A New Kind Of Grind

Bonus Chapter: Anzerath & Akane

This is the second chapter of a two-chapter update. If you haven't already, go back and read Chapter 64.
“Do you want to fuck?” Akane said, standing in the doorway of Anzerath’s bedroom.
Anzerath was on her stomach, fucking around on her phone while the Updrake II refueled. That’s not to say that she didn’t hear what Akane said. Her slow, confused reaction was much more because she was uncertain why Akane had said it.
“I said, do you want to fuck? It’s okay if the answer’s no, it’s just that you’re insanely hot and honestly we have nothing better to do right now.”
Anzerath blinked a few times, still processing it. “But… we’re both omegas?”
“Yeah?” Akane said with a smirk. “And?”
Akane made an extremely good point, not just with her words, but also with the way she stuck out her chest as she said them. Anzerath’s tail flicked from side to side. She was still getting used to the idea of her own sex drive as something separate from getting pregnant as many times as possible, even with Roxy’s… powerful encouragement.
“But why me?” she said. “I mean I don’t have a dick, I can’t… Unless you want me to take a potion? I think we have the ingredients to make one somewhere around here.”
Akane stepped forward, closing the door behind her. The walls in this place weren’t that thick, really, overhearing other inhabitants fucking was a part of daily life. But it gave the appearance of privacy, at least. “Do I really need to explain why I would want to fuck a shortstack dragongirl?”
(Anzerath knew that silencing spells were well within the abilities of literally everyone in the house, but it seemed that everyone wanted everyone else to hear just how loud the sex they were having was, and Anzerath didn't feel like bucking that particular trend.)
Anzerath shuffled towards the edge of the bed, gathering all of the mental fortitude she had gained through her many intense railing-and-praise sessions.
“Maybe you should?” she said, stowing all of her clothes in her inventory.
Akane’s eyes immediately went wide as she de-materialized her dress, almost lunging to get within groping range of the dragongirl. “Well, let’s start with the fact that you have some of the best tits I’ve ever seen,” she said, grabbing onto the tits in question and kneading them between her fingers. “And I’m including myself in that calculation!”
Anzerath moaned, shoving her chest forward as far as she could. “It’s not just my tits, though, is it? I’m sure there’s other reasons why you want me.”
Akane was too busy lifting both of Anzerath’s tits up and together, forming them into a field of cleavage into which she promptly shoved her entire face. Anzerath laughed, partially because it tickled and partially remembering something Roxy had said. She let herself grab hold of Akane’s tits too, though not with nearly as much enthusiasm, her claws circling the thick nubs of her nipples.
Despite the fact that she was not even close to running out of breath, Akane emerging from Anzerath’s tits still resembled a diver coming up for air. She was grinning with manic glee. “Sorry. I’ve just wanted to do that since forever. Every time you’re in the room I keep thinking, ‘wouldn’t it be amazing if I could just grab her by the tits and literally shove my face in there?’ It was so frustrating.”
Anzerath had caught Akane staring a couple of times, but the confirmation sent a warm rush traveling down her spine. “I’m that hot?”
“Yep.” Akane stood up to her full height, leaving her tits looming right in front of Anzerath’s face while she turned her attention to Anzerath’s horns. “Doesn’t hurt that you’re a dragongirl, either. I mean, look at these horns.”
Akane gave one a little nibble, just with the tips of her teeth. Anzerath’s legs clamped together. Between the praise and Akane’s delicate ministrations, she was almost ready to cum, and the way her hips wriggled against the mattress suggested that they wanted it too.
Roxy had had a minor fit when she found out that a dragongirl’s horns were, not only capable of sensation, but an erogenous zone. Something about them being made out of keratin and bone? Anzerath had had to very calmly remind her owner that, though not nearly as supernatural as their full-sized cousins, dragongirls were still magical creatures, and did not entirely follow the rules of conventional biology. Anzerath felt her horns with her magic senses, not her physical ones, and as Akane started going to town on her horns, she could even tell the subtle difference.
“I know I used to basically fuck cowgirls as a hobby,” Akane groaned, “but it just really doesn’t compare. They’re so textured…”
Anzerath opened her mouth to say something, but all that came out was a heavy growl. She shifted her legs apart and leaned forward, trying to get her clit in contact with the mattress. She bent almost double, but got one good stroke, the hardness of her clit right up against the stiff surface of the bed. With a touch of Succubus power, that was all it took.
