A New Hope Nier

Chapter 65

Quick important Author notes that you guys won't ignore with it being at the bottom. The overwhelming majority agree that both Robo Waifus and Fleshy Waifus albeit unequal but shouldn't be discriminated against for their misfortune at merely being born and should instead be still embraced by the MC. Thus, human waifus are a go.

As I was taking a shower I was in deep thought as I considered what in the world I should do about this situation with Weiss.

But then I came to a realization. Although wasn't going to be some overlord king of this broken planet, I had plans for this world, and I had every intention to clear out a part of the unclaimed lands overran by the Grimm and create my own Kingdom that YoRHa will use its resources to recreate their grand armies and then we will get rid of Salem, the Queen of the Grimm and then this world will practically be safe so long as some asshole doesn't decide to bring back the Brother Gods for whatever reason.

So, at some point I will tell her about the Androids, or more likely I will just bring them here and our relationship will likely be strained but I believe as a person of Remnant and a high-class woman she would put aside her issues with me having several women in the form of Androids as I was going to be a king of sorts.

Not to mention unless she was actually a lesbian which I knew she wasn't, she was likely going to have to share a man with how the male population of Remnant was still devastated from the previous Great World War and the Faunus Freedom Civil War that saw the men of both races devastated.

It turns out that when you get pissed off at your slaves for revolting and killing the male slaves for example, and then promptly going back to fucking your female slaves, that said female may slit your throat as you sleep...

Good ruling advice to keep in mind. Don't sleep with the daughter of the father you just killed by having him whipping him to death as an example.

I shut off my shower leaned my head against the lukewarm tiles and took a deep breath.

"Time to face the music." I groaned before I stretched and got dressed.

I walked outside and couldn't help but deadpan at the sight before me. "Oh, woe is me! The woman I was going to ask out is sitting astride another woman and has abandoned me Haha!" I said dryly before laughing as Weiss jumped off Blake's lap where she looked to be shaking the Cat Faunus by her shoulder for some reason.

"Jake! I wasn't cheating on you! I was uhm. Blake was being a perverted reprobate and kept mentioning us having children. Hmph" She snorted throwing Weiss a dirty look and I couldn't help but chuckle seeing the prim Weiss Schnee pushing down her skirt and trying to subtly fix herself up after roughhousing with what looked to be both Blake and Ruby as the little Reaper was looking at us both with a mischievous expression.

"Just ask her out Jake! No need to make a big deal out of this unless you wanna bring in some drama for me to enjoy watching. I wanna head off to bed anyway." Yang groaned slapping her thighs to grab our attention.

I looked over to Weiss and noticed that she looked although nervous, she didn't seem to be about to flip out and have a Tsundere attack and begin stabbing us with her rapier to cover up her embarrassment. "Weiss will you go out on a date with me," I said confidently and it wasn't a question nor was I demanding her to go with me, it was more of a forgone conclusion as supposedly she had already set up the so-called date right after I asked her to simply hang out.

Weiss nodded quickly and the girls occupying the room cried out in excitement with Ruby dashing towards Weiss with her semblance sending rose petals flying everywhere with her using her super speed to hug and spin around the heiress. "See Weiss! I told you it was going A-ok!" Ruby yelled as she finally put down the now struggling Weiss who had lost her prior pink blush and now was looking a bit pale from the abrupt spinning.

"Congratulations Jake, Weiss," Pyrrha said clapping from her chair, and then she looked at her scroll to apparently check the time. "Alright it is getting late, and we need to get ready for the quick field training with Professor Goodwitch in the Everfall Forest to apparently collect some special sap?" Pyrrha finished obviously somewhat kind of confused.

Nora jumped up in excitement and cried out. "Oh! We are going to harvest Everfall sap! I love that stuff!"

After Ruby asked what was so special about the sap it was revealed it was basically a miracle product in that it was both actually extremely healthy as it could feed our very souls to enhance our Aura ever so slightly and was used in the medical field as it almost conceptually denied the existence of bacterial, so no one had ever died of infection should they have a wound coated in it and some of it being swallowed.

The problem was how the sap and the trees they came with had a small hint of the energy our souls had so the Grimm loved to congregate within the forest and thus only Huntsmen could survive to harvest said sap in any decent amount as there were no roads to there due to the large amount of Grimm constantly patrolling the forest radius so there was no Civilian market bothering to harvest it. So, in the end, we needed to fly a Bullhead into the forest to get it.

As Nora went on saying how it was undeniably the greatest topping of the divine dish known as pancakes, I realized that the sap could be YoRHa's ticket to success as they could build a powerful fortification with energy-powered lasers that wouldn't need to worry about running out of and could be my future kingdoms inroad into settling into the four main kingdoms of Remnant.

