A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 79: The Sound of a Hell-cycle

"How are you even still alive? You should have died by my very touch." The demon in human form spoke up in a confused voice, not believing that Rudeus was still alive and healthy and that he himself had just lost his nails.

"Well as I said, I am complicated. But forget that. Tell me demon, why are you here? I don't think there is anything you want or need here. Or did your father send you here to run his dirty errands?" Rudeus asked curiously. He couldn't remember a demon being involved with the Scarlet Witch back when she was a child in the comics, especially someone as highkey as the one in front of him.

He also mentally let Emma connect with his mind and told her to hide and not come out or show herself before he called her himself. Emma was not an opponent who could fight Blackheart, so he wasn't going to take any chances with her life.

"Oh, I see. So you recognize me. But I'll still introduce myself officially. I am the great Lord Blackheart, the prince of Hell. And it seems you know my father already. After all, he is the lord of the Netherworld. By the way, who are you if I may ask." Blackheart said while sporting a hateful expression when he mentioned his father.

"I am Atem, the New god of change and metahumans. But you still didn't answer my first question. Why are you here and why did you target that girl?" Rudeus asked while staring down at Blackheart.

"I don't like being threatened. But I guess I can tell you since you were the first person in this realm who actually recognized me. I am here to kill that girl before she spells the doom for this world. I don't expect you to know this but there is a presence of a great evil in her, something even more... powerful and primal than even my father. She is the anchor to that entity and could one day pave the path to summon 'it' to this realm.

That's why as a concerned responsible demon, I decided to end her before she does that and takes away what is rightfully mine, this world and ALL the souls inside it. You are welcome by the way." Blackheart gave a feral smile.

"Well as much as I appreciate you trying to do the 'right' thing, I am afraid she is under my protection. So I'll tell you this only once, BACK OFF." Rudeus said in a serious tone as his eyes glowed red with his divine energy.

"Ohh interesting. But you see I get obsessed very easily and I always get what I want, just like dear old daddy. So backing off isn't really an option for me. But, to show respect I'll first kill you and devour your soul before I do anything to that girl under your protection. How's THAT for a deal?" Blackheart said as he too showed his power by morphing his human face to resemble his hideous and terrifying true demon face for a few seconds.

Now Blackheart is a mighty demon in Marvel. He is much much stronger than even Etrigan from DC. The movie version of Blackheart couldn't even be compared to his comic version. The comics version was strong enough to mind-control millions of beings at once or crack the planet with his telekinesis, steal the souls of people against their will, and a ton of other op feats. Also, he was said to be so smart that he was almost omniscient, although Rudeus doubted that very much, otherwise he wouldn't lose to so many people so many times.

But Rudeus wasn't really hopeless against him because although the true power of the demon prince is much more than his own current level of power, however, the Blackheart standing in front of him is just a husk of his previous self since his father Mephisto had banished Blackheart to the mortal realm while taking away most of the demon's power. So Rudeus had more than just a chance of winning against the current weakened Prince of Hell.

"Fine. Have it as you wish." Rudeus uttered as he threw lances of his red destructive energy toward the demon.

Blackheart turned his body into some kind of black mist as he dodged the lances. He then solidified and threw his own blasts of black demonic energy toward Rudeus.

Rudeus did nothing as showy as Blackheart like turning into mist. He only created a red barrier in front of him while not even moving from his place. The black concussive energy blasts just evaporated after striking the wall while not even a crack appeared on it.

This made Blackheart angrier as he dashed towards him and tried to opt for a physical fight. But that was where Rudeus had the real edge against him, in physical stats.

As Blackheart tried to punch him with dark demonic energy-coated hands, Rudeus easily blocked the punch with just one hand not even the slightest bit affected by the corrosive dark energy touching his skin.

"My turn." Rudeus formed a knuckle duster in his other hand using his divine energy and punched Blackheart in the face with his full power, wanting to end this in one punch like one of his favorite superheroes.

That single blow created a sonic boom as the glass windows of the nearby houses cracked and the clouds in the sky above seemed to shift away. As for Blackheart, his entire head didn't exist anymore. In its place, there was a cloud of darkness that seemed to somehow prevent all the blood in his body from leaking out.

There was no sound coming from him but if one looked at the prince of hell, it could be easily understood that he felt the punch as he was now thrashing on the ground in unbearable pain, not even able to stand straight.

This made Rudeus smile but the thing that occurred next made him stop smiling. Blackheart was actually regenerating back as the darkness in place of his head slowly seemed to transform back into an ordinary head.

As the regeneration ended, Blackheart looked toward Rudeus with wide surprised eyes that seemed to emit fear and rage at the same time.

"I am... less now. That is impossible even for my father. Even he could either only take away my powers to weaken me or seal my powers. But how did you damage my concept of sin?" He asked as he continued feeling his own head trying to make sense of what happened.

"Huh?" Rudeus couldn't understand what he was talking about. 'Didn't I just use my destructive energy-coated punch to knock his brains out? What concept is he talking about and how did I really damage it?' He thought curiously.

But just as he was going to ask Blackheart that, he heard the monstrous sound of a motorcycle engine. It sounded like somebody was driving a monster truck disguised as a motorcycle.

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