A New Hope Nier

Chapter 10

'If only the water in this shower was hot.' I mentally groaned as the twins gleefully massaged my scalp as they washed it and if there wasn't any more room around this little shower, I knew the combat models would have tried to fit in to wash the rest of my body but honestly even as I enjoyed the sight of the twins naked bodies with little drops of water cascading down there smooth skin I wasn't able to get the full experience as the water was frigid cold.

After bundling into a pair of blankets, I groaned as I grabbed some tools and gestured for the girls to follow me outside.

"Alright girls despite how this bunker is a bit in the woods we should build a little wood wall around the perimeter to keep out the wildlife and any errant robots to preserve any crops we create," I spoke and they nodded having seen the massive elks and with their size, they could probably eat several weeks of my food in a night if a herd came and were left unattended.

"Do you guys know of any other methods of getting food other than just farming?" I asked brushing my hand through my hair as the girls seemed to be sharing a silent conversation.

"YoRHa could manufacture simple tools to assist in farming here, but we hold no technology that could easily create food suitable for long-term consumption," E6 spoke with a small hitch to her voice.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion at her expression, but it was surprisingly Devola who snorted and answered my silent inquiry. "It's short term because there are mods to induce breast milk in androids, and the milk supposedly even can come in different flavors depending on what mod is chosen and how the android extracts nutrients from wildlife and plant matter."

Yup, whoever made these androids were degenerate as fuck.' I mentally laughed as I shook my head in denial of that option. "That can be a choice should we need to stretch out my options."

A2 looked relieved at me refusing it and I was reminded that she was the earliest YoRHa model and was probably ineligible for a number of upgrades or mods.

"Don't worry A2, you are most suited for me as you are." I was already picking up on how to handle these androids and me telling her she was perfectly suited to me was like telling a sentient old hammer with a wooden handle that was wearing on in age, that she wasn't going to be replaced by that fancy new hammer on tv with that rubber grip and thousand folded steel or whatever. The point is that they wanted to be used by me and most importantly be appreciated and loved for their use.

A2's grin lit up the room. Literally, her eyes were glowing with happiness as she practically skipped out of the bunker in her repaired high heels.

Now that I wasn't panicking at being alone and being in an unfamiliar place, I was able to appreciate how freaking huge the trees have grown around here along with how tall the grass was in the places they were left to grow for thousands of years.

As I stood in front of a massive oak tree that didn't look out of place in comparison to those massive primeval trees in Madagascar, I couldn't help but bemoan my fate trying to work with this damn monster of a tree.

As I revved up the chain saw I pulled out just for this I felt my hands being covered by a gloved hand and another sneaked past my arm and pulled the button to shut off the saw. "Hey, what's wrong?" I thought it was because I wasn't wearing earplugs or some safety concern.

A2 spoke. "That thing will call every machine within several miles with that much noise." Ah, that's a fair point, I guess.' I thought at her words.

"So how do we get enough wood without using a chainsaw?" I shrugged helplessly letting her take the chainsaw out of my hands, but I shouldn't have been surprised when I saw E6 swing a massive great sword into the trunk, shattering its bark and entering several inches into the wood of the tree before she couldn't push it any further.

"Just leave-taking down this tree to us combat models." A2 grinned and likewise manifested a great sword and started chopping into the trunk beside E6.

I saw the twins watching deadpanning at them as they shook their heads. "How about you two help me just set up where we will set up posts and stuff."

They nodded and so I gave them a couple of yardsticks attached by a length of string that allowed easy measuring of ten feet as the yardsticks were put into the ground.

A2 and E6's pod's drifted over us seemingly protecting us as we worked at setting up where the posts were going to go but I had a strong suspicion that Whitey was watching me again, so I called out. "Hey, White, what's the recent events that have happened at the YoRHa base," I asked not bothering to call her Commander as she was certainly not my commanding officer.

"YoRHa has been serving its duties well sir and in terms of recent actions..." The voice cut off for a moment and I waited for her to collect herself as she came back on the comms. "Yes, there was recently a successive mission to strike at a goliath guarding a beachfront and machine factory."

I nodded hearing they had a successful mission. "That's good to hear the mission was a success. How are the androids who completed said mission?" I asked absent-mindedly, but I winced at her answer.

"Unfortunately, all androids were lost in the operation and the last two androids had to detonate their black boxes to destroy the threat..." I sighed at hearing the loss of such warriors committing suicide but before I could salute their loss, she continued making me deadpan. "But all androids were brought back to life either through prior saved data or managed to send their memories to the bunker before their expiration."

I almost shrugged hearing they were brought to life, but I recalled these androids felt pain and pleasure just as much I did, so I made sure I didn't make a disrespectful gesture as I spoke. "Well, you can tell them I thank them for their hard work, and I hope they are doing well right now."

I could almost see the commander's grin as her reply had an edge of amusement. "Don't worry about that as you will be able to tell the duo whose black boxes were self-detonated about your appreciation. Oh, and I will forward a recording of this conversation to the other soldiers in the operation so they can hear your appreciation."

I shrugged at that as honestly the androids weren't really taking up room in my large bunker, but I knew if she sent several dozen or something here, we would need to build a base above ground and us building a good size wooden permitter was the first step to that.

"Oh, is there a particular reason you are sending that duo in particular?" I asked after taking a drink.

White spoke and her tone was toned with pride."2b and 9S are two of my best agents so I can fully entrust your care in their hands, Jake."

I nodded happy at the thought of finally meeting the protagonist of many a sleepless night aid even though I wasn't too sure about 9S coming here.



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