A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 85: Rise of the Dark phoenix


"Oh yes, the past can hurt, but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

—Rafiki, [The Lion King]


<(Scott Summers, aka, Cyclops pov)>

"This is getting too much Scott. Not only are you not teaching the students well but you punched another student just because he wrote that Jean was his first crush in his essay. You are seriously unstable right now Scott. You need to get yourself in check before you do some serious harm to yourself or the people around you." Ororo said to Scott in suppressed anger.

She had been ignoring Scott's rude behavior and destructive lifestyle for the past few days but this was too much. He was not only destroying his own life slowly but also hurting others as well, both physically and psychologically.

"You don't understand Miss Ororo. That bastard had the gall to write about Jean, my Jean. It's like everybody forgot about her after she died, like nobody cares about her death while I feel like I have lost the very purpose of my life, the very meaning of my existence. I don't even know what to do anymore." Scott yelled in frustration.

"But it doesn't give you the right to say hurtful words to someone nor does it give you the right to hurt others physically and force them to feel the same pain you are feeling. And Jean wasn't yours, she was her own person. *Sigh* Look I understand how you feel but you need to move on. You need to get your life under control before you do something that you seriously regret later." Ororo said in a sympathetic voice as she truly was feeling pity for him.

"I'll try Miss Ororo. I'll be going back to my dorm now. I am not really feeling well." Scott excused himself without even waiting for permission from Ororo.

As he left, Ororo didn't say anything else as she just stared at his leaving back with complicated eyes filled with both annoyance and pity.

Cyclops went straight to his room and locked himself in there. He had even kicked out his previous angel-winged roommate after Jean's death as he didn't want to share his room with anyone and risk them finding out about his fragile current condition of mind.

"Goddamn, it. Why did you have to leave Jean? Why were you stupid enough to die? Couldn't you just let somebody else make the sacrifice for a change?" He yelled to himself in rage as he began to throw away everything he got his hands on in anger.

"Why why why WHY?" He raged as he felt tears building up behind his ruby red glasses but still not a single drop of tear came out.

{Scott Scott save me Scott come to me save me help me Scott please Scott come help}

Distorted whispers suddenly began to echo in his mind as he struggled to understand what he was hearing. Everything was a jumble in his mind as the incoherent whispers barely made sense.

But what he did recognize in those whispers was the voice of Jean, his Jean.

He couldn't understand if he was going crazy or if Jean was really alive and needed help. But he wasn't going to take a chance. He was going to do everything to make sure that he could get back to his Jean. He needed to get her back, to make his life normal again.

He quickly ran downstairs to the school garage and stole the keys to Wolverine's motorcycle that was kept there and drove it straight to Alkali Lake, precisely where the whispers seemed to point him to.

As he reached his destination, he quickly ran to the shore and he stared at the calm lake in the hope of seeing his lost love once again. But all was for naught.

He saw nothing that even remotely indicated the fact that Jean was alive there in the lake. Even the whispers seemed to have stopped like they were silently laughing at him, at his fate.

Even Scott laughed at himself. He was an idiot. Of course, she would not be alive after being drowned by an entire dam full of water. Nobody would be unless they were some type of god-like what that Rudeus claimed to be.

'Fcking bullsh*t' He thought in his mind as he turned around to leave.

But then a new barrage of psychic incoherent whispers again assaulted his mind like a fright train.

{Scott help me free me Scott please help me Help please free no RUN}

The whispers gave him more pain than he could imagine. His head seemed to crack under the mental pain and torture those whispers seemed to bring.

He could not tolerate that pain anymore. He opened his glasses and just let go as he rained down his destructive laser energy into the lake's water from his eyes. The lasers seemed to be more powerful than ever due to the massive influx of mental pressure and emotion he was currently feeling and almost seemed to boil down the entire lake in the vicinity.

Even the water level of the lake seemed to go down a few milliliters from the effect of his laser eye blast.

The whispers finally stopped as Scott panted heavily and wore back his glasses.

But at that moment, the water which had gone calm, again began to move rapidly as a mini hurricane formed in the middle of the lake and the temperature of the lake water seemed to rise rapidly again as the water boiled.

Scott was looking at the unique phenomenon with surprise visible on his face but suddenly a huge blast of invisible telekinetic force blew him away from the shore as a bright warm light spread in the surroundings and blinded him for a moment.

As he stabilized himself and got back up standing, he saw something that he had only dreamed of seeing for the last few days. He saw Jean Grey, the girl of his dreams standing there in front of him looking like an angel staring at him with her beautiful eyes.

"I-Jean, yo-you are alive. I-I never thought that I would see you again. I thought that I had lost you forever. I-I am glad that you returned to me. I knew that you would return, that you would always come back to me." Scott said as his voice broke in happiness.

He was proud and happy that it was him Jean had called upon first during her coming back to life. It was he who heard her whispers, her call, and not some god. Even fate had chosen Scott to be her soulmate, to always be with her no matter what.

"You love me right? So do you want me? Do you want me to be inside you" Jean asked in a coquettish voice as she stared at Cyclops with a sultry expression and bend her head slightly in a cute manner.

Scott was elated at Jean's lovely voice and was thrilled at the fact that she was recognizing his love. But what he failed to notice was the gradual darkening of Jean's eyes and thin golden-red veins slowly appearing on her neck as well as the sinister undertone mixed in her sweet words.

"Yes, yes. You are finally answering back to my feelings Jean. I thought you would never respond to my love. But I still didn't admit defeat because I knew one day I would get to be with you. One day you would agree to be mine. But I think by your last question you meant if I want to be inside you, not you inside me." Scott corrected Jean joyfully hoping to soon be doing exactly that with the love of his life.

But as soon as he spoke that, he felt it. He felt pain like never before. Like something was drilling inside his mind slowly yet steadily. It felt like a drill was penetrating his skull over and over again, each time reaching deeper inside him. Even the previous pain from the whispers seemed like nothing to this.

He was truly in every sense of the word being mind-raped. And the worst thing was he was feeling it all. The huge constant pain did nothing to numb the sensation of being mind-f*cked.

Cyclops in a last-ditch effort to save himself and his mind opened up his visor to fire a laser blast towards the monster that was in front of him in disguise of Jean.

But unfortunately for him, his laser eyes only shined for a brief moment like a broken bulb and the very next second they became the same as ordinary human eyes without any type of laser powers or red glow whatsoever.

"Wh-Why???" Scott asked in desperation as he lost all hope and slowly lost his consciousness still feeling like a massive drill was pumping his mind savagely like some horny berserk giant was skull fucking him through the top of his actual skull.

As he slowly lost his senses, his intelligence, and even his consciousness in what could be called a sea of darkness, he only heard a single word coming from the mouth of the beautiful mutant in front of him.



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