and putting him under house arrest was probably the merciful thing to do because Cyclops really wanted to kill him and take his revenge. He only calmed down when Logan threatened him with a punch in the guts.

I don't know what we will do with the professor because even I don't want to let him go just like that but I really don't want to do something extreme. Even though he betrayed us, he still supported us and took care of us at one point in time.

*Sigh* I really don't know what to do anymore.

Maybe Rudeus would be able to revive Jean or something, maybe that's why he took the location of where Jean died from us. But I remember him telling us back in Genosha that he isn't able to revive people who are dead for a long time. So resurrecting Jean probably won't be possible even for a god like him.

"Excuse me, is this school still taking students?" A young female voice came from the door of the faculty room as a head with blonde hair peeked into the room.

"Uhh no, sorry. The school is closed for an indefinite period right now." Hank answered from his desk.

"Ohh, that's a bummer and I came so far just to get admission. I read so much about this school and really looked forward to studying here and having some wild adventures. By the way, cool tuxedo Mr. Beast." the girl spoke in a disappointed tone, yet didn't forget to praise Hank who looked even more disappointed than me.

"Wait. You know what, this school is for metahumans and it will remain open for metahumans, no matter what. It doesn't matter who the principal is, the school will go on. So yes, this school is open. You may register for admission." I said in a confident voice, determined to keep this school open to help metahuman children.

"Oh cool. Also, that was an amazing speech, really I almost had goosebumps. By the way, the name's Poole, Gwendolyn Poole." The girl said her name in a smooth deep voice, trying to make herself sound masculine for some reason. Is she trying to imitate someone? And also how the hell did she even manage to come inside the school in spite of the numerous defenses set up outside?


"Sorry master, we still didn't find anything, not even a clue about Jean Grey. We established contact with her parents as you instructed. Turns out they remember their daughter but weirdly don't care enough to ever visit her or contact her personally, only ever asking the professor about her and taking his words at face value. So I scanned their minds and turns out someone messed with their minds and thought process. I hope you understand whom" Psylocke reported her findings to Rudeus.

"Turns out I was right about Jean's parents, even though I was mostly just bluffing in that argument against the professor. You know what, this is good for us because we just got more proof against him and a way to completely convert Jean to our faction when she returns." He tried to plan his future steps.

"But, are you sure that Jean will even come back? I mean I saw the dam, it was a pretty huge ass dam." Psylocke pursed her lips.

"You are only saying that because you have no idea about the power that the girl possesses. She is not just an omega-level metahuman but also the host of one of the most powerful forces in the multiverse, the Phoenix force. I'll be surprised if she even has a scratch on her when she returns." Rudeus said in a confident tone.

"Also tell the Cuckoos to get ready. They would have to use the Cerebro soon. It's time to not only start looking for Jean's psychic signature but also to start actively gathering the strong and unique metahumans as well. Zoya has almost finished building its replica and it's even stronger and better than the original." He said, a small smile visible on his lips.

"As you say, master." Elizabeth Braddock bowed and left to convey Rudeus' orders.


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