A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 85

"Ugggghhhh, this suuuucks," Vanessa moaned, face down in her book.

"Reading not cutting it for you?" I asked.

"We had a deal," Vanessa said, sitting up. "I held up my end of the bargain- I apologized to my sister, and convinced her I meant it. Yet you have not put me in a collar and taken me to bed, putting you in breach of contract."

"Don't say it like that," I pleaded, already flashing back to the trial I'd sat in on last week.

To make a very, very long story short, the new public printing presses spurred a textbook trial from the history of why copyright law was invented. Fortunately, I already understood the concept of copyright law and some of the conceptual nuances, and between the beginning of the trial and the end of it, I had enacted the New Shanghelm Copyright Edict, opened the New Shanghelm Bureau of Copyright, and retroactively granted copyright to the author who was suing the fly-by-night publisher. The publisher wasn't forced to pay damages, but they were banned from ever using the public printing presses again, and the author was financially compensated directly from the treasury.

And, because I had gotten carried away, I also announced that I would now be sponsoring the new Purpleheart Publishing House, who wouldn't just print and sell your book, but would also help edit and market your book, too.

Which, well. That led to now- or, at least, twenty minutes ago, when I'd shown up at Vanessa's apartment with the idea of getting her to start working for the PPH by reviewing manuscripts submitted for publication. The idea was, if she started reading a whole lot of books, most of which were pretty rough and unedited, then she'd have plenty of interesting and memorable anecdotes to share with her sister, instead of the admission that she really did just sit around doing nothing all day.

The problem was that, while Dorn cultivated a great love of reading and literacy, with most non-fictional and educational books being published and distributed for free by the Royal Library, Vanessa wasn't Dornish.

"Also, I did already put you in a sexy outfit," I continued, gesturing at Vanessa's new getup.

On the surface, it was your typical Slutty Librarian Chic- long sweater that came down to mid-thigh, covering everything important without really concealing it, paired with some thigh-high stockings and a cute little pair of small-lens gold-rimmed glasses that made her eyes look bigger than they really were.

Underneath that surface, however, she was wearing a hideously magical artifact that, if it became known to the world, would have multiple wars declared to try and claim it. The threads were, in fact, very fine chains of individually-enchanted rings, representing obscene amounts of invested magicka- of which, of course, I had an effectively unlimited amount- to produce a sweater and stocking set that, aside from being magically well-fitted, was also boosting Vanessa's Level 3 layabout ass to a Level 13's stats across the board.

(The glasses were pretty normal, though; just a simple enchantment on the frames to protect against eye strain. They were a common staple of the bureaucracy in the rest of Dorn, and I'd made them freely available to the public in New Shanghelm just in case anyone else wanted them. The lenses themselves, meanwhile, were enchanted to adapt to the eyes of whoever was wearing them; my own senses were acute enough that I could now tell that Vanessa was mildly far-sighted, and had simply never noticed because she didn't read that much in the first place.)

"Which helps, but I'm still not getting fucked," Vanessa complained.

"Alright, fine," I said. "But I've got conditions."

"Such as?"

"First, I need you to swear to keep a secret."

"I, Vanessa Vega," she began, utilizing her newfound stats to cast a magic oath spell, "do hereby swear to serve Roxanne Updyke with the utmost loyalty, in whatsoever capacity she so demands of me, to the ends of the earth and beyond."

"...That is significantly broader than what I asked of you, and also broader than most oaths of loyalty are."

"Yes, because those are intended to preserve some of the vassal's autonomy," Vanessa said, nodding. "Me? I don't care about autonomy. Free will? Pfft. You can have it, if you care so much. I'm just here to be a pretty little sex toy for my master."

I sighed, closing my eyes. "You know, I've got a girlfriend who is always wearing a collar, considers me her owner or master, and insists on being treated like a pet that I sometimes fuck, at all times. She's a hardcore ultra-submissive, and somehow you, a free-born human woman, are even more obsessively submissive than my foxgirl familiar."

"Sounds like she could learn a thing or two from me," Vanessa said dryly.

"Mm. Right, well, first order: for all orders after this one, you are to consider how comfortable you are with that order, and then you are to tell me if the order makes you uncomfortable, and wait for me to respond before you actually carry it out."

"Boooo," Vanessa said. "I just handed myself over to you as a willing slave on a silver platter, and you still insist on giving me free will?"

