A New Hope Nier

Chapter 97 Commissioned by Kriegan, Alt POV

With Glynda Goodwitch's tastefully decorated office were two women sharing a pot of tea and some snacks as they relaxed from their various duties. One was the owner of the office Glynda Goodwitch having changed out of her strict and tight-fitting outfit to relax in a nightgown and the other occupant was Commander White who was in her typical outfit but her a complete shift of demeanor as she relaxed in her leather chair made her seem like a completely different person.

"Haa..." Goodwitch sighed as she set down her teacup with a soft clicking noise as she likewise lounged backward in her thickly padded office chair. "I wonder every damned day if Beacon can even function without me fixing every issue that comes up from having a small army of teenagers that are trained killers locked within," Glynda complained as she uncharacteristically pouted.

"Oh, Glynda are you spiking the tea with whiskey again... It's not like you to air your grievances so early into our play date." White joked as she switched the leg that was folded over the over and crossed an arm under her large chest as she continued to speak with a jesting light to her tone. "See this is what I have been saying, Glynda. You are literally married to this job and not only do you have a terrible husband in Ozpin."

At calling Ozpin, Glynda's husband the strict disciplinarian actually shuddered as she shook her head but White continued. "But not only do you have a neglectful husband, but you also have literally some five hundred stepchildren you have to regularly clean up after they inevitably make countless messes... That and they eventually go out into the field and you as that sort of parent have to deal with the life of those children you come to care about fighting with all that entails." White finished and Glynda's mortified face turned sad as she nodded.

"Even with Beacons admission being at seventeen years old... I still see these young adults every day for four years and it's never easy hearing about them passing after they graduate but I try to keep a professional distance when I can." Glynda spoke as she sighed and then held up her scroll.

"At least with this Oracle App, I can feel safer knowing that those very new teams are capable of getting help when they need it... But of course, if they are too far away and can't hold out for reinforcements the outcome is expected." Goodwitch finished as White held up her tea in a toast.

"For the lost!" The two women said in unison and the toast seemed to dissipate the dour feelings as Glynda smiled a bit mischievously as she looked at White. "So... I heard on the grapevine that your YoRHa group is in some kind of convoluted relationship with Jake. How does that work, he is quite a bit younger than you in any case." Goodwitch joked making White's eye twitch as she glared at her friend.

"I am literally more than a few thousand years old... And Jake is mature enough to know what he wants in a relationship and frankly, it's less of us being in a relationship and more of him claiming us as his own." White said shrugging before a smug grin came to her face to match Glynda's who was going to retort something snappy but could only freeze at White's next sentence. "Of course, in a single joining, Jake is capable of fully satisfying five or more of his women before he tires... Not that you would know of being satisfied with your single Christmas Cake!"

At White's pointed insult Glynda's pout was a balm to White's mechanical soul as seeing her brought low for bringing up her age was glorious. "Actually..." White muttered aloud as she scanned her friend Glynda Goodwitch and actually took her in. In a more scrutinizing fashion.

Blond hair, curvaceous, mature, intelligent, 'magically' powerful, and well connected within this world due to her being one of the lynchpins to Beacon Academy an institution that churned out super soldiers of warriors.

Not only did Glynda Goodwitch match Commander White and the other Operator units in many aspects but as a human woman she would be the counterpart for the more... Enlightened aspects of YoRHa like Weiss was for the battle units. So, when they would look upon Jake's children and see a said child with silver or white hair, they could imagine it being theirs. Even Jake and Weiss herself didn't know that the white-haired heiress was being shadowed by at minimum three Battle androids that would kill anyone that posed a danger to her.

But if Goodwitch were to have Jake's baby. It could almost be the Operators child... No, it could be almost hers...

At the thought of holding a blond-haired human child that looked similar to her, White's programming buzzed, and she almost thought she was going to fall into an endless loop as her processors reached almost overheating levels as her mechanical mind unbidden created artificial videos and images of carrying the baby in her arm and doing all the motherly things an android like herself couldn't do.

"Glynda, have you ever thought to put yourself out there?" White spoke with a soft smile as her thoughts set on a course of action while being ever so thankful for Remnant's stupidity in letting so many men die in the past World War and that ridiculous Faunus rights revolution. If this was a more 'normal' world as Jake put it. Such gender discrepancies wouldn't be a thing.

Glynda raised an eyebrow as she looked at her friend but snorted. "That's funny. I wish I could honestly as you were right. I am married to this job as my clothes are ordered online, my food is made here in the Beacon kitchens, and literally, the last time I went to Vale was to pick up a future student that was in jail for vigilantism... So, if I could get some romantic wine and dining, I would welcome the chance honestly to get some time to myself away from my duties."

Commander White hummed in thought before she shrugged. "Why not approach Jake then? As you said, you are already married to your duties but would a little dalliance with someone be so bad... Plus it's got the taboo aspect Haha." White giggled seeing Glynda roll her eyes before an introspective look came across her face.

"Disregarding the age bit of him being a solid decade-plus younger than myself and his status as my student. He... I don't know, it would complicate things as it could be seen as favoritism." Glynda said weakly.

But White only rolled her eyes as she stood up primly upon her high heels and strolled across the room to stand behind Goodwitch who jumped a bit as her hands fell upon her shoulders and began massaging her as White leaned down and began to whisper. "As you just said, you already are so busy and it's not like Jake would demand every moment of your time... It's just some destressing and let me tell you, Glynda. Getting railed and just burying your face into a pillow as you let your man take care of you is the best stress reliever."

Glynda Goodwitch flushed as she had seen Jake's well-sculpted physique during his time swimming but that wasn't anything too special in her line of work dealing with Hunters... No Glynda was made aware of how Jake was capable of dealing with and satisfying several women with different personalities including White who was very similar to her and thus couldn't help but imagine herself in that place.

"Oh, Glynda you poor thing working so hard." White tsked as she continued to massage Glynda with her hands even vibrating making Glynda's eyes roll up and moan in comfort. "You just need a little break and there's nothing wrong with that is there?" At Goodwitch's grumble of agreement, White abruptly stopped her massage making the human woman whimper in loss at the feeling. "Fantastic! Jake will be at your quarters tonight, so have a wonderful evening my dear." White said victoriously as she powerwalked out of the room before Glynda could come back to her full mental facilities and reject her offer out of some nonsensical desire to keep the status quo.

White was a taskmaster, she was strict, and she cared for her troops for years... And she wanted a blond-haired baby of Jake's in her arms now!



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