A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 66

"So, all I need is samples of breast milk and cum," I said, once the door was shut. "I will need to drink some of that milk straight from your nipple, but otherwise, the process can be as hands-off as you'd... uh... like..." I trailed off as I turned around, to find Rachel already naked and laying on the bed, legs spread. "...You're aware I don't strictly need to fuck you, right?"

"Do you not want to?" Rachel asked.

"I mean, I do-"

"Then get to it," Rachel said, simply.

"It's just... I don't feel great about this, you know?" I said. "I have the impression that you're doing this because you feel obligated to return the favor after I showed up and started playing with my tinkertoys in an unusually productive way, and-"

"Roxy," Rachel interrupted me.

"You're going to tell me that your gratitude is secondary to the fact you are horny and want my dick inside you, aren't you," I said dryly.

"Ah, good, you are perceptive."

"More just experienced. You're not the first grateful elf I've taken to bed."

"Oh? Which one was your first?"

"Two at once, actually- Elendar and Neloteth Tanelye," I said. "Elendar is Neloteth's familiar, and was born without the Long-Lived 3 Trait, but, after I made Neloteth into the first elf I milked, I made a potion for Long-Lived 3 and gave a dose to Elendar, so... Neloteth was not condemned to watch her familiar age and die while she remained young."

"...They're high elves, aren't they?" Rachel asked. "Please tell me you've managed to talk them into nicknames."

"Nel and El," I said. "But... High elves? They said they were Vlandish."

"Yeah, the high elves, who live in Vilane, have a very annoying nomenclature," Rachel said. "They believe that everything has a proper name and a vulgar name, and that if something seems to only have one name, then clearly that's its vulgar name, and a proper name simply must be conjured from the aether. That's why they keep calling us 'carmine elves,' when we call ourselves wood elves, or sometimes red elves, and Carmine is a far more specific name that refers to elves born to a specific, and also extinct, bloodline that traces back to the first Red King."

"Okay, y'all are wood elves, got it," I said, nodding. "Also, if I ever meet high elves, I'll tell them that the Red King specifically ordered me to only refer to them as high elves and not as Vlandish elves or whatever new demonym they've taken up in the last twenty-odd years, and that immediately afterwards, I then had gay sex with the Red King."

"That's how you start blood feuds, but... actually, you're Dornish, you'll be fine," Rachel said.

"That reminds me- you know about Dorn? I was under the impression that the Red Forest didn't exactly have its finger on the pulse of world affairs," I said.

"Well, for one, I do have well-disguised spies who operate outside the Red Forest and use magic mirrors to keep me abreast of what's happening," Rachel said. "It's amazing how much an elf looks like a skinny human when she's wearing a hat, let alone had the tip of her ear chopped off to remove the one visible tell."


"But two," Rachel continued, "I was personally acquainted with Duke Rebecca of Tavisheim, the woman who formerly served the Vegan Crown before being exiled for her role in a rising intellectual movement that was deeply unpopular with the rest of Vega's aristocracy. Among her other unpopular claims was that we Wood Elves weren't all that bad, and that Vega should pursue peace talks and trade relations with us- something that she was already doing on her own. And... well, the word got out that I had seduced a Duke of Vega, and she was forced to flee across the sea with the followers she was able to save from the ensuing purges, and then the purge turned into a crusade. The worst we'd ever had, and the most transformative for us by far, but... in the centuries since, we've had worse crusades. There just wasn't as much left for them to destroy, those times." Rachel sighed. "But. Rebecca was a close personal friend of mine. A lover, even- we'd shared a bed a few times, back in the day, and I taught her that the stigma against two alphas loving each other was nonsense. And before she fled... she wrote one last letter to me, promising me that, one day, when it was possible, either she or her heirs would return to Azel, and save my people from the cold, red steel of House Vega."

"...And they never did," I whispered quietly.

"Oh?" Rachel asked, quirking an eyebrow. "I was led to believe you were from the Kingdom of Dorn, heir to their traditions of equality, scholastic excellence, and the intellectual humility necessary to admit when you were wrong."