“What was that noise? Oh wow, you sounded like, like a little cat!”
“I came,” Anzerath whined. “That was the best hornjob I’ve ever had.”
“Oh, damn. I didn’t know that was even possible.”
Anzerath blushed at Akane’s wondrous tone. “Was there, um, anything else you wanted to do?”
Akane nodded, then turned away from the bed and flopped down, backwards, onto it. “I want you to sit on my—Ow!”
Anzerath winced. “You shouldn’t have done that. It’s not a… normal bed.”
“Yeah, no shit. That felt like jumping onto a blanket over solid rock. What is this thing made of?”
“It’s got adamantium springs,” Anzerath said.
Akane was left physically speechless, opening and shutting her mouth like a fish in open air.
“So, what was that you wanted to say before, about sitting?”
“Sit on my face please? You have the absolute perfect thighs for it. Plus I’ve been really craving getting my face sat on but, well, I don’t particularly like the idea of getting my face sat on with a big cock slapped across my forehead, that seems weird.”
Anzerath crawled up onto the bed on her hands and knees, looming over Akane’s body. She loved the way larger breasts spilled out to the sides when their owner was lying on her back.
“And here I thought you like having big cocks slapped across your face,” Anzerath said.
“Oh, I do. Just not in that specific position. The cock sort of gets in the way of the good part, which is having someone’s pussy jammed up against my face as forcefully as possible.”
That gave Anzerath an idea. But she needed to make sure she got it right about exactly what Akane found appealing before she brought it up.
“So you want this ass, specifically, in your face?”
“Are you going to make me beg, or something?”
Anzerath hesitated. “Maybe. I’m more just trying to figure something out. So part of what you’re into with the whole face-sitting thing is the weight?”
Akane nodded, brow furrowing. “There’s just something about getting totally engulfed, forced down into the mattress, there’s nothing around you but the sheer mass of thighs around you. At least that’s the idea.”
“In that case then… I might be able to put my full weight on you. You see, there’s a reason why I sleep on a bed with adamantium mattress springs.”
Anzerath reared up to her full height, knees straddling Akane’s chest. She ran her claws up and down her body, savoring the way that Akane’s eyes couldn’t seem to tear themselves away from whichever part her hands served to emphasize. Yeah. She was ready to admit this.
“I have to assume that you don’t just mean the fullness of your 150 pounds or however much you weigh?”
“I weigh a little more than that, but... no, I mean my full dragon weight, which is closer to a full ton."
“Wait, what?” Akane tried to sit upright, but her boobs hit Anzerath in the crotch and bounced her right back down, flummoxing her for a moment before she rallied. “You absolutely do not weigh that much. You wouldn’t be able to fly in the Updrake if that were the case!”
Anzerath shook her head. “As a high-level dragongirl, I can take on aspects of a proper, full-on dragon. And normally, I stay at my normal weight, but when I'm sleeping... I don't know, it just... feels nice to have some of a dragon's mass."
“Is that a dragongirl thing?”
“Same as being able to feel things on our horns, yeah.” Anzerath swallowed. “So… can you take the pressure? All of me?”
“You mean, does the fact that I already wanted you to sit on my face suddenly change just because it’s even more of an overwhelming experience? Hell no! Crush my skull already!”
Akane grabbed hold of the backs of Anzerath’s thighs, right under the asscheek, and guided her into position directly over Akane’s face. Judging by the way Akane’s eyes went wide, it must have been an amazing view of her pussy from down there. Considering Anzerath was still soaking wet from the horn job, and her clit was absolutely throbbing from the way Akane had been talking about her ass, she could see why.
“Okay. I’m going to turn up the density. Ready?”
It was a little bit difficult to overcome the hump of trepidation, but after a moment of concentration, Anzerath had the systemic slider held in her mind. Then, just like that, she threw it to the other end.
The whole bed creaked as the adamantium construction was suddenly forced to take an actual strain. At the same time, Anzerath’s hips slammed down with an earth-shattering thump, sending up a shockwave of disturbed dust. She had aimed it perfectly: she could feel every contour of Akane’s lips and nose against her labia. And holy fuck did that feel so good, especially as Anzerath started adjusting her position.
