A New Hope Nier

Chapter 14

After trading the goodies that 2B 9s collected they told me about the abomination of a goliath that had several androids pinned to spikes and would be shocked at times which made the weird signal they were sent to investigate along with destroying said goliath. "That's pretty fucked up, I assume those androids were permanently dead right?"

Both 9S and 2B nodded sadly. "No data survived the Goliath's periodic electrocution so after the Goliath was killed nothing was maintaining what little consciousness they had left, thus they flatlined once released from their pain." Well, that's just peachy. Note to self. Do not under any circumstances be captured by Machine Lifeforms, otherwise, I would likely face a fate worse than death.

Either way, we were now walking back with the twins carrying the deep cycle batteries and I was carrying the bundle of solar panels as I was very excited to break out the old video games without possibly using the electricity, I needed for other stuff not to mention I had zero way of getting more gas for my generator.

"So, you never explained why you wanted an additional power source for your home. Would you mind explaining what you plan on using it for?" 9S spoke as she led our little party back to our bunker and it was kind of fun watching her long silver ponytail bouncing around as she walked.

"Oh well for one I could it too refuel some power tools to allow me to work on the bunker some more. But the biggest thing was that I wanted a good set of batteries so I could get into my movies and video games for entertainment." I explained making her hum and think but it was Devola's almost sarcastic response that made me laugh.

"Wow already trading down the androids who love him so dearly to spend all his time with uncaring machines and preset pathways in linear storylines." I just rolled my eyes at her antics.

"Yes, Devola that blowjob was so terrible that I have eternally sworn off all physical contact with androids and will lead a celibate life surrounded by old western movies and will tame a moose to take me around the world as I spread the gospel of Nintendo."

A loud stomp was the response as A2 whirled onto the twins and E6. "You bitchs!" She yelled pointing at them. "You all promised there wouldn't be any sex without me there."

9S and 2B awkwardly stood there as our dirty secrets were aired with the twins teasing how they got to have a good taste without her hogging my attention and it looked like A2 was about to throw hands as she stomped towards the twins.

The funny thing about superhuman women in high heels is that surprisingly they have good traction and are viable in a fight due to the fact that with enough force they can force said heel into the ground and use it for leverage in swinging their swords and such but I will never understand how they can sprint upstairs wearing the things though.

"Human!!!" A voice yelled manically as A2 was halfway to the twins and she reacted to the voice by pivoting and within a split second dashed in front of me as the combat models formed a diamond formation me.

With a loud boom, the concert building next to us exploded as a weird little bus/truck-looking thing smashed through the wall.

"Stop dammit!" A2 yelled and just as she swung her great sword at the bus charging at me, a barrier of conjoined squares sprung up around the charging bus rendering her attack mute and merely deflecting the bus sideways to veer away from me as the pods opened fire on the shielded machine around spinning around to attack me again.

Or so I thought as he yelled. "Wait! I am sorry for surprising you all!"

All the androids except for A2 looked surprised seeing what looked like a machine lifeform speaking so clearly as he slowed down and approached me but 2B and E6 blocked its way as they stood in front of me protectively.

9S spoke and despite the firing of the pods shooting at the barrier, we could all clearly hear her words. "That thing is weird, 2B let's kill it." I almost laughed at how frank she sounded at basically ordering something's execution, but I wanted to know how it found me, lest other machines be able to find me at the bunker.

"Machine how did you find me!" I yelled through the gunfire and seeing how the machine hadn't fought back other than its far too energetic approach the pods stopped shooting it.

"Uhh, I followed the life force signature I found on this bloody bandage." I almost facepalmed seeing said blood-covered bandage float out of the back of the machine's truck bed.

"Can other machines follow such evidence?" I mused to myself and wondered if I needed to take a flame thrower to that building where I got hurt and destroy any evidence of me being there.

"I am not a machine!" He cried out and I had to raise an eyebrow in confusion at what looked like a weird ass head mounted in a truck was arguing that it was going to say he was an android?

"I helped fight machines before!" He yelled and began explaining how he lost his memories and was looking for something to help jog his memories but found my blood and noticed how fresh it was, meaning there was a human running around.

"But I couldn't find you because there was some kind of barrier around your soul and sort of around your body. it's so weird because no one else I've seen has had something similar going on and such a weird thing certainly would have jogged a memory if I had seen something like that." Emile complained and I didn't really understand what he meant really at all. Like a barrier around my soul and dwelling inside my body? Was that the reason I haven't turned to salt or succumbed to some weird disease/virus being moved here?

