A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 76

"Alright, well," I said, that evening. "Sorry that everything's been so hectic, but... I am now fully ready to initiate you two into the polycule, if you two are."

"Absolutely," Lucy said, nodding.

"Can I get a collar first?" Ariel asked. "And a cat ear headband?"

"Oh for-" Lucy began, before I casually put a leather collar around Ariel's neck. "...Um."

"And now for the other bit... there we go," I said, casting a spell to give Ariel cat ears. The Trickster Class had a humanoid shapeshifting class feature, and mage spellcasting- a standard toolbox offered by the Wizard, Sorcerer, Spellblade, Spellthief, Theurge, Ranger, Druid, and Reaver classes- could replicate class features through (grossly inefficient) spells. The end result of this was that I could, in fact, cast spells to shapeshift other people... if I was fine with spending huge amounts of magicka on the spells to the point they'd only really work on a willing subject.

One day. One day, I would have the juice to cast Forcible Catgirlification rays on people. One day, I would be able to satisfy one of the darker aspects of my TF fetish, and transform other people arbitrarily... and then I would not do that, because I do still have a functional moral compass, and understand that this would be, at best, an incredibly rude thing to do.

Still. It's something I could fantasize about.

"...I... didn't know you had collars," Lucy said.

"I have factories churning out guns, swords, houses, and clothes," I said. "Why wouldn't I have collars?"

"Well, this one is leather, and animal products tend to be a lot harder to automate than plant or mineral products," Ariel pointed out.

"Yes, well, I don't need every raw material I work with to come from my own hands," I said, shrugging. "By the standards of the culture I live in, I am very rich, and I can definitely afford to buy leather from someone else."

"Also, leather can still be automated if you get a monstergirl with the Shed Skin Trait," Ariel continued. "Which-"

"We can talk about that after we have sex," I said gently. "Lucy, is there something else you were going to say? Some preference you'd like to express?"

"...I want a collar too," Lucy said, quietly.

"Of course, kitten," I said, before pulling out another leather collar and slowly, gently, putting it on her. I passed the long end around the back of her neck, holding onto the end with the buckle, and with a slow, smooth motion, slipped the long end through the buckle, and tugged it juuuuust shy of snug, making sure I could still slip a pair of fingers under it, before I secured it in place with the buckle's prong. "There we go." I hooked a finger through the metal D-ring, meant for attaching a leash. "It looks good on you."

Lucy made an incoherent, wordless noise that sounded like nothing as much as it did a whistling kettle. I think she liked that.

Well. No "I think" about it- I knew she liked that, thanks to feedback from my Incubus class. In terms of sexual preference, I could read my partners like a book. I knew what they wanted, whether or not they'd actually say it, and...

...I could also tell that, while Ariel was confident enough to say what she wanted out loud, she was also a brat who didn't want to say what she wanted out loud; she wanted me to either tease it out of her or get so frustrated I just started using her like a toy- which, incidentally, was what she wanted in the first place. Lucy, meanwhile, was not confident enough to say what she wanted, and trying to get her to actually say it out loud was going to go nowhere due to anxiety.

(What was it with my Familiars and having anxiety? I'm pretty sure I don't have an anxiety disorder, and if I'm being honest, I don't actually find this shit cute. It's unpleasant, actually, even if I know it's a lot worse for her than it is for me.)

So... time to do what some dommes allegedly do and decide what we're going to do without consulting the subs. I mean, sure, the fantasy is that the dominant is, y'know, in charge, but in practice, the submissive is usually the one who picks the destination and often most of the route, with the dominant as just a cab driver who gets her dick wet.

Or... is that actually the case? What I usually do isn't really in the realm of dom/sub dynamics, to be perfectly honest, and also, when I do have sex with my girlfriends, it's usually me initiating, and also asking for something specific that I almost always get without complaint or negotiation or even asking for something else in return.

...Is this a sign my relationships are unhealthy? Or was this just a consequence of me knowing what they want and subconsciously going for stuff I knew they would also li-

"Roxy?" Ariel asked.

"Hm?" I said, jerking out of my reverie. "Sorry, lost in thought. Uhhhh, let's see... Lucy, you look nervous. How about we start things off simply with some mouth stuff?"

"Mmhh?" Lucy asked, wordlessly.

"How would you like, darling," I began, trying to do a bit of a seductive purr, "to get on your knees, open your mouth, and suck my dick?"

Lucy's brain blue-screened, but her body obeyed me at once, dropping to her knees and opening her mouth, even as her eyes widened in a sort of 'oh god, what?' sort of way. Then her brain caught up with what she was doing, and she blushed furiously through her purplish-blue skin.

"You okay?" I asked, reaching down and gently caressing her cheek.

Lucy nodded wordlessly, and then, after a deep breath to steel her nerves, she parted my robe to reveal my dick.

