A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 87: Teamwork or Teacher’s work?


"Some people will always need help. That doesn't mean they're not worth helping."

—Meera Reed, Game of Thrones


"Burn as*holes, burn." Ghost Rider yelled in a gruff voice as he continued spewing hellfire from his hands onto everything around him that moved. It was a clear strategy just like Rudeus spamming divine energy bullets to kill those pesky inferior demons.

But unfortunately for both of our demon hunters here, that was only a temporary fix. Because not only did the killed demons return every time they were destroyed but also the confident Blackheart who although enjoyed himself seeing the two suffer from the continuous assault of his demon servant, looked like he was slowly getting bored and might soon decide to finish the job himself.

In one way Blackheart was toying with the duo like some final floor bosses in video games do by making their infinitely resurrecting minions work for them than directly attacking themselves. But the real difficulty would only start when the boss starts attacking. And this annoyed Rudeus even more.

Now that he thought about it, of course, Blackheart would have access to centuries worth of demonic magical knowledge due to his identity as the demon prince of hell. As for reality manipulation, he should have guessed it before as well when he heard him mention this splinter space being his new domain.

'Then, why was I so overconfident at that time that I didn't even consider that Blackheart could grow more powerful than what was shown in the movies? Why? It almost seemed like I had temporarily grown stupid like most of the other prideful gods in existence. Tchh.' Rudeus clicked his tongue in annoyance as he blamed his own momentary arrogance.

Right now Blackheart was very much similar to Dormammu. No, not in regard to power. The demon prince was not even near the Lord of the Dark Dimension in power scaling but what was similar between them was how their powers worked.

Both derived the main source of their power primarily from the realm they laid claim to.

"Hey Ghosty, you remember our original plan?" Rudeus asked while cutting off the heads of a dozen demons at once with an energy axe.

"Don't call me that. And yes, I do remember that stupid plan." The Spirit of Vengeance answered in a gruff voice.

"Good. Because now, we will need to go all out. These inferior demons might not even be actual real demons, probably just incarnations of Blackheart's will through this place. We can't spend all our time and energy on these, otherwise, we will just be stuck in an endless loop. We need to find a way to attack Blackheart directly and actually do some damage to him." Rudeus said as he looked at Ghost Rider who had his bony burning hand inside a demon's stomach.

"Teamwork?" Ghost Rider asked to make sure he was understanding what Rudeus was trying to say. At first, he had thought that they would just be fighting their own fights since Rudeus didn't look like someone who fought in a team. Well, usually, neither did he. And that's why he hadn't bothered to try working with Rudeus in a synchronized way to get rid of Black Heart.

But if the young god wanted to work as a team, then he wouldn't say no to it.

"Yep, teamwork," Rudeus replied.

Both of them had a mutual understanding of what they should do now to have a chance against Blackheart. As they both got ready, Rudeus quickly killed the demons near with a small blast of his divine energy and got ready to try out a new move he had been trying to copy for the last few days.

Dozens of golden-red swirling inventory portals of his began to open all around the battlefield, especially around Blackheart.

"You still think you can kill me with your weapons? I admit your red energy can damage my very concept and might have even been able to truly kill me previously but now in this new domain, I can heal myself faster than you can damage me. This realm itself provides me with infinite energy to strengthen my very being." The prince of hell confidently exclaimed.

"I know. But I can do something else. Chains of Heaven." Rudeus said as he snapped his finger. Hundreds of chains made of his red divine energy began to make their way out of his inventory through the small portals and began to wrap around Blackheart in a complex web.

Blackheart's hands, legs, body everything became chained up like some twisted form of BDSM as the monster struggled with all his might. But those chains were not only wrapped all around the Demon prince but around the entirety of the town as they passed through houses, streets, and statues all around the town. It was like Blackheart was trapped in the middle of the giant nest of a spider.

He tried to absorb more power from his domain but again it was also the strength of his new realm in a way that was preventing him from escaping those chains currently.

"Okay, I admit you have got me in a pickle. But what now? You punch me, slash me with a sword? Let me make it clear if you don't already understand it. You CANNOT hurt me in my own realm." Blackheart said as he continued struggling.

The divine energy chains creaked dangerously as the demon summoned more and more power from his new domain.

"Maybe I can't, but he can." Rudeus gave a small smile as he gestured towards Ghost Rider who was currently walking towards Blackheart in a menacing way while burning everything in his path with each step.

"I get it, this is your moment but can you walk a little faster? The chains aren't exactly easy to maintain if you can't see." Rudeus muttered in a low voice at Ghost Rider who of course ignored him.

The Spirit of Vengeance then used his own hellfire-hot metal chain to wrap around Blackheart's neck to inflict even more pain as he stood before the now kneeling demon prince of hell and looked down at him with hollow eyes filled with hellfire.

"All those cursed souls in you. So much suffering. So much evil. Now look into my eyes and feel their pain. BURN." Ghost Rider said as he activated his penance stare.

"Nooooo Ahhhhhhhh." What followed was a blood-curdling scream from Blackheart as his eyes burned up and his skin seemed to develop fractures in them. And finally, he went still.

'Did we win that easily? It seems a little anticlimati...?' Rudeus couldn't complete his thought as Blackheart suddenly again became active with a scream and broke out of his chains in a single tug.

"You-you. You two thought that you could get rid of me that easily. No all you did was just burn up those thousand souls but I still have control over this domain. I am still stronger than both of you combined." Blackheart said.

He clenched his fist and made the entire space of the domain slowly collapse on Ghost Rider and Rudeus.

Normally doing this with his own domain could cause irreplaceable permanent damage to it but Blackheart didn't care anymore. He would do anything right now to get rid of these two enemies of his and extract his own form of twisted vengeance, one that included claiming and torturing the two beings' souls for all eternity.

Rudeus was in actual danger right now. His body was strong enough to resist all types of punishment but resisting space itself collapsing on him is something that he really doubted he would currently be able to survive.

But just as he was thinking of escaping through a boom tube into the outer human world, a system notification suddenly sounded in his ears.

[Chosen quest completed]

[Rewards are being distributed]

['Perfected Rinnegan' perk card has been deposited in the inventory]

'Huh, it has been 15 minutes already? Wait that means I can use my new Rinnegan. Although I doubt if I still would be able to defeat him even with the help of new eyes.' Rudeus thought to himself grimly.

But just as he was going to equip his new eye perk card, something changed in the realm. The space inside the splintered space stabilized and a new shiny portal opened in front of him.

Of course, the first thing that Rudeus thought was that the Ancient One and her band of wise sorcerers had come to stop Blackheart but the portal was made of green smoke, not orange sparks. And the figure that walked out of the portal was a very familiar and hot-looking 'evil' sorceress wearing some quite fashionable and revealing clothes as well as a thorny crown on her head.

"I only leave you alone for a month and you go on and wage a war against the Demon Prince of Hell? I am quite proud, my little apprentice." Morgan Le Fay said as she looked down at Blackheart in disgust after giving Rudeus an acknowledging smile.

"Sever" Morgana uttered as she did a slashing gesture with her left hand and immediately Blackheart who was preparing to attack suddenly stopped as a single crack appeared on his chest from which dark disgusting-looking smoke began to rapidly leak.

"Water mirror." She uttered next.

As soon as she spoke, the entire deep dark sky of the domain suddenly seemed to liquefy into the water as it concentrated and formed a hole in the realm's sky like an upside-down hurricane.


A big shout-out to my new pátron 'Devor' for joining the Celestial Emperor tier on my patreon. Thanks for the support.

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