A New Hope Nier

Chapter 121

My little make-out celebrating with 2B and A2 was cut short when White buzzed my ear to cut off the lip-smacking tom foolery as her voice came through the comms. "Jake, that Samus girl you were looking forward to meeting is here... And she doesn't look happy seeing us here." She said with a hint of her own irritation in her voice.

"She hasn't decommissioned any androids has she?" I asked quickly as I ran towards the cargo elevator to take us back to the main exit of the ship.

In response to my question White quickly assuaged my fears but it was clear that there was a complication as the elevator took me and the other two girls up toward the landing bay.

Coming up to the landing bay I saw our target. Samus Aran, Space Pirate Hunter, and queen of mass murder of all that got in her way. And she cut an impressive figure as she was actually a good bit taller than me.

As outside of her suit, in her base form, she was actually 6'3. But in her orange-toned Power Suit with the armor and heels, she got an extra three-something inches or maybe even a bit more!

I took a breath and with my aura full in case this went sour I strode forward to Samus who had her green visor slightly lit up at the sight of me and I realized she was scanning me. As I came a bit closer I nodded my head to her as a welcome to start us off as I spoke. "Hello, Jake Barris," I said offering my hand to shake the hand that wasn't an energy canon.

For a moment Samus just stared at me, making me wonder if her scans picked up something wrong with me. And I was somewhat right as Samus's slightly muffled voice came from her suit speakers that were... Somewhere. "You aren't entirely human are you?" She questioned and I heard a sort of hopeful yearning in her voice that made my head tilt to the side in confusion before I nodded.

"Yeah. I got some magical powers and other stuff going on after-" I waved my hands around little balls of water floated around my hands as it was far less threatening than balls of fire as I continued speaking. "Things happened," I said in summary but then it hit me...

The reason Samus was literally six foot plus tall was the genetic modifications that were done to her by the Chozo so she could even survive on the planet that the Chozo lived upon. And as Samus's visor flashed green in another scan on my form I realized she was drawing major parallels in our pasts as she considered me somewhat similar to her...

And let's be honest, she wasn't wrong really. She got picked up and made into a superior being by a race of super-advanced bird people that went the way of the Nirn dwarves in basically ascending into a higher state of reality while I got picked up by some random godlike entity and thrown in the world of Nier Automata to get pampered by a built-in army of waifu and husbando androids.

But either way, I continued on. "So we just arrived on the planet and cleared out this Space Pirate vessel... I am afraid that I am calling finders keepers for the loot." I said and Samus silently eyed me while the dozens of androids in the large landing bay stood at the ready to cut Samus down if need be.

Finally, Samus took in the androids that were around us before she spoke again but with some regret in her. "Unfortunately when I brought down this ship I lost a piece of my own technology here. Should you let me retrieve it I am sure we can come to some kind of agreement for you and your... Artificial helpers work in clearing off the remaining space pirates." She offered and honestly, after more than half an hour of YoRHa scanners going off on the gravity-deviant piece of technology that belonged to Samus's suit that was corrupted by Phazon, we had gotten literally nothing from it.

We couldn't get samples from it, due to the Phazon corrupting whatever tools touched it. We couldn't get an X-ray or other scans of it due to the Phazon and whatever substance it was made of being impregnable by any energy fields we used to get some idea of its interior... So I decided fuck it.

"I imagine it's some Chozo artifact that's floating awkwardly in place right?" I offered and I could feel Samus's gaze sharpen on me and I nodded as I continued. "Yeah we found it, and as much as I would love to just hand it over for being your own property... It's corrupted by Phazon, that weird shit is what is corrupting and killing this planet and what killed the Chozo that lived on this world previously." I explained and then Samus kinda slumped in place seemingly as she nodded then she raised her hand to me for me to wait and I heard a loud hiss ring out as Samus's helmet unsealed.

And then Samus with her armored hand took off her helmet and threw her ultra-long blond ponytail of hair behind her back as she spoke while I took in her beautiful blue eyes and almost stereotypical Swedish beauty with her light skin. "My name is Samus Aran, and if you wouldn't mind I would greatly appreciate you telling me what happened to my peop-... What happened to the Chozo on this planet." She changed her words and I raised an eyebrow before shrugging and then using my magnetic magic I pulled a couple of hip-sized crates over so we could sit on them while I quickly typed out a message to White to continue looting the ship.

"Well Phazon is this-." I began to explain the concept of Phazon and its nature as a boundless semi-fungus-like being of pure energy that would assimilate all things it came into contact with, be it technology, life or even planets. How the Space Pirates were using it to augment their troops and technology while barely unaware of it taking over their forms.

Finally, I went on to explain how the Chozo of this world had sealed away the Phazon on this planet deep within the earth and that's why the Space Pirates were mining here for the Phazon. With that explanation out of the way Samus's blue eyes locked onto mine and she spoke softly. "I would at least like to see this piece of corrupted technology of my people and samples of the Pirates infected with the Phazon." She asked and I didn't have a problem with that so I nodded and stood up from my improvised seat.

"Then I will show you to it then," I said and in concert, 2B and A2 followed behind Samus as we took the elevator back down to the main cargo bay.



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