She then blushed furiously as it flopped forward, landing on her face with a meaty smack.

"Go ahead when you're ready," I said, before pulling over a chair with magic and taking a seat- near the edge, with my legs spread, so that she still had easy access to my cock.

After another deep breath, she began to slowly drag her tongue up the underside of my shaft, and I let my eyes close to release a happy sigh. Then, once she worked her way up to the tip, she opened her mouth wider, and popped the tip inside, starting to suck in earnest.

I used a bit of Incubus magic to give her an intuitive skill at oral sex; hopefully, with time and practice, she'd learn how to do it honestly, but right now, I didn't want her sexual debut to be marred by the realities of a raw beginner's toothy blowjob. Still, even with that magically-granted skill, there was no way in hell she was gonna be deepthroating me tonight, but that was just fine- with what I had planned for tonight, I didn't want her to, anyhow.

"Now, Ariel, if you could take off your top for me?" I said, turning to address the angel.

"Not unassisted," Ariel said, before fluffing her wings a little to remind me that, yep, these two did have wings, and that did mean their clothing had to accommodate that. At some point, we'd find a more elegant solution. For now...

I snapped a finger, and her shirt fell off of her in ribbons, leaving her topless, her tits bouncing a little as they dropped before settling down and coming to rest.

One little detail I noticed, aside from how lovely her tits were, was that they seemed to be exactly the same size as not only Lucy's tits, but also as Lisa's tits... and, upon a few more moments' thought, as Anzerath's tits. Well, they did all come from the Imperial Ranch, so I suppose it made sense that there was some sort of standardized figure that they all got. It did make me wonder why Anzerath was an omega, rather than a beta, but... oh well, I don't care that much.

"Now, if you wouldn't mind bringing those tits of yours in here?" I asked, beckoning her in.

"That was really hot," Ariel said, as she came in towards Lucy and I. "You, uh... do know a shirt-repair spell, though, right?"

"Yeah, I'll fix it," I said, nodding. "No, no, Lucy, keep going, don't stop, just... move over a bit."

Lucy nodded, putting the tip of my cock back in her mouth, and simply... scooting over, to make room for Ariel.

And Ariel got down on her knees, hefting her tits in both hands, and leaned forward to wrap them around the lower half of my shaft, engulfing it in a pillowy warmth that was, in all honesty, almost better than the blowjob, with the only bit missing being the wetness.

"Theeere we go," I murmured, reaching my hands out to pat both girls' heads. "Now this is fucking luxurious. I've been wanting to do this ever since I saw it in on some porn artist's Twitter..."

"What, it took until us to try this?" Ariel asked, kneading her own tits in her hands, which, to be honest, wasn't doing much for me- the motion simply didn't transfer through very far.

"...Okay, admittedly, no," I said. "I've done this with nearly everyone else, too. But that just proves that this is more than a stupid fantasy- this is also just... really, really nice. Case... in point..." I grunted. "It's been... three minutes, and I'm... oh, fuck... I'm-"

I wasn't typically this quick of a shot, but all things considered, it was probably a good thing that I didn't draw things out too long, for Lucy's sake if nothing else. So, with no particular effort to stop it, I came, spraying my load straight down Lucy's throat... and, funnily enough, getting prompted to give the Succubus class to Lucy and Ariel. What, did a titfuck on its own qualify for giving someone the Succubus class? Or... Eh, whatever.

"Succubus, huh?" Ariel asked, while Lucy swallowed the last of my load before pulling off of my cock.

"Yeah, it's a derivative of Incubus, a secret class of mine that lets me do all sorts of cool shit," I said. "Among other things, it lets me milk girls like you for Traits, and then imbue those into potions. Very nice to have, honestly."

"...That..." Lucy trailed off. "...Roxy, that's insanely powerful. You can make potions that let people have the Swordsage class, and pass it on to their kids? Hell, back in our day, the only things you could buy for that was a demon from the Ranch so your kids had a chance at having it, or a single-use Class Unlock, and both of those were expensive."

"I think the Incubus class might be the Emperor's secret," Ariel said. "If that's the case... then, those books from the Emperor, that are still sealed..."

"I understand," I said, nodding, and reaching into my inventory to produce the five sealed books from the vault. "Alright, let's see... Oh."

[This book is sealed. It can only be unlocked by someone who has the Incubus class. Unlock this book?]

I mentally answered that prompt with 'yes,' and the first book unlocked.

"Yep," I said, nodding. "The Incubus class is so overwhelmingly likely to be the Emperor's secret weapon, and the only reason I'm not certain is that the answer's probably in this book, and I might as well read the damn thing first."

It wasn't a terribly long book, all told, and as a Level 13 Wizard, reading the whole thing took me barely five minutes.

"...Yep, I was right, the old empire was built on the back of the Incubus power," I said. "Well. That was educational. Once I'm done milking you two... I've got ideas."

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