A New Hope Nier

Chapter 131

Ridley's form was made into molten slag as large pillars of pure plasma shot down from orbit and collided with its remains with four more orbital plasma casters creating a square pillar of plasma with the fifth plasma caster acting as the core of the barrage for the beam of annihilation to destroy any remains of Meta Ridley. Then just to be sure, a bright red telephone pole-sized rod of tungsten shot through the atmosphere via a railgun, and the resulting explosion from the 'rod of god' destroyed any possible remains by sending the molten debris miles in every direction and even making the Chozo seal flicker at the force of the explosion.

"Ridley should be dealt with now." I said to both Samus and into the mic to White and now I looked over at Samus in particular with a smile as I continued. "Now go ahead and unseal the Chozo Seal so we can extract the Phazon meteor and taint," I said and she nodded strongly and then stuck her arm canon into the seal's key.

That previous blue pillar that went into the atmosphere and acted as the key grew stronger and the many bird statues eye's glowed and I idly heard White mutter through the comms to myself. "Soul-based energy reading are active, This Xeno species as you said mastered both the material and spiritual world, there are dozens of souls in the vicinity watching." She said and I pulled some Aura to my eye and I held in a flinch as a tall hunched-over bird-like being that I knew to be a Chozo was leaning down towards me and staring into my eyes.

There were no words spoken, the Chozo looked between me and Samus and the message was clear, it was an appeal. A request for me to watch out for a member of their people and I silently nodded to the ghost of the past.

I don't know how, but I could tell the Chozo was smiling at my quick reaction and then I heard it speak to my very soul, its voice wasn't something as banal as sound waves hitting my ear. It was concepts made manifest within my mind, like hieroglyphics of pictures that could be translated into a sentence. <Darkness/Hunger within, find Light/Stillness, to Balance.> It seemingly spoke and my face twitched as though in warning I felt my Guardian stir within my soul and I could feel its deep yellow eye looking at the Chozo before seemingly huffing and going still as was it so used to.

Beyond that, I also realized the Phazon within myself also seemed restless at the sight of the pure soul in the Chozo, which... Maybe the Chozo was right, the Guardian was a being of pure conceptual Darkness that had feasted on the God of Darkness's leftover power that cursed a planet for literal millennia. To say nothing of Phazon being a personification of Hunger is not unlike something like the Flood or Tyrannids.

So it was probably right in that I needed to pull in some Yang forces to balance out the Yin forces within myself... Though where I could so easily get such things I was at a bit of a loss. My thoughts were cut short as I saw all the pillars glow powerfully with light and my face twitched heavily as I felt a build-up of energy for a split second before a flash of light blinded us.

When the flash of light and the spots in my eyes disappeared I realized that we had been teleported as White's voice came through the comms clear as day. "Jake, we have captured your location as being more than twelve hundred meters underground, do not cause a cave-in with your Earth magic while we move laser drills into the area." She advised me and I nodded with a grimace at the extreme heat down here.

Unfortunately, I hadn't played Metroid Prime in more than a literal decade so I kinda forgot about the teleporting part but either way, I was down here with Samus, 2B and A2 and I was more than confident in our chances against Metroid Prime which was enhanced by Phazon.

"Alright ladies be ready for the source monster of the Phazon that's eating at the planet lifeforce," I said with warning as I pulled out Virtuous Contract to ready myself as we went deeper into the cave and I was honestly suffering a bit as it was more than forty-five degrees celsius at due to the exploded lava and Phazon being burnt away by lava.

'I need an actual power armor suit like Samus's or something as my elemental magic wasn't good for environmental protection.' I thought with some annoyance as even Aura didn't do much with literal pools of lava around you.

Even 2B caught onto my discomfort as quietly checked in on me as A2 and Samus went ahead slightly to solve a weird jump puzzle that needed Samus to get into her ball form and use own of her power ball bombs to power a mechanism. "I will be fine 2B. Thanks for checking on me... Just prefer the cold honestly." I said wryly before losing my humourous smile as I clapped 2B on the shoulder before I leaped up through the air with a wind-boosted jump to send me high into the air above the pools of lava to reach the entrance to the next cave.

Then as we hit the next room with thankfully no more lava we went down even deeper into the depths of the planet. Through a tunnel that was obviously dug by some kind of large creature, and after a couple more minutes of walking we hit the end of the tunnel being bored toward the center of the world.

A loud chittering noise rang out and I shivered at the sight of Metroid Prime as it raked its metallic limbs against the wall in front of it as it tunneled ever deeper towards the core, and I heard Samus quietly speak. "It's a fully matured Metroid... It can bring down entire advanced civilizations due to how it is almost conceptually immune to physical harm and due to it reaching its max evolution its capable of adjusting its form and making itself immune to the energy attacks used against it."

'Well, that's fucking bullshit.' I muttered mentally before I calmed myself and comforted myself on how 'many' types of energy weapons and such I and the others had to cause great hard to Metroid Prime... Saying nothing of me just opening a portal with my Gap semblance and yeeting it into space and having YoRHa satellites blast it into the sun that Tallon IV orbits.

"Try to keep the Metroid Prime's form intact as studying a lifeform with such adaptive biology and harvesting its carapace to make some form of armor or to plate a vehicle with, which will make a potent trump card," White advised but it seemed that White's voice was enough noise that the massive arachnide-shaped monster stiffened before turning towards us and I shuddered at the sight of the eight crimson eyes that gazed at us with nothing but malevolence and the hunger of the Phazon that corrupted its form.



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