"Jake when we get back from the trip, I will share the details of the date I have planned for us." I nodded smiling to Weiss and she turned away from me with her long white ponytail swaying as she pulled Ruby aside to talk girl stuff.

I then turned to Blake and Yang who were talking with Ren about something with Nora was mumbling about trying to drink a whole bucket of the sap. "Haa... Can I just say I am so happy it's Weiss and not Ruby that jumped into a relationship?" Yang said wiping off some invisible sweat at the thought.

I rolled my eyes at the overprotective methods of Ruby's older sister, but I looked over to Blake and waved to get her attention. "Hey Blake, I had a question, how is controlling the party girl that is Yang, and the walking troublemaker that is Nora."

Blake looked at me with her soft amber eyes which were lightly dilated, and she put her hands together in prayer. "I will gladly trade them for Pyrrha and Ruby! Please take them from me!"

I couldn't help but snicker as Yang prodded her teammate with a mock look of outrage, and I was glad to see they had already formed a strong friendship.

Nothing needed to be said about Ren and Nora's closeness, but either way my team was also rather tight-knit with the only outlier being Weiss being a bit uptight and not understanding the life of commoners at times.

This was understandable as she grew up in a mansion bigger than most inner-city high schools that were on a massive floating island, the rich used to fly above the concerns of the 'peasants' below them literally.

No, seriously for whatever reason they decided to have the floating kingdom of Atlas floating directly above the prior Kingdom of Mantle, and once the rich and powerful had the floating island free of all but the flying Grimm they named the island the Kingdom of Atlas and left behind the kingdom Mantle they once ruled to be literally covered in the island's shadow.

"Alright, girls let's get going to bed. Ren good luck keeping Nora from mumbling in her sleep about the syrup to come." I said feeling a bit tired from the day and all the activities and I wanted to be ready to inevitably kill a bunch of Grimm tomorrow in order to strengthen my Guardian.

It took a couple of minutes to get everyone else out of our dorm and my team's girls to get changed out of their uniforms and into their sleepwear but eventually, I was able to peacefully relax into my bed and fall asleep to the sounds of the wind brushing across the trees close to our dorm windows.


The next day it was business as usual with us doing our more academically inclined lessons first and then came our combat lessons and more importantly our field trip.

I had already strapped myself into the Bullhead my school year was going to take to the Everfall Forest and just as Ruby finally managed to lock herself into her own seat Goodwitch strode out of the cockpit from where she was speaking to the pilot. "Freshmen class of Beacon. This trip is to acquire a very necessary resource found nowhere else in the world that will inevitably save a number of lives with each large jar of the sap you collect... The forest is crawling with Grimm, literally with how the sap from within the trees attract the nearby Grimm that wander near the forest, and they will viscously attack anyone they spot after being seemingly taunted by the trees for years." Goodwitch explained.

"Now Team Blane and Juniper you two will stick together." Goodwitch then went to assign sibling teams basically to the dozen-odd teams here on here on the Bullhead. "Typically, as you would know, having a large number of Huntsmen with active Aura's congregating in a small area will only attract more Grimm and that's why we typically do a four-team member limit as that is the perfect ratio for power to Grimm attraction. But here in the Everfall forest, the Grimm's soul and negative emotion sensing is rendered all but nil, being drowned out by the forest's trees."

Goodwitch then took out the tapping system we were given to knock a hole in the trees and explained how the metal used to make the spike to send into the tree was huntsman weapon grade so we didn't need to worry about trying to be gentle with it as we sent it into the tree as the trees within the Everfall Forest were far more durable than normal trees so she actually pointed out Nora having her Warhammer to be the designated piledriver as it were.

I was looking out the window after Goodwitch finished her lecture and I saw our landing zone was already being swarmed with Grimm that heard the Bullhead's loud engines.

I swiftly pointed this out to my and Blake's teams, so we readied ourselves unfolding our weapons and making sure they were loaded in case our landing consisted of us being thrown out of the Bullhead and being made to clear the large crowd of Grimm.

And I was proven half right. A volley of missiles and the miniguns attached to the Bullhead shredded and blew up the Grimm beneath us. Then Goodwitch's voice came out through the intercom as the back hatch of the Bullhead opened up as the plane hovered mostly in place above the battlefield.0

"Freshmen, jump out of the bullhead and clear out a landing zone!" Goodwitch ordered and my team locked gazes and then with a smile, I dashed out of the Bullhead as Pyrrha helped Jeanne get out of her bindings that kept her motion sickness away while Ruby and Weiss were hot on my heels.

I wreathed myself with flames as I was plummeting towards the ground and then I created a massive explosion as the flames I held so tight to my body violently erupted when I collided with the ground sending any Grimm that was close to me flying away as they quickly faded into black smoke that my Guardian began absorbing.

