A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


“What the hell is going on?” Kass asked, his voice wavering.

“Before I answer that, could I clean up? I don’t want to have this conversation covered in cum,” Lilith said.

“No. I want answers, and I want them now.

“Okay. I said I was a priestess, and that’s true, just… not a priestess of Claria.”

“What are you, then? What did you do to my sister?”

“I’m fine, Kass, I’m okay,” Amelia assured.

“THEN WHY DO YOU HAVE A DICK?” Kass shouted.

“Let me explain,” Lilith said. “I’m a priestess of a goddess named Medenta. As a follower of Medenta, I have access to magical power, and I have a dick.”

“So you’re a monster.”

“No. I’m human… I think. But I will swear to you, I am on the side of humanity.”

“Okay, but then why does Amelia have a dick?”

“One of my powers, as a priestess, is I can impart magical power to other people. Which… comes with the side effect of turning them into a woman with a dick, too.”

“You expect me to to believe that?”

“It’s true,” Amelia said. “I asked her to do it.”

“HOW CAN I TRUST YOU?” Kass sounded on the verge of tears. “How can I trust that you’re my sister, and not some sort of monster or changeling?”

“Our father named you, because Mother was unconscious after you were born. You have a birthmark over your heart. You think of Mister Ostenfeld as a second father, and you worry that makes you disloyal to our birth father,” Amelia listed. “It’s me, Kass. Trust me.”

Kass’s anger had almost burned out, leaving just general confusion. “What were you two doing, before I walked in?”


“We were having sex,” Lilith interrupted. When Amelia turned to look at her, she continued.“What? It’s pretty obvious.”

“And how long have you two been-” Unsure of the right words, Kass just gestured vaguely with his hands.

“Since the first night…” Amelia said, embarrassed.

“Okay, can you please give us a moment to clean ourselves up?” Lilith interjected.

Kass, who had gone past surprise, incredulity, and shock, just said “Sure.”

Amelia cast the [Clean-Up] spell, and the various fluids coating her and Liilth’s bodies disappeared.

“You know, normally I’d be surprised by this, but I’ve just had so many incredible revelations today this doesn’t mean much for me.”

“So, does this mean you won’t tell the village about… this?” Lilith asked, hopefully.

“For now. But, trust me-” Kass’s face hardened- “If I ever think you’re a danger to the village, I’ll act accordingly.”

“Okay. But, just so you know, that line’s a bit less impactful when it’s not Milo saying it.”

“You’ve already told Milo about this?” Kass asked, all the steam taken out of him.

“Well, not about the dick, but he does know that I have magic.”


Pulling herself off of Lilith’s dick, Amelia went to go put on her dress, turning away so that Kass wouldn’t see anything more than what he’d already seen.

“So, do you have any plans for the rest of the day?”

“Not really,” Kass said. “Why, do you want to get me out of the house so you two can continue fucking like rabbits?”

“We were actually just finishing up when you interrupted us,” Lilith retorted. “And the reason I asked is because, if neither of us have anything to do, we could do some more weapon practice.”

“Please don’t fight, you two,” Amelia called over, having returned to her embroidery like she wasn’t just naked with Lilith’s dick inside her less than a minute ago,

“We’re not fighting,” Lilith and Kass said in tandem. “So, weapon training?”

“Yeah. I’ve got a few combat spells that I haven’t really had much occasion to use. If we can find somewhere good to train, that’ll help.”

“We can ask Milo if he’ll let us use his basement,” Kass mused. “You apparently told him about your magic, after all.”

“Good idea,” Lilith said. 


After a quick walk to Milo’s house, during which the two very pointedly did not talk about anything, Kass knocked on the door. “Milo, are you there?”

“Who is it?”

“Kassander and the priestess. We were wanting to use your basement for training.”

“Why not train in the square? You don’t need to use my basement,” Milo said, opening the door and motioning them inside.

“I was going to practice my magic,” Lilith said. “It’d be best if I wasn’t doing so out in the open.”

“You told Kassander you have magic?”

“It’s more like I was doing magic when he walked in,” Lilith said. “I decided to make the best of an unpredicted situation,” Lilith said, giving Kass a look that hopefully said do not tell him about the sex thing.

Kass responded with a look that said something along the lines of I do not want to have to tell Milo about the sex thing either, and the two followed Milo downstairs.

“Here’s the weapon racks. I’m going to be upstairs drafting some letters.”

Looking around the basement, it was remarkably sturdy. A candle in a metal basket illuminated the room, casting deep shadows. The racks of weapons Lilith typically saw out by the square were laid against the wall, with a sharpening wheel in the corner. How does that man carry these racks back and forth every day? This is like, solid wood! Ignoring that thought for the moment, Lilith picked up her typical daggers, her eyes alighting on a few other sets for moments, particularly one with large hoops at the edge of the hilt. Turning over to Kass, he had picked out a sword.

“So, what magic can you do?”

“So far just healing and shields,” Lilith said. “But I get better with practice. Speaking of, I can unlock a new spell. There’s one I’ve had my eye on…” she trailed off, opening her menu.

Kass spoke. “What is that. What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?”

“It looks like you’re waving your fingers randomly.”

“Well, you can’t see it, but I’m looking at a numerical representation of my power and using that power to unlock new magical abilities.”

“What magical abilities?”

“A simple passive spell that lets me regenerate simple injuries easily.”

Unblemished Beauty

Type: Toughness/Passive

Level: 1

Your body naturally removes light dirt and dust, and gives you 0.1 HP regen per second.

Cost: 1 CLP. Unlock Skill? Yes/No

Unlocking the skill, Lilith dismissed her menus. “There. Now, I won’t need to use as much magic for healing. I only get a certain amount, and it takes a while to replenish it.”

“So you heal injuries super-fast now?”

“I should.”

“Shall we test it?” Kass said, unsheathing his sword and stancing up.

“Oh, you really want to go at it?”

“Supposedly, you’ve got healing magic. If we’ve got the opportunity, why waste it?”

“Fair point,” Lilith said, grinning. “We should at least wear armor to protect our vitals. I’m not sure if I can heal super-severe things as I am right now, and I don’t want to have to find out.”

Getting out of stance, Kass went over to a separate rack, this one covered in leather armor pieces. Tossing Lilith a chestplate, he pulled on one of his own.

After putting on the armor, taking note of how it evidently wasn’t designed for someone of her body type, Lilith got into stance. “Ready?”

“Begin on three,” responded Kass. “One…”



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