A New Hope Nier

Chapter 95

Once Goodwitch led me into her office she pointed to the plain wooden seat for me to take that was in front of her matching ornate desk and plush office chair.

"Please Mr. Barris take a seat, we will be talking for a few minutes at least," Goodwitch said as she walked around her desk and gracefully took her seat, and folded her hands within themselves as she settled to stare across the desk separating us.

For a moment we just silently stared at each other as we awaited for the other to show signs of impatience. And seeing as I just politely smiled at her own waiting for me to say something she decided to break the silence as she started the conversation on a lighter note.

"Well Jake, how has Beacon been treating you?" She asked genially and my amused smile became more natural as I nodded to her question.

"It has been... Great honestly, it has helped me grow a good bit as a person as well as helped me learn how to swing my sharp metal poking a stick at monsters other than using my semblance and magic." I said dryly with her snorting.

"Yes, I admit to not being a weapons expert and thus not the best teacher for such subjects as most students either are tutored by their fellow team members as is in your team's care of Jeanne. Or!" She said with emphasis. "Or they actually went to the training schools across Remnant but as they say people fall through the cracks and in your case, you don't even fit in the same puzzle due to being foreign to the world," Goodwitch said making me raise an eyebrow in interest.

"Oh, so Ozpin spilled the beans on that?" I asked interestedly and Goodwitch only took a sip of her coffee in a silent answer.

Finally, Goodwitch put down her coffee mug with a loud clacking noise. "Mr. Barris, Ozpin and his forces have put millions of Lien into fueling your... Whatever you have been doing, we have seen no return on that investment." Goodwitch eyed me as she spoke not rudely but still firmly. "We need to see something out of all those resources." She said finally and I nodded in understanding.

"Do you have a moment for me to get the proof?" I asked and Goodwitch raise an eyebrow in interest before waving a hand in my direction, so I took out my scroll and called Commander White.

Not even a single buzz or dial went through as Commander White instantly accepted the call. "Yes, Jake is there something you needed?" Commander White asked unhurriedly nor even stressed.

Knowing as I did that Commander White did have little tells in her voice whenever she was hard at work, I knew she was doing a low load of work at the moment which meant that the satellites and other systems were probably working just fine at the moment.

"White is the Oracle App on the Scroll App Store now and this is on speaking phone by the way?" I asked and with the call being a video call she could see Glynda Goodwitch in the background.

White smiled at my question as she primly and more obviously answered with pride in the affirmative. "Yes Jake, the first dozen satellites have stabilized in orbit around Remnant and thus the greater nations of the world are fully capable of making scroll calls across the continents without using that highly inefficient massive radio tower system you people previously used."

I looked to Goodwitch still wearing my smile. "Well, Glynda this is my first contribution. Communication across Remnant without limits no matter where you are unless you are deep underground or something asinine." I said rolling my eyes as Goodwitch went to question me but bit her lip as she considered what I had brought to the table.

"Of course, this will be under the control of my foreign forces as they are incorruptible, and more importantly our technical systems are so far ahead it would take months to train people how to control them to a manageable amount... So, everyone from the most remote villages to people in the cities will have access to the Scroll's internet and be capable of calling anyone they have the number of." I said feeling proud of bringing the peak of my prior civilization to this world.

Now I just needed a couple of years to teach people how to make Youtube videos and stuff, and this world won't be that much different from my home world of earth that wasn't a blasted hellscape like Nier Automata was.

Of course, beyond my own desire to pull Remnant culture closer to my birth's worlds. The sheer military power of being able to get satellite video of an area being attacked by bandits or tracking down Grimm hordes from the safety of orbit couldn't be understated and I made sure to show just that to Goodwitch as I planned as more satellites were built, that Ozpins forces could rent some of them from YoRHa.

"Well, I was imagining more along the lines of tanks or massive warships or something honestly," Glynda said wryly but she honestly smiled a pure expression of happiness as she went over the Oracle App that remotely connected to some separated YoRHa servers that would operate as the hub of this communication system in question. "But the sheer value to not only the military as you pointed out as allowing the mega-farms that feed Vale to be more easily able to communicate with Vale's hunter groups will save many lives. But just how much closer this form of communication can bring the other nations will be huge especially with the Vytal Festival occurring."

At Glynda's further example of its capabilities, I pointed at her scroll that she took out of her pocket dimension storage method known as her cleavage. "Of course, this system isn't perfect. It still needs a scroll connection to initially download and synch up the app to our systems." I then shrugged as I continued seeing her frown at the knowledge that it would need to be advertised as just forceable downloading an unknown app onto everyone's phone and computer equivalent would get people up in arms as it would be something everyone would use, and they couldn't just ignore it.

"So, I suggest all new Scrolls were to come pre-downloaded and synched to the app while also in the next couple weeks coming up to the Vytal Festival you people that represent Beacon the leading school of Huntsmen and defenders of the world advocate it," I suggested and Goodwitch scowled.

"I see, so we will be doing all the work in advertising this untested product of yours?" She asked kind of crossly, so I stood up and leaned down a bit towards her allowing me to see into the large open cut of her blouse.

"Glynda," I smiled as I met her green eyes. "My technology is thousands of years ahead of yours and not crippled by being powered and created by Dust. It's been proven for thousands of years in war and civilian life. This is not some ham-fisted invention that I came up with and decided to bring about. It's a staple of technology and it's only the first step in my plans... Tell Ozpin that within the next two months, I will do good on my promise to make an attempt at throwing Salem off this world." I said as I leaned away from Glynda Goodwitch and a part of me bemoaned how strict she was.

As she was totally my type.

But in the end, if I wanted to try to seduce Goodwitch after I nuke Salem repeatedly and meet her in the void between worlds that could be a good past time as I stick with Weiss through her pregnancy, as I wasn't in a rush to get to the next world.



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