A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 77: Finding Wanda

"Master, I think the quintuplets found the girl you were looking for, the supposed op sister of Pietro Maximoff." Emma Frost knocked on Rudeus' door and informed him of her and her daughters' findings.

The cuckoos who have now started to call themselves the Frost sisters have been searching the entire planet for the last few days through Cerebra for some of the people whom they couldn't find.

Zoya had attributed the reason for them not finding those few people to them not actually having any active powers or not even a latent x-gene or because the names of those special people Rudeus provided are either not fully correct or simply because he doesn't have enough information about them.

There was also another possibility that those people have some ways, whether be it mystical or scientific, to block the powerful telepathic might of the quintuplets' controlled Cerebra.

Rudeus knew that it was quite probably true since they didn't find almost any sorcerers or powerful chi masters through Cerebra. Hell, they didn't even find Sinister or Doom and many other beings who were able to protect their minds well and appear invisible to the machine. In fact, Rudeus himself was one of the people who appeared invisible to Cerebra's radar.

There were even some telepaths who did appear on the screen like Emma, Charles, Elizabeth, Selene, and others but the quintuplets weren't able to read their minds or see their memories. Not because they couldn't but because if they did use their overwhelming psionic might to break through their mental defenses forcefully, then that might critically harm their minds in the long term and might even reduce them to brain-dead retards.

But Rudeus hadn't admitted defeat. He had told the Frost sisters to continue practicing with the Cerebra with their mother while not doing any everlasting damage to anybody or altering anyone's mind or something.

But he might or might not have clued them in that they could release some psionic waves to make the general population more susceptible to accepting the metahumans.

Normally Rudeus would have never told them or given them permission to do anything like this but he knew that this was the fastest and most efficient way to potentially help and save the metahumans that were still being abused and tortured all around the world.

The girls had found a lot of things while practicing their control over Cerebra including the memories of some people supposedly seeing a fiery skeleton riding on a bike or even a group of green people changing their forms.

The girls themselves almost didn't believe what they had learned but Rudeus told them that unbelievable stuff like that exists and is common in this world whether they believe it or not.

Anyways, right now they had found something else, something they had been searching for a long time, the Scarlet Witch. Turns out they hadn't found her because they were searching for Wanda Maximoff but the 'witch without coven' herself didn't know about her actual last name and hence didn't use it as well. So they were not able to properly find the right person.

Also, she was previously in a place that seems to block out all their external psionic or telepathic powers. It was only recently that she had left that place and returned to her actual home village.

"That's very good news I have received it in a long time. Tell them that I am coming." Rudeus spoke from inside his room while also 'coming' into Vanessa's mouth, giving her the daily dose of protein she needed.

"Okay, master. We will be waiting." Emma replied a little disappointedly that she was not the one inside the room right now. She hadn't exactly fallen head over heels for her new boss but she as a lady in her prime knew where to give compliments when it was due. And Rudeus' entire body was worthy of an unlimited shower of compliments and her undivided attention.

For her, Rudeus was someone she desired to not only increase her own worth but also because she wanted to make herself more valuable to her 'master' and thus get more influence and power in his rising faction. She knew she had struck gold with him and had no thoughts of ever giving up her position by trying to betray him or take unnecessary advantage of him.

In fact she would even gladly bear his first child if it meant that she would be given more influence over his faction that the others in his 'harem' as he liked to call it.

As she was having thoughts like these, Rudeus on the other hand finished his daily 'spar' with Vanessa. He swore that she was probably the most sexually needy among his girls, even more than the masochistic ninja that like it rough.

As he went to meet the cuckoos, he saw the Frost sisters using the Cerebra under the watchful eyes of their Frosty mother and of course, Zoya who always had absolute control of the machine and could shut it off whenever she wanted.

"Where did you find her?" Rudeus asked in slight excitement because he wanted to bring the Scarlet Witch to his side as soon as he could.

"Serbia. We did some more research on her with the help of Zoya. It turns out she was originally born in Sokovia along with her brother Pietro but due to a war in the country both of them were orphaned and separated from each other. As Pietro was adopted by his current American parents, Wanda on the other hand mysteriously disappeared from the entire system.

It was only recently that she appeared once again and was taken in by an orphanage in Serbia, the neighboring nation of Sokovia. But unfortunately, she has been suspected to be a witch by the local people as according to them she bunt down the entire orphanage although no lives were fortunately lost." Emma informed Rudeus of everything they had found out about the young Scarlet Witch.

"I see. Then I guess we have to go there urgently to save her. We didn't work so hard to find her just for her to be hanged and burnt on a stake by a bunch of angry mobs after all." Rudeus joked as he smiled outwardly.

But on the inside, he frowned because he had a rough idea about the place where she had disappeared for such a long time before she came to Serbia, Mount Wundagore.

'I hope that the Chthon didn't corrupt her soul or possess her or something.' He thought since that place was the location where the influence of Chthon was said to be the strongest on Earth and also Wanda's connection point to the chaos entity.

He ordered Zoya to open a direct boom tube to the location of the orphanage in Serbia where Wanda was last seen. As the red swirling portal opened, Rudeus finally stepped into the boom tube, ready to be the knight in shining armor and save his superheroine crush, the Scarlet Witch.

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