A New Hope Nier

Chapter 28

I had spent the rest of the day basically acting as Commander White's stress ball for her to caress and play with for the day. Now normally that would be demeaning or emasculating or whatever alpha Chad nonsense people would want to say but I had a couple of things to say for those types of people.

Get a mechanical back massager that never gets tired and knows exactly your weak points and how much stress they can take before moving on to another weak point. She was also technically a licensed Chiropractor and as she plays with your hands oh so gently, she is able to pop all the bones in your hands and wrist in a couple of swift motions without causing me any pain.

That was just my hands, but the way she was massaging and popping my neck and shoulders as I lay in her lap was nothing short of divine. White declared herself a chiropractor without going to any school only freaked me out until she started massaging my scalp and my mind seemed to melt under her vibrating fingers that caressed my head and showed no mercy when she found out how sensitive I was around my ears.

"Jake, when will you spend some time with us down on the floor?!" One of the Operators yelled from down below our overhang and I could literally hear White hiss like a cat, and I could imagine her thoughts going something like 'No you may not steal my human. Fuck off with all due haste please...'

"Sorry girls and scouts, I am being held hostage by our dear Commander Whites' needy grasp and can only be liberated by a chivalrous knight's help from this draconian ruler before she despoils me further." I moaned out theatrically.

But I realized I hit the wrong button as the combat types the Battle, Defender, and Scout models perked up and gave Commander White an appraising look as though considering the gains of perhaps stealing me away after kicking their commanding officers aside and perhaps spending the night with me as somehow the footage from Commander Whites room was leaked and now everyone knew I was pretty open to sex. But then again should they fail in 'freeing me' it was likely they would probably be given a terribly annoying mission when they got sent back to Earth.

White simply harrumphed and glanced at the defender models standing behind her for whatever reason. I mean what reason is there for bodyguards here on this station where machines certainly couldn't get to? "D23 D18, should someone attempt to take my prize you two shall stop them at the elevator, and for this meritorious deed I shall deign to share my most treasured joy with you two tonight!" She triumphantly announced making all the androids down below look mutinous.

'This bitch just pimped me out....' I thought incredulously staring at the proud expression the leader of the androids was wearing.

"Yeah nope!" I cried out and rolled to my feet and took a couple of swift steps forward to the railing preventing the androids from falling off this second floor and simply hopped over and made a little burst of wind beneath me to cushion my fall. I then turned around to face the clearly stricken Commander White who silently had her arm and most over body over the ledge clearly having tried to grab me and kept within her evil grasp.

I for a split second was going to yell something like 'Down with the Matriarchy!' But that sounded like a fucking awful idea after I gave it a moment's thought, so instead of staring at White like an idiot I whirled around and saw my favorite Operator unit, 6O "6O stand up from your chair for a second." I ordered as I walked over to her and as she franticly took off her headset and stood up I slid in behind her and sat down in her chair just as she turned and saw me sitting in her chair and was obviously confused about what to do now, I gently wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my lap allowing her to continue to work.

"6O aren't you the model who is working with 2B and 9S's mission?" I whispered into her ear as the other androids saw that I had claimed my new seat/target of jealousy grumbled and went back to work.

The android clearly shivered, and I could feel her pushing her backside and actual back into my chest trying like all androids do and enjoy all the physical contact as possible. "Yes, Daddy... I mean Sir!" She almost yelled trying to cover up for her mistakes and looks like I found one of the people who watched the video of mine and Whites's fun.

"Hmm looks like someone needs a spanking for watching my fun time with White..." I could tell she was going to either orgasm or go through a logic loop from all the mental pressure I was putting her through, so I stopped literally breathing down her neck and whispering into her ear as she frantically nodded. "Do me a favor and let's check in on them as I will likely be meeting them in the desert to clear out the human cultural cache within.

"Good girl." I rewarded her with a tight squeeze around her mid-section that made her squeak in happiness.

It took only a minute for the android to flip a couple of switches and type onto her workstation and soon enough there was a video feed from what looked to be 2B's pod being streamed to this computer. The broadcast showed what looked to be 2B and 9s going through an abandoned building.

6O obviously knowing I was going to want to talk to them showed off her mechanical precision by perfectly putting on her headphones on my head before I could remove my hands from around her waist and then she secured her desires when she threaded her hands through my own and just twisted side to side in happiness at being able to hold hands with her human and share his affection.

"6O is that you?" 2B asked as no one spoke after the connection was secured.

I couldn't help but respond with a meme due to how she frowned at receiving no prompt reply. "No, it's Dio!" 9S actually tripped as she was climbing over a piece of collapsed debris with a short cry of surprise.

"Jake you are at the YoRHa station?" 2B asked in confusion with 9S obviously sharing her confusion.

As the pod looked around, I saw 6E kneeling off to the side and dismantling a large android for parts or something, but she was now looking at the pod interested in whatever shenanigans I got into this time.

"Yeah, I got the invite from White, so I have been helping her around for a while and of course, the androids here have been very welcoming to me." Left unsaid was me taking advantage of how much these androids adored me to steal as much skin ship as possible.

9S and 2B shared a look as 6E walked over to join the conversation.

"When will you be coming back to earth, Jake?" E6 asked and I knew that she was asking more along the lines of "will you be at home for me to snuggle with"? She was a bit like an affectionate cat in her mannerisms as she was the most stoic of the androids I've known.

"I will actually be meeting you all in that desert in the next couple of days as I have a self-appointed mission to pick up a large culture cache of human artifacts being found in the said desert not too far from where you are currently located," I answered and I saw all the androids frowning, at how I decided to just trapeze around in machine held territory.

"Jake that is going to be dangerous..." 2B muttered and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"2B as much as appreciate your care for me, this is my choice and I seeing as I won't be conflicting with your search and destroy mission it won't bring any inconvenience for you as the machines will probably be drawn to my drop ship as I land anyway," I told them and I could see 6E basically saying screw it as I already proved my magics might in just wrapping her and A2 up in a big ball of earth and sealed all there movements when they tried to prevent me from exploring the buildings near my bunker.

"Yes sir..." 2B ground out and I knew I was going to have to smooth out ruffled feathers as our call got abruptly disconnected.

6O gently tapped my knee to get my attention and after I took off her headset, she whispered to not distract the other Operators working nearby. "The call got cut off due to machine radar interference. Don't worry it's a fairly common thing with patrols of them it's almost impossible to maintain a connection to the ground troops should they be within a few dozen meters of said machines."

I nodded in understanding and just relaxed into the well-padded chair and just traced my fingers around the gothic designs of 6O's Operator uniform.



The wiseman Sineral told me to write more in his words Robooty lewds so I said ok more Nier content but seeing as no donations have been coming through I decided to set this back a while and just post to patron sites.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.pat-reon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.
My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words


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