Then Akane regained her composure and started moving on her own. With incredible tongue strength, she slipped into the gap and started licking all around Anzerath’s pussy lips, searching for the clit. That got her good. Anzerath’s thighs clenched, and her stomach tightened, trying to fold herself up in order to escape from the overstimulation. That only made her grind against Akane’s nose in a slightly funny way, jostling something deep inside.
So Anzerath came again, more liquid spraying and dripping, this time to spill down Akane’s cheeks and neck. Out of the corner of her eye, Anzerath could see Akane’s arm rising up to give her a thumbs-up. What that meant became clear a couple of seconds later when Akane continued tongue-fucking her with wild abandon.
Still, cumming her brains out had brought Anzerath a few seconds where she could think coherently. She’d had two orgasms already, and considering the way Akane’s tongue was lapping against her sensitive folds in search of every erogenous zone she had, Anzerath was sure she was on her way to a third. But Akane had hardly even been touched yet, let alone brought to orgasm, which just felt unfair. And while it was rather difficult to reach anything stimulating when she was using Akane’s face as a bicycle seat, Anzerath had an advantage over most people in that regard: her long, flexible, muscular, and agile tail.
Finding the right area without being able to look around at it was a challenge, but after a few seconds of awkward slapping, Anzerath figured out where Akane’s pussy was. Obediently, her legs spread open as Anzerath’s tail arrived. Of course, there was relatively little she could do, given her tail was as thick around as a person’s arm and not particularly good at moving, but that was where Succubus-class magic came in.
All Anzerath had to do, she figured, was turn up the sensitivity on Akane’s clit until a few rounds of basic rubbing would get her off. She poured her magic into it, guesstimating how much she would need with the part of her brain not overly busy with approaching orgasm again. Then she cast the spell. Instantly, Akane trembled, feet kicking against the bed but getting her nowhere. The actual test came when Anzerath, aware of the sheer weight of her tail, carefully lifted it up and then, slower even than gravity, slapped it right between Akane’s legs.
She had guesstimated wrong. The soft movement, performed by two hundred pounds of dragongirl muscle, translated into a heavy slap, which was apparently enough to make Akane orgasm immediately. She bucked, surprising the dragongirl with her sheer strength as she was forced forward, suddenly creating enough of a gap that her moans could be heard.
Akane wasn’t done, of course, though Anzerath could feel the sheen of sweat across her skin. Even as she pitched forward, Akane held her in place, and the angle fell just right so that Akane could purse her lips right around the hood of Anzerath’s clit and start sucking. It was, far and away, the most intense thing Anzerath had ever felt. She screamed, her whole body surely about to explode, as her orgasm was stretched out into a long, wet, white-hot stretch of blinding pleasure.
Akane was finally exhausted—stats or not, a chubby wizard wasn’t going to have an easy time lifting the better part of a ton— and let go, causing Anzerath to slam forward onto the bed like a meteor falling to the ground. After some maneuvering, and Anzerath deactivating her dragon density, the two omegas ended up curled in each other’s arms.
“Was I good?” Anzerath said.
“Uh. You were incredible? The tail thing was inspired, I was just planning on rubbing one out after we were done.”
Anzerath laughed. “Maybe I should try turning up my density more often, then.”
“Maybe,” Akane said. “Though I still think it would have been just as good even if you hadn’t. You are, just, so hot and so fuckable and it sucks that you don’t even know that.”
Anzerath had just cum three times, but being told she was fuckable made her want to start the whole thing over again. Her hand slipped between her legs, only to rapidly run into the fact that Akane had made her clit sore. So Anzerath had no choice but to compromise with her sex drive by shoving her face into Akane’s tits.
"Don't worry, though," Akane said, patting the back of Anzerath's head and forcing her in deeper. "I'll teach you."
This chapter was commissioned from SaffronDragon, whose Patreon is here. I got a discount on this commission for promising to link to her stuff, so go pay her money to read more of her freaky lesbian porn.
If you're in the mood for things besides freaky lesbian porn, for some reason, you can also check out her publicly-available works, The Chained Flame and Swords of Selene. The Chained Flame is a story about a traumatized and sexually frustrated dragon in a setting with fairytale vibes, and it's what Saffron tells me is the story she's the most proud of. Meanwhile, Swords of Selene is a different take on a familiar premise: what if an isekai, but into a world with no men? As a bonus, she doesn't use the word "omegaverse" that makes so many people so deeply and performatively uncomfortable.
Overall, I'm quite satisfied with the money I've paid for her writing, and I think you will be, too. Go check her out!

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