The first to land beside on the scorched ground was Ruby and then the others followed as the reaper almost gagged at the extreme temperatures that were radiating from both me and the ground. "Ruby, you and Weiss take up supporting roles as Pyrrha and Yang will directly fight the Grimm. The rest of you protect Ruby and Weiss so they can deal with the Grimm from a distance!" I yelled as I ducked under a swipe from the large Ursa Grimm.

With the rest of the other teams landing down in their own ways we swiftly killed off the surrounding Grimm and I felt my Guardian swell with the unprocessed essence from the Grimm. The Bullhead then landed with a couple of the Beacon staff members taking out a few dozen large jars with Goodwitch escorting them. "Students each of you is to return with a full jar of sap, and there is also a reserved jar for each team to have their own private stash of the sap for your own personal use... Do not come to the med bay thinking the sap makes good lubricant as it most certainly does not!" Goodwitch yelled giving the teams with both boys and girls dirty looks.

I facepalmed as Weiss and Blake blushed heavily and verbally denied ever thinking about using the sap as such a thing. While Yang had to shush Ruby as she loudly asked what we would use the sap between boys and girls.

Nora on the other hand giggled evilly and looked over at Ren before she loudly asked as the Bullhead finally shut off its engines. "What if we lick it all off!"

Goodwitch didn't even deign to answer, just rolling her eyes, and if the jar hit Nora in the chest as she levitated all the jars to the students, well that must have been a mistake...

Our teams then moved a bit away from the Bullheads' landing zone and found a group of trees that were nice and close together so we didn't need to wander around to check the taps.

"Alright, guys make sure to conserve your ammo. We are going to be here for like six hours." I said as I used the pommel of Virtuous Contract to smash my tap into the tree and put the jar I was given into the tree.

Considering how these trees basically dripped a little less than a gallon an hour and these jars were like five-gallon glass jars, then we were going to be a while and I knew Weiss and Ruby with their fighting styles probably only carried enough sniper rounds and dust to refuel their weapons a couple of times.

"My baby Cresent Rose is a great many, great things! But sniper ammo is heavy..." Ruby puffed up proudly about to defend her weapon but then could only deflate as she realized she only was carrying four extra magazines on her. Which was more than fair normally as a more melee-focused fighter but in a long-drawn-out fight 50 bullets won't last in a battle with a couple hundred or more Grimm.

"Maybe try a space-expanded pack to hold them?" I thought as I remembered how that fashion-obsessed leader of the Coffee team had an extremely heavy if normal-looking purse that could somehow mecha shift into a minigun of all things.

Ruby raised her hand as if to give me a lecture, but Yang cut her off after she finished literally punching her tap into the tree she chooses. "Heh my little Ruby can't handle the extra weight of such a contraption with her fighting style and the more weight she is carrying, the more Aura her semblances use."

"Yang! Don't tell them my weaknesses!" Ruby cried out using her Semblance to land a powerful kick to Yang's shins that made her hop about, cursing in pain as Ruby's steel toe boots still hurt even with Yang using her Aura to block the blow.

I couldn't help but think what if that kick and the aura used to block it was the deciding factor that saved her life should a great number of Grimm come, and low and behold I saw Blake stiffen and look deeper into the forest.

"Looks like we got company," I said taking out my sword with my Guardian appearing behind me with its arms folded over its chest.

From out of the forest came a large pack of several dozen Beowulf's and from the forefront was a heavily armored specimen of an Alpha Beowulf that was more than three times the size of its brethren.

As the Grimm approached us, I could hear gunfire erupting throughout the forest as the other students began fighting their own Grimm which agitated our own into sprinting forward the sounds of the battle and when seeing us instantly fixated on our teams.

I stomped my foot on the ground and the ground hardened with several stone spikes that grew out of the ground in a circular formation around us, so the Beowulfs had to throw themselves over and into the sharpened stone stakes.

Ren and Blake began using their rather smaller caliber guns attached to their weapons to begin killing the Grimm that got over my impromptu fortification while I jumped over my fortification and began to advance on the Alpha Beowulf.

The Alpha howled so hard the air began to shake and then the lesser Beowulf parted around me as they ran towards my teammates while the Alpha stood on its back legs and strode towards me as what little intelligence, he had screamed that all of his packmates were nothing to me and only he, the Alpha could defeat me.

I dashed forward as the Alpha closed in using my nascent Semblance to create a portal that allowed me to land a powerful lightning-coated fist straight into the armored chest of the Beowulf Alpha and it was blasted back by the exploding lightning as I cupped my sore hand as its armor withstood my magic.

"Alright so Alpha's are definitely not a trash mob like their normal variant," I muttered as the Alpha unsteadily stood back up with a prominent blackened mark on its chest with four dots on it where my knuckles messed with the flow of lightning.

After the field trip, I will have a great surprise on its way.



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