"Next order: what happens in this room until I leave is a secret, as are all ongoing effects to your system."

"Fair enough," Vanessa said, nodding.

"Now... I'll fuck you, but, we're going to play a little game with it," I said. "Pull out your cock."

She happily lifted the bottom hem of her sweater, revealing her already-hard cock.

"Put this on it, at the base," I said, handing her a magical cockring from my inventory. "Every time you cum, it'll catch all the cum in a bubble, then drop that to the side, out of the way. Here's the game: if you cum five times before I'm done, then I'll chain you to a chair until you've read that entire stack of manuscripts. If you cum ten times before I'm done, then you have to write a story of your own, no shorter than... oh, let's call it ten thousand words."

"...If you make me cum twenty times before you're done, then I'll write an entire novel," Vanessa said, her lips curling into a grin.

"You really want me to make you cum as many times as you can, huh?" I asked. "Alright, fine. But I'll hold you to that."

"Try your best," she said, spreading her legs in invitation.

I picked her up from her chair with telekinesis, and tossed her onto one of the poolside lounges- Vanessa seemed to really like the top floor, and apparently even slept here, if that hammock, pillow, and blanket setup was any indication- before approaching her myself.

She was very eager to make it as easy and comfortable as possible me to fuck her, raising up her hips and arching her back to point her pussy at me, letting the hem of her sweater fall 'up' along her chest, being caught and held up solely by the underside of those big, weighty tits of hers. And, well. If she was gonna roll out the red carpet for me, I might as well meet her halfway.

With a touch of Incubus sex magic, simply sliding myself into her brought her to orgasm in an instant, and she filled out a cum bubble the size of an apple before she finally ran dry, her mouth agape in a heady mix of shock and pleasure.

"Wow, you really needed it, huh?" I asked, before leaning in and kissing her. Her lips were so unbelievably soft and plush, in a way that almost made me forget myself and start hammering away. With my hands, I reached under her sweater, and finally, finally laid my hands on those royal tits of hers- and as far as soft and plush went, these sweater puppies made her lips feel like rocks in comparison.

Right now, making out with her and feeling her up and having all twelve inches of my meaty cock already all the way inside her, I wanted nothing more than to just rut away at her, missionary style. But, nonetheless, I pulled myself back, and pulled myself out- provoking a second orgasm from her- before flipping her over, grabbing her big breeder's hips, and ramming back in.

With every thrust of my hips, she came again, squirting a short but thick jet of cum into a small, egg-sized bubble; she wasn't as full up as she had been at the beginning, after all. Every time she came, it was marked by a sharp squeeze of her already-tight pussy, right at the moment where most of me was already in, but still thrusting in the rest. It was a powerful feeling, and I loved every second of it.

She seemed to be loving it, too, if those screams were any indication. Thank god for soundproofing, otherwise her downstairs neighbors would be pissed.

I kept up the tempo, and soon enough, I felt like I was about to cum, too. But... I couldn't. I'd made her cum a lot of times already, but not enough times for my liking. I took a quick mental tally of all those loose cum bubbles on the lounge under her, and grit my teeth, applying a touch more Incubus magic to hold myself together. Just had to hold out a bit longer.

I started to breathe heavily. I was barely keeping it together, for her sake and my own- to make her cum as many times as possible, not just because it'd be a wild fucking memory for her, but also because it'd be a point of pride for me.

I was so close to my goal. So close. So close-

I finally came, hilting myself deep inside Vanessa before inflating my knot, and started to fill her up with cum, while she started to fill up her final cum bubble. With the both of us cumming together, and me pouring in one last drop of Incubus magic to rejuvenate her poor, abused prostate, her final ejaculation was the biggest yet, and bigger than mine.

When we finally ran out of jizz, both at more or less the same time, I'd given her a fairly noticeable bulge in her belly, but she had filled out a condom that was a little bit bigger than her head.

"Hrm..." I began, trying to catch my breath. "That looks like... one, two... hrm... Ooooh, a full hundred orgasms from you, Vanessa. Looks like you owe me a five-book series now."

Vanessa, for some reason, simply moaned incoherently, as though she'd just been fucked so hard she'd cum literally a hundred times. Oh well, I'd explain what happened to her later, once she was a bit more composed.

Among other things that warranted explaining... she was now Succubus #14.

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