A New Hope Nier

Chapter 84

After getting White settled in and I got bored of bullying her for literally copying the Jolly Rancher wrapper that somehow got stuck under the seats of the couch we once shared we began discussing the more important facts.

"So, in order for you to get the resources for us to get started due to the Machine Army infecting the 3D printers sent previously you had to make deals with the native ruler as it were... Hmm, I understand."

White nodded in understanding before she continued. "In that case Jake, although I don't like it, I am going to have to ask you to help us set up a launching area for us to launch the foundational pieces of the space station into the atmosphere so the mining robots can begin harvesting the vast minerals that are floating in the atmosphere due to this worlds moon being partly shattered," White explained as the hologram changed to show the path the new satellite system was going to be hovering in space along with how the mining probes would gather resources and eventually link back up to the station.

"And this going to be out in the wilds, right?" I spoke grimacing at the thought of trying to set up an actual launch site and dealing with the Grimm that was going to be constantly attracted to it.

I refuse to put the launch site in the vicinity of Vale as that would lead it under the preview of Ozpin and his shadow organization even if he was content in letting me build up my forces and maybe at some point take out some Grimm if I ever made good on my promise to just meet mommy Salami into the void between realms.

"That's correct. We are exploring options such as building an underground silo in which to launch the system but that runs into the same issues of attracting either Vale's attention or otherwise being a large Grimm target that we would need to deal with even longer as digging such a launch silo will take time." White explained and then 2B spoke.

"What's the fastest we could get the most basic launch system as Jake will be exposed if he is to help us set up the area." YoRHa has fighting grimly in the bag as although they didn't have Aura and I was scared to see if they did, physically they were greater than huntsman, and with their pods, they were simply far greater combatants.

So just like when White had me extract that weird ant nest, they cleared out. I was going to be doing a lot of terraforming by flattening an area and using the remaining materials to basically build a wall so assets on the ground could dig in to repel anything that attacked us.

White hummed in thought in response to 2B's question and as she did some calculations using the hologram to bring up maps of Vale's surrounding areas, the resources we had on hand, and of course the completion state of the satellite itself to know what kind of timetable we were working with. 6E shamelessly just collapsed onto the couch so she could get a lap pillow and have me pet through her silver hair making 2B give the executioner model a look of jealousy and complaint.

"Hmm, they definitely did something new with your girl's hair this time... It feels like it's more real or something." I muttered as I stroked through 6E's hair.

6E slightly nodded so she didn't dislodge my hand and then she spoke in her slightly deadpan voice. "It is a synthetic solution created by hair samples you left behind on the space station and other more degraded samples we had collected from human remains to match human hair." At hearing her words, I was a little bit creeped out to hear the hair was based on me and well the extinct humanity of the Nier world, but I just gamely kept petting my android's head and allowed her to bask in the jealousy of her fellow androids who kept throwing her looks.

"So, in essence within the next five days, we will reach the stage in which we can make a portable launch system that can launch the foundation of the space station, its fabricators, and mining drones. So, Jake doesn't get sent on another mission or school trip as after the projected time we will be undoubtably finished with our project and thus be sitting idly." White spoke uprightly and I nodded in understanding before I bit my lips.

"So... White I got some news you would like to hear," I spoke hesitatingly and Commander White's eyebrow rose in interest as she waved her baton in my direction to get me to continue. "I believe my girlfriend or significant other Weiss Schnee has succeeded in conception according to Devola and Popola during our copulation."

The whole room froze into dead silence as all the androids literally had their eyes flash blue as they briefly blue-screened as their systems overloaded and White was one of the first androids to recover as she swallowed thickly and took a couple of attempts to speak.

"Jake, you got babies on the way? We will have little Jake's with blond or white hair to pamper?" White spoke in a rush, and I took her hand as I dragged her closer to me as I took a deep breath as all the androids regardless of being male or female began fervently whispering in absolute joy.

"Yes, White...Anyway, I need to speak with you privately away from all prying ears as Weiss's family will be a bit of an issue." I said and White's face still wearing the stupendous joy just waved her baton at all the androids.

"I command you all to silence your audio collectors and do not open them until Jake claps his hands." She spoke and all the androids nodded with serious smiles as they were still super excited at the news.

"Jake, do I need to silence myself as well?" 2B asked with 6E with her lap also nodding and after a moment I nodded as it was honestly for the best to keep this between as few people as possible.

2B and 6E sighed but still sealed their senses with 6E pushing her face into my stomach so she couldn't like read or record my lip movements.

"White, the Schnee Patriarch is going to be an issue. For one he has the world on a stranglehold on the Dust energy source and if we introduce stable Maso energy then he will undoubtedly send assassins or something to sabotage us or something. Second, he is a traitor to humanity as he is working for the leader of the Grimm which is how his slave labor camps can mine his dust without as many personnel losses as such a miserable place should with how Grimm are attracted to negative emotions... So, he needs to die not to mention he won't be happy his bargaining chip in Weiss got knocked up by someone out of his control." I finished and White's face twisted in place before she sighed.

"Jake, if you asked me to kill a White Fang or any of those... Faunus I wouldn't blink an eye but even if the man is a so-called traitor to humanity, I have seen none such crimes and thus I cannot and will not have killed him remotely if that's what you wanted." White said with a hint of steel in her voice, and I only stared at her before I leaned toward her.

"White if some humans decided to kill you for parts or even to harm me if I was knocked unconscious and couldn't defend myself what would you do?" I asked dead serious as I was under the conception that White and by extension, YoRHa would help me if dirty things needed to be done in order to establish ourselves or just defend ourselves in general.

White's face for the first time in my life twisted in pain as she had no right answer to that question and I came to realize that maybe YoRHa wasn't my silver bullet, they loved all humanity even if they loved me the most. But in the end, they wouldn't even sacrifice a human that was a traitor to help the cause and make me happy.

"Jake don't ask that of me..." White asked looking down but before I built up a head of steam, I felt a set of arms land on my shoulder, and I looked up to see A2 behind me.

"Yeah, fuck you too Whitey your wishy-washy shit is why things back home were only stagnant and not getting any better till Jake came along. If you won't do it. I will! And hell, maybe Jake will take just me on another walk to another world if he sees his beloved tools refuse to protect and serve him as they should!" A2 said bluntly and White's face flatlined as the thought of me just up and leaving them behind never seemed to cross her mind.

White swallowed and closed her eyes and she brushed her hand down her face before she shrugged looking defeated as she had no answer, but I cut her off. "Commander White stiffen up now!" The commander of YoRHa sat up stiff as a board as I continued to speak. "I have the dream of taking YoRHa across many words enlightening humanity and bringing them to salvation if needed. But in all such worlds, there will be traitors who will abandon their own kind for benefit's sake. If you are incapable of leading YoRHa through saving Humanity across countless words and purging The Heretic, The Xeno, and the Mutant. Then I will either have to replace you or leave YoRHa behind."

I took White's hands into my own as I stared into her blue eyes and then spoke softly. "Will you disappoint me? Will you disappoint all the humanities that I come across in the future?"



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