"Yeah, but-"

"But nothing. Whether or not the current King Dorn sent you, you are an heir to the original King Rebecca of Dorn, and you have come to save my people from House Vega." Rachel grinned, and then wiggled her legs, reminding me of what we were here for. "And, well, even if you aren't, then you're certainly going to be the next alpha to grace my bed. Come here, girl. Show me what you've got."

"Hm? Oh, right. Sorry, all that historical exposition made me forget there was a naked elf trying to have sex with me." I shed my robe, and delighted in the dilation of her pupils and slight flaring of her nostrils as she took in the sight of my dick. Twelve inches wasn't unheard of for an alpha, but it was uncommon, and if I had to guess, she was used to beta exemplars who were, also, elves, who might not reach the extremes that other breeds were capable of.

Thankfully, everyone's holes were stretchier than they should be, so twelve inches wasn't the impediment it should be.

"That actually reminds me," I said as I climbed onto the bed. "[Grease]. How many alphas besides you are left in the forest?"

"Nn- not many," Rachel said, her hips wiggling in anticipation, before I grabbed them firmly with both hands. "We... ah... we're almost exclusively betas, these days. It's... nnnhn... We feel that, since betas are... better for bulk reproduction, then... ah, we should... and, our population is so reliant on taking familiars from unawakened breeding stock... Oh, just fuck me already, you tease!"

"As you wish," I said, before sliding myself in from tip to hilt in one smooth motion, squeezing down on her prostate at first and then rubbing past it with constant pressure.

It only took a little bit of Incubus magic to make her cum, spraying all over her chest and belly. She was a twiggy little girltwink, simply by virtue of being an elf, but as an alpha, she did still have some amount of breadth in the chest and shoulders- not much, admittedly, but still more than her girls outside. The canvas proved insufficient for her paintbrush, and a few stray streaks ended up on the bedsheets, but... eh, we had magic. I could clean her up before we went to sleep. Not that we would be doing that anytime soon, though.

"If I had to guess," I continued, starting to saw in and out slowly, as Rachel reeled from her first prostate orgasm of the evening, "then the shortage of alphas has been especially taxing for you, darling. Clearly, you've a taste for our own sex, but... if it's exclusive, if you find yourself only interested in bedding a fellow alpha, then you must've been in an absolute drought before tonight. Lucky for you..." I reached down a bit, squeezing and kneading her ass in my hands. "...I'm more than happy to make up for lost time."

Rachel mumbled something incoherent, then yelped as I smacked her gay ass.

"Buckle up, because this ride doesn't stop until I'm done."

I finally shut up (for the foreseeable future), and picked up the pace. Her ass was an absolute delight, in ways that even Nicky, my darling pillow princess with impeccably enthusiastic hole game, couldn't quite match. Rachel was tight- you'd think a twenty two year old would have that advantage over a six hundred year old, but no, Rachel's ass was full of well-developed muscles that clung to my length like I was their husband who'd just come back from the war. For all that I was doing my best to fuck her senseless, she insisted- even if maybe only instinctively- on being an active participant, moving what little she could in time with me, and yet still having an enormous impact.

She came a second time, this time shooting in a higher arc and splashing a bit more violently in the valley between her modest handfuls of breast. On the one hand, I didn't strictly need every woman I slept with to be stacked as fuck. I can acknowledge a woman as being genuinely quite sexy even if her tits are merely medium-sized. But on the other hand, I really liked big boobs, and if Rachel let me, I would absolutely be giving her potions to make her tits bigger.

I started breathing heavily. It wasn't solely because I now had the image in my head of forcefemming a gay alpha elf-king until she looked like Nicky, but that sure was helping me along.

I reached my peak not too long after, my knot swelling to fill and stretch her ass, applying that last bit of pressure on her prostate to make her cum a third time, as I reached my first orgasm. A few thick ropes filled her belly, swelling it gently, until the geyser tapered off, and I sat there, panting, as I tried to recover my composure.

"...I'm not done yet," I promised. "I'm just... taking... a little breather... oh holy shit you're good at this."

Rachel laughed, weakly.

Soon, though... I'd catch my breath and we'd get back to it.


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