It seemed the possible conflict has ended as all the combat model's weapons moved to float behind them even if I knew all it would take was them swinging their arms to make them teleport into their hands and deal lethal damage to whatever being that was in front of me.

"So, is there some way for me to move or otherwise use this barrier within myself? Oh, and what's your name, mine Jake?" I questioned thinking about what the hell could be within me and whether this was the golden finger I was gifted other than my bunker being brought to this dead world.

The weird head mounted on the truck laughed as he reeved his wheels a bit. "Oh, my name is Emil nice to meet you, Jake." I could almost hear the wry smile he would be wearing as he chuckled before speaking again. "You would trust me to muck about in your soul and body? No would those ladies beside you allow it, would be the better question."

The combat models nodded with 2B speaking. "The risk of you doing something with those magic weapons is too high and the loss of the only human on the earth would be unacceptable loss."

I grimaced at seeing how firm they all were, but I didn't want to just be some damsel in distress as I literally couldn't do a damn thing should any machines corner me.

"Girls if somehow any machines were to occupy you all in combat and one were to corner me with none of you able to support me what would happen...?" I saw them all tense as they imagined the scenario and the very obvious answer. "I would die no ifs and or buts." I declared solemnly seeing 9S and the 2B about to argue.

I tuned towards Emil. "Look I don't know what magic you got going on but if you can help me become stronger if not just self-reliant, I would be in your debt."

Before A2 could grab me and simply throw me over her shoulder and book it I pressed my hand into the creepy smiling face and my consciousness seemed to sink within my body as I not only felt I saw a large ball of fire standing in front of me and it was connected by large strings flying, God knows where, as those strings went beyond the horizon as I looked past the soul of this Emil character.

I felt a burning pain as Emil seemed to make weird hands out of his soul flame and it started pulling at my soul with an almost popping noise it felt like my soul turned inside out as my bland white soul turned a dark purple and a weird shadow formed behind me and literally punching Emil's soul in the face forcing the being to let go of me, and I recognized the being hanging off my back.

"The Guardian?" I mumbled confused at seeing the shadowy figure with its arms folded floating behind me. 'Wait with this world being made by Square Enix would that make this world connected to the Kingdom Hearts worlds?' I thought.

Sadly, The Guardian was completely non-sentient and was only an extension of my subconscious as it took action to make the being who was causing me pain get away rather than being able to understand Emil was trying to help me.

Not only did I have the equivalent of a stand I could feel a well of energy within me as I raised my hand in front of me, I was a bit confused at what the purple energy was but when I decided to simply test a theory and punch one of the pieces of concrete launched at us when he cosplayed the Kool-Aid Man.

With a loud crack, my fist impacted the concrete and made it crack lightly but I wasn't feeling any pain from the impact so that was great.

"What the hell are you doing!" The twins yelled seeing me punch something so hard that it cracked and obviously assumed I probably just crippled my hand, but I assuaged their concerns by letting them inspect my hand as I errantly messed with the energy floating chaotically within my body.

It was so weird as I could feel my will turning the violent purple energy into different colors and it taking different tones with its colors. Like Red was obviously supposed to be fire with the different forms of heat it provided me differing between a painful inferno my soul had no choice but to retreat from to a gentle fireplace that just begged to be snuggled up against to relax with.

And that was just the brief preview of the red color, I could feel the gentle caress of watery blue and its icy counterpart that made my soul sluggish. 'This was going to take a lot of research.' I mused as I took back my hand from the twins.

"Thank you Emil and I am sorry my power attacked you. I had no control over it." I apologized genuinely to the being who scooted back away from me and sporting an obvious dent in its front of the bus from where my guardian punched it away.

"Oh, it's ok I am just glad I could help a human out even though whatever you have going on is nothing like what I and my friends could do," Emil muttered.

I saw the combat models on the other hand had their weapons in hand pointing at Emil seeing my magic strike him aside to protect myself from whatever he was doing. "Relax girls I accidentally hit him like a doctor tapping a human on the knee making it kick reflexively."

They shared a look of confusion as A2 muttered. "Remind me not to surprise you if a massive shadow punching you is the first reflex you have..."

I couldn't deny what I did was a bit out there but now I needed to see what should happen with Emil as he looked ready to leave for some reason.



Ok big turning point and no longer is the MC just a pillow to be beaten at any being